Examples of the the word, unbelievable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unbelievable ), is the 9420 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. On the new songs by Wilson by saying" Brian's new creations are just, unbelievable , " Wilson was asked about if he was happy about the reunion to which he replied
  2. Mainly for those who find theology indefinite or inadequate, unreliable or, unbelievable , Its essential principles are three: (1) The improvement of this life by
  3. And future Commissioner of Baseball, Ford Brick. " Ruth was so thin it was, unbelievable , He had been such a big man and his arms were just skinny little bones, and his
  4. Ehrlich was wrong about higher natural resource prices, about " famines of, unbelievable ,proportions" occurring by 1975,about" hundreds of millions of people
  5. And uncover a different and older set of suppressed memories revealing that the, unbelievable ,memories they are about to insert are already there and are true. Adaptations
  6. Being confirmed and" told how essential it was to believe in all kinds of, unbelievable ,things ". He and his family eventually joined a Unitarian Universalist church
  7. On the new songs by Wilson by saying" Brian's new creations are just, unbelievable , " Wilson on the other hand was asked if he was happy about the reunion to which
  8. Of the" unshackled, unapologetic,and unruly" Manson had been considered" so, unbelievable ," that only seven minutes of it had originally been broadcast on The Today Show
  9. Khmer Rouge if they took power, and President Gerald Ford had warned of" an, unbelievable ,horror story. " Different estimates as to the number killed by the Khmer Rouge
  10. Quartets had been copied out. The number of errors in the parts makes it highly, unbelievable ,that he actually had them played. His String Quartet No. 2 in B major, B.17
  11. At an annual salary of $1 million. Newsweek commented," There are several, unbelievable ,things about Elvis, but the most incredible is his staying power in a world
  12. Tower project. Because of his eccentric personality and his seemingly, unbelievable ,and sometimes bizarre claims about possible scientific and technological
  13. Of the game, the White Sox four straight complete games was considered an, unbelievable ,achievement. In fact, since José Contreras pitched 8⅓ innings in game 1,the
  14. Control, and Salado Gig ante. Statistically speaking, Fama have scaled, unbelievable ,heights, carving a permanent place in the music scene. Fame are one of the few
  15. Germany, were found. In this investigation, Lavent Beria even fabricated such, unbelievable ,and unimaginable information such as Zhukov had 17 golden rings,3 gemstones
  16. Science Fiction instead. In an editorial, Campbell said:" Its power is almost, unbelievable ,; it proves the mind not only can but does rule the body completely; following
  17. Dominance of personal computing. To Motorola, POWER looked like an, unbelievable ,deal. It allowed them to sell a widely tested and powerful RISC CPU for little
  18. That" Sue was the most fearsome guitarist we’d ever heard in New York. She was, unbelievable , " Panel did not stay long in the group, and by the time of their recording
  19. Protective evil spirits and monsters of death. Of this desert many strange and, unbelievable ,marvels are told by those who pretend to have penetrated it. In his last years
  20. Against England at Wembley Stadium and made a number of breathtaking and almost, unbelievable ,saves. He was known all over the world as the" Black Spider" because he wore
  21. Miracles of conjecture ". Certainly the devastation inflicted on Ireland was, unbelievable , with the best estimate provided by Sir William Petty, the father of English
  22. In particular, had gained standards of living that would have been almost, unbelievable ,in the thirties. ” By 1959,most Britons were better off as the last vestiges
  23. Him to assassinate Kirov. This theory is bolstered by the fantastic and nearly, unbelievable ,allegations of fascist plots that accompanied Nikolaev's alleged confession
  24. Miraculous event should be labelled a miracle only where it would be even more, unbelievable ,(by principles of probability) for it not to be. Hume mostly discusses
  25. Earth, the human home world, is oppressive to an extent that would be, unbelievable ,to most contemporary humans. The entire world is under the rule of the United
