Examples of the the word, multicultural , in a Sentence Context

The word ( multicultural ), is the 9425 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. By land area is Cameron Parish. Some Louisiana urban environments have a, multicultural , multilingual heritage, being so strongly influenced by an admixture of 18th
  2. Of study were available in the college's five schools. The school attracts a, multicultural ,student body with representatives from almost every state and from 78 foreign
  3. Headquarters in Africa. Society and culture Nairobi is a cosmopolitan and, multicultural ,city. Since its foundation, Nairobi has maintained a strong British presence
  4. Is home to people of many historical backgrounds. Therefore, it is a, multicultural ,country as well. Since it is a multiethnic society, Peruvian people usually
  5. In poetry and post-modern fiction, and horror. There is a conscious, multicultural ,focus of the journal, both in content and in the diverse makeup of its
  6. And from many other parts of the world, the Netherlands was becoming a, multicultural ,country. In the early post-war years the Netherlands made continued attempts to
  7. A large base of Catholic traditions which provide a point of unity for its, multicultural ,society. Colombia has many celebrations and festivals throughout the year, and
  8. Conversely, Michel de Montaigne's essay" Of cannibals" introduced a new, multicultural ,note in European civilization. Montaigne wrote that" one calls 'barbarism '
  9. Advancements the state has changed very rapidly. It is a multiregional, multicultural ,as well as multilingual state like other Indian states. Some of the most
  10. Style and serves as a genealogical research center and is also home to several, multicultural ,organizations. It is the only surviving building from the Pennsylvania Dutch
  11. Inside, the pylons slowly cycle through a rainbow of colors that represents the, multicultural ,makeup of Los Angeles and can be customized to celebrate events, holidays or a
  12. In existence. ) * The Gold Dome in Oklahoma City, formerly a bank and now a, multicultural ,society and business center. * Downtown Vancouver, British Columbia, is a
  13. Have been critical of this. According to Egyptologists,Ancient Egypt was a, multicultural ,society of Middle Eastern, Northeast African, and Saharan influences.
  14. Per woman. Languages Due to its immigrant nature, Israel is one of the most, multicultural ,and multilingual societies in the world. Hebrew and Arabic are the official
  15. Which resulted in the transformation of the country into a vibrant, multicultural ,society. The second half of the 20th century was marked by relative peace and
  16. The United Nations agency has never designated any city as being the most, multicultural ,or diverse. Nonetheless, the belief in this status persisted for years, even
  17. Cape Town was the largest city in South Africa. Today it is one of the most, multicultural ,cities in the world, reflecting its role as a major destination for immigrants
  18. Regularly at Symphony Center is the Chicago Antonietta, a more diverse and, multicultural ,counterpