Examples of the the word, coherence , in a Sentence Context

The word ( coherence ), is the 9439 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Windows 3.11. Many who worked on OPEN LOOK at the time appreciated its design, coherence , Motif prevailed in the UNIX GUI battles and became the basis for the Common
  2. The hiring of actors, the development of a season of plays with a sense of, coherence ,among them, assistance with and editing of new plays by resident or guest
  3. Which vary randomly with respect to time and position, and thus a very short, coherence ,length. Most so-called" single wavelength" lasers actually produce radiation
  4. Are employed in applications where light of the required spatial or temporal, coherence ,could not be produced using simpler technologies. Terminology The word laser
  5. When the surfaces are at distances comparable to or smaller than the light's, coherence ,length, which for ordinary white light is few micrometers; it can be much
  6. Same definition in the more limited context of equal temperaments, calling it, coherence , Rosenberg distinguished proper from a slightly stronger characteristic he
  7. Frequency whose phase is correlated over a relatively large distance (the, coherence ,length) along the beam. A beam produced by a thermal or other incoherent light
  8. To concentrate their power at a large distance. Temporal (or longitudinal), coherence , implies a polarized wave at a single frequency whose phase is correlated over a
  9. The emitted laser light is notable for its high degree of spatial and temporal, coherence , unattainable using other technologies. Spatial coherence typically is
  10. Each sing a different song simultaneously. This use of counterpoint maintains, coherence ,even as it extends the notion of a round, familiar in songs such as the
  11. Light, the length over which the phase is correlated is called the transverse, coherence ,length. In the case of Young's double slit experiment, this would mean that if
  12. May be founded in order to facilitate the study of subjects which have some, coherence , but which cannot be adequately understood from a single disciplinary
  13. Of change within various human societies. The theory shows what Marx called a ", coherence ," in human history, because each generation inherits the productive forces
  14. Case of Young's double slit experiment, this would mean that if the transverse, coherence ,length is smaller than the spacing between the two slits, the resulting pattern
  15. Optics, normalized autocorrelations and cross-correlations give the degree of, coherence ,of an electromagnetic field. * In signal processing, autocorrelation can give
  16. Quite outstanding ... His researches, initially guided by Meyer-Eppler, have a, coherence ,unlike any other composer then or since" ( Machine 1989,177–78). Machine
  17. Experts including joint courses and exchange systems. *To enhance the, coherence ,of actions undertaken at international level in the field of civil protection
  18. Wavelengths),often not in a single polarization. And although temporal, coherence ,implies monochromatic, there are even lasers that emit a broad spectrum of
  19. A generalization of this formula may be needed to account for quantum, coherence ,effects, but in any situation where a classical notion of probability makes
  20. Underlies all rationality holds that rationality is dependent on faith for its, coherence , Under this view, there is no way to comprehensively prove that we are actually
  21. The Italians as a model colonial city)," none ... surpass Napier in style and, coherence , Hastings was also rebuilt in Art Deco style after the 1931 Hawke's Bay
  22. Wavelength, phase,and polarization. This gives laser light its characteristic, coherence , and allows it to maintain the uniform polarization and often monochromatic
  23. Proposed that the phenomenological London equations may be consequences of the, coherence ,of a quantum state. In 1953,Brian Pipped, motivated by penetration
  24. Christianity altogether. The distinction between Reformed and Catholic, and the, coherence ,of the two, is routinely a matter of debate both within specific Anglican
  25. For what many call a" civilization ". Spengler believes a civilization's, coherence ,is based on a single primary cultural symbol. Cultures experience cycles of
  26. The length over which the phase in a beam of light is correlated, is called the, coherence ,length. In order for interference to occur, the path length difference must be
  27. Spatial and temporal coherence , unattainable using other technologies. Spatial, coherence ,typically is expressed through the output being a narrow beam which is
  28. The basis of our understanding of Niger–Congo and set out the evidence for the, coherence ,of many of the families that constitute it. Much of the classification of
  29. Techniques he had gathered from the previous era to provide structural, coherence ,capable of holding together his melodic ideas. For some this marks the
  30. Group of experiences. This type of set of experiences possesses a constancy and, coherence ,that is lacking in the set of experiences of which hallucinations, for example
  31. Handful, schemes such as non-uniform memory access (NUMA) and directory-based, coherence ,protocols were introduced in the 1990s. SMP systems are limited to a small
  32. In the wave. In the case of light emitted by an atomic transition,the, coherence ,length is related to the lifetime of the excited state from which the atom made
  33. Form of apostolic succession would suggest taking a long view to survey the, coherence ,among the ancient churches. That approach will find a general agreement over
  34. Ultrasound (IVES): Ultrasonography of a coronary artery.:; Optical, coherence ,tomography (OCT): Testing through the use of optical scattering for coronary
  35. Of some features of Lisp, but are necessarily unable to bring the, coherence ,and synergy of the full concepts found in Lisp. Because of its suitability to
  36. Be smaller than the coherence length. This is sometimes referred to as spectral, coherence , as it is related to the presence of different frequency components in the wave
  37. And that marriage remains a“ hallmark convention supplying a certain degree of, coherence ,across the genre. " Following the premise A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Theodore
  38. With critical analysis, inference and synthesis; to write with accuracy and, coherence ,; and to use information and insights from text as the basis for informed
  39. Medium. Such lasers are said to be super luminescent, and emit light with low, coherence ,but high bandwidth. Since they do not use optical feedback, these devices are
  40. Logic and mathematics are actually real. Instead, all beliefs depend on their, coherence ,on faith in our senses, memory,and reason, because the foundations of
  41. Develops them before passing them on to the next generation. Further that this, coherence ,increasingly involves more of humanity the more the productive forces develop
  42. Shiny surface. At wavelengths which the cornea and the lens can focus well,the, coherence ,and low divergence of laser light means that it can be focused by the eye into
  43. Melodies, and virtuoso flourishes was merged with an appreciation for formal, coherence ,and internal connectedness. It is at this point that war and inflation halted a
  44. A bundle of interconnected perceptions linked by the property of constancy and, coherence ,; or, more accurately, that our idea of the self is just the idea of such a
  45. This would modify the London equations via a new scale parameter called the, coherence ,length. John Bardeen then argued in the 1955 paper
  46. Patterns. In the case of particles like electrons, neutrons and atoms,the, coherence ,length is related to the spatial extent of the wave function that describes the
  47. Being of a single spatial mode. This unique property of laser light, spatial, coherence , cannot be replicated using standard light sources (except by discarding most
  48. Hence their agreement about the necessity of apostolic succession). Yet such, coherence ,among the ancient churches is not exact; the broad uniformity exists
  49. Disappears very quickly, in inverse proportion to the width, due to the loss of, coherence ,of the spins,i.e. T2 relaxation. Due to exchange mechanisms, such as spin
  50. For interference to occur, the path length difference must be smaller than the, coherence ,length. This is sometimes referred to as spectral coherence , as it is related

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