Examples of the the word, gradient , in a Sentence Context

The word ( gradient ), is the 9437 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Up by the Neil/K⁺-ATPase, potassium ions then flow down their concentration, gradient ,through potassium-selection ion channels, this loss of positive charge creates
  2. From high-energy states in NADH and quinoa is conserved first as proton, gradient ,and converted to ATP via ATP synthase. This generates an additional 28
  3. Draining into the Pacific. The river's heavy flow and its relatively steep, gradient ,give it tremendous potential for the generation of electricity. The 14
  4. Again borrowed from diamond growth, use crystal growth in a temperature, gradient , or explosive shock wave. The shock wave method is used to produce material
  5. And was designed to allow ponies to carry up supplies, with a maximum, gradient ,of one in five. The path climbs steeply to the saddle by Local Mall an
  6. That the dynamic equilibrium between the velocity generated by a concentration, gradient ,given by Fick's law and the velocity due to the variation of the partial
  7. Two-hundred rivers and the introduction of salt from the South builds up a, gradient ,of salinity in the Baltic Sea. Near the Danish straits the salinity is close to
  8. Of modern hagfishes, lampreys,sharks, amphibians,reptiles, and mammals show a, gradient ,of size and complexity that roughly follows the evolutionary sequence. All of
  9. 3) and (4),to get an overall temperature gradient and combined this with, gradient ,(2),the moisture gradient , to express the above conclusions in what is known
  10. CPR to build a long stretch of track with a very steep 4.5 percent, gradient ,once it reached the pass in 1884. This was over four times the maximum gradient
  11. Climatic moisture gradient # temperature gradient by altitude # temperature, gradient ,by latitude Along these gradient s, Whittaker noted several trends that allow
  12. Kennewick Man. Genetic mapping studies by Cavalli-Sforza have shown a sharp, gradient ,in gene frequencies centered in the area around the Sea of Japan, and
  13. Food) and avoid repellents (usually poisons). In the presence of a chemical, gradient ,bacteria will chemo tax, or direct their overall motion based on the gradient .
  14. Across the mitochondrial inner membrane. The resulting transmembrane proton, gradient ,(proton motive force) is used to generate ATP, which is the universal chemical
  15. As they tunnel upward through the gel against gravity along the, gradient , Molecular biology Agar is a heterogeneous mixture of two classes of
  16. Per year. It mixes very slowly with the upper waters, resulting in a salinity, gradient ,from top to bottom, with most of the salt water remaining below 40 to 70 m deep
  17. Four main Collins in the terrestrial realm. # Intertidal levels: The wetness, gradient ,of areas that are exposed to alternating water and dryness with intensities
  18. Others in the rest of eastern Asia and most of the American continent. This, gradient ,appears as the third most important genetic movement (in other words, the
  19. In many cases, baseline separation of the peaks can be achieved only with, gradient ,elation and low column loading. Thus, two drawbacks to elation mode
  20. Species live in the sea. The salinity gradient is paralleled by a temperature, gradient , These two factors limit many species of animals and plants to a relatively
  21. By location from high to low tide # climatic moisture gradient # temperature, gradient ,by altitude # temperature gradient by latitude Along these gradient s, Whittaker
  22. Temperature gradient and combined this with gradient (2),the moisture, gradient , to express the above conclusions in what is known as the Whittaker
  23. Especially at the preparative scale, are operational complexity, due to, gradient ,solvent pumping, and low throughput, due to low column loading. Displacement
  24. Ultimately to oxygen and conserving the released energy in the form of a proton, gradient ,over a membrane (inner mitochondrial membrane in eukaryotes). Thereby, oxygen
  25. Eta = \tau/\franc (dynamic viscosity defined as shear stress per unit velocity, gradient ,). Thus, for example, the CGS unit of pressure, barye, is related to the CGS
  26. To the river. If the impermeable rocks stop the vertical flow, the west to east, gradient ,of the topography directs it to flow towards the Atlantic Ocean. Unlike the
  27. Carrier moves a proton in with each phosphate, partially dissipating the proton, gradient , Beta oxidation Fatty acids can also be broken down to acetyl-CoA by
  28. Gradient once it reached the pass in 1884. This was over four times the maximum, gradient ,recommended for railways of this era, and even modern railways rarely exceed a
  29. Is placed between a cell population and a chemo attractant. As a concentration, gradient ,develops from the diffusion of the chemo attractant into the gel, various cell
  30. To reduce efficacy of BCG vaccine in laboratory guinea pigs. The concentration, gradient ,of UVB light increases geographically closer to the Earth's equator. It is
  31. For railways of this era, and even modern railways rarely exceed a 2 percent, gradient , However, this route was far more direct than one through the Yellow head Pass
  32. Is no longer salty and many fresh water species live in the sea. The salinity, gradient ,is paralleled by a temperature gradient . These two factors limit many species
  33. Intensities that vary by location from high to low tide # climatic moisture, gradient ,# temperature gradient by altitude # temperature gradient by latitude Along
  34. And migrate" toward the smell ". The above neutrophils were placed in a, gradient ,of FLP (N-formyl-methionine-leucine-phenylalanine),a peptide chain produced
  35. Of an angle by the corresponding angle of rotation. The grade of a slope, or, gradient , is equal to the tangent of the angle, or sometimes the sine. Gradients are
  36. The radius from the axis of rotation. This result can be verified by taking the, gradient ,of the potential to obtain the radially outward force:: F_ -\franc _ m \Omega^2
  37. The coal, the deeper its rank (grade). The law holds true if the thermal, gradient ,is entirely vertical, but metamorphism may cause lateral changes of rank
  38. Found within 15 degrees of the Cretaceous South Pole. A very gentle temperature, gradient ,from the equator to the poles meant weaker global winds, contributing to less
  39. Relationship of community structure to the environment, used what he called “, gradient ,analysis” of cocaine patterns to relate communities to climate on a worldwide
  40. Prawn farming. Brackish water is also the primary waste product of the salinity, gradient ,power process. Because brackish water is hostile to the growth of most
  41. Theta, z ) with basis vectors \math bf_r, \math bf_\theta, \math bf_z, then the, gradient ,of p and the divergence of \math bf are given by: \begin \tabla p & =
  42. The location of the same point in the deformed configuration. The deformation, gradient ,is given by: \bold symbol \franc \bold symbol \math bf \dot \tabla ~. Balance laws
  43. Detectors and fraction collectors providing automation. The introduction of, gradient ,pumps resulted in quicker separations and less solvent usage. In expanded bed
  44. So for electrons a positive current results for a positive density, gradient , If the carriers are holes, replace electron density n by the negative of the
  45. To Phnom Penh. Extensive rapids run above Rachel city. From Among Cham the, gradient ,slopes very gently, and inundation of areas along the river occurs at flood
  46. That rarely exceeds 20 km in width and a steep apron that is typically 1:40, gradient , with numerous submarine canyons and channel extensions. The Engine abyssal
  47. Several trends that allow him to qualitatively establish biome-types. * The, gradient ,runs from favorable to extreme with corresponding changes in productivity. *
  48. Using the del operator and the cross product) for curl and curl F. Unlike the, gradient ,and divergence, curl does not generalize as simply to other dimensions; some
  49. Solitons in one-dimensional BECS. These topological objects feature a phase, gradient ,across their nodal plane, which stabilizes their shape even in propagation and
  50. Summed the effects of gradient s (3) and (4),to get an overall temperature, gradient ,and combined this with gradient (2),the moisture gradient , to express the

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