  26. Killing animals in his gas oven. Disbanded also takes great pride in Bowden's, unbelievable ,turnaround, going from near dropout to straight A's in a matter of weeks. One
  27. Blunder of the first magnitude, resulting from a" frivolous attitude and an, unbelievable ,underestimation of the enemy ". Nachos asserts that Alcibiades had already
  28. To make changes in the show's scripts in order to remove what he felt were, unbelievable ,scenes or dialogue. Despite his battles, he was allowed to direct several
  29. To some Icelanders, Gunnar is a cliché, used to reference exaggerated or, unbelievable ,qualities of character. Ingot (portmanteau of“ English Socialism” ) is the
  30. Was poorly written, not funny, and the dramatic material was unconvincing and, unbelievable , Other critics felt that Coppola was too talented to be making this type of
  31. Lifestyle," Manning has said. " That is what an unbelieving world simply finds, unbelievable , " This quote appeared in the prelude to DC Talk's song" What if I Stumble? "
  32. Of socialist solidarity, the Mormons have in a few years attained a state of, unbelievable ,prosperity ". Attributing the peculiar socialist attitudes of the early Mormons
  33. An obviously mad but intrepid youth is being visited upon his whole race with, unbelievable ,ferocity. If their ever could be a justifiable war in the name of and for
  34. Appearances. Drake, who was by this time smoking what Kirby has described as ", unbelievable ,amounts" of marijuana and exhibiting" the first signs of psychosis ", refused
  35. In India. The Avatars and their stories show that god is indeed unthinkable, unbelievable ,and can take any form to protect his people. But other legend states that
  36. Work, published after the author's death, Cervantes relates the ideal love and, unbelievable ,vicissitudes of a couple, who,starting from the Arctic regions, arrive in Rome
  37. Clinton apparently considered General Petrels' reports on Iraq to be, unbelievable ,or not factual, and used the phrase" suspension of disbelief" loosely, in
  38. The Road and Wait Until Dark. The New York Times called the film a" completely, unbelievable ,but wholly captivating flight into fancy composed of unequal dollops of comedy
  39. Times of need (see Clark Kent/Superman). Super Center is capable of uttering, unbelievable ,lies without getting caught. * George W. Bush is depicted as a cretin along
  40. Reflect a society of utter futility, peopled by two-dimensional, basically, unbelievable , characters in circumstances too fantastic to evoke the reader's emotions. Much
  41. Washington Post stated,“ Blaine represented an opportunity to see something, unbelievable , ” Blaine did claim to succeed in setting a record for being fully submerged in
  42. All over the world who treasured the absurd dialogue, the bad lip-synching,the, unbelievable ,special effects, the phony profundity. So they have deliberately gone after the
  43. Guild Yearbook and Diary, Fliemoe is described as having grown up to be" an, unbelievable ,liar and an unsuccessful bully ". His name is a play on that of Flashman's
  44. In her diary about this first meeting:" This man was a writer! Him? It was, unbelievable , He was not dressed as I thought a writer should dress. " They parted after a
  45. In common beneath the surface ". Yet, as the Waiter's often comically, unbelievable ,reminiscences about his grandfather demonstrate in Celebration,Pinter's final
  46. Staring ultimate military defeat in the face would choose self-extermination is, unbelievable ,enough; but that the United States, separated from Europe by the Atlantic Ocean
  47. Both of the armies but unfortunately they are contradictory and in some cases, unbelievable , Modern Scholars estimates have varied from 6,000 to 9,000 for the Boeotian
  48. To hit Billy Joe 15 to 17 yards downfield. We practiced the play so much it was, unbelievable ,we could fumble it. I expected the handoff a bit lower, but I should have had
  49. For 'hell. ' Little invention was needed to contrive a large cast of, unbelievable ,characters and a number of interwoven plots. Though completed in 1958,the work
  50. This period in his life, he later said," I have no excuse (for) such, unbelievable ,stupidity ... I don't know how you expiate guilt. " During the Great

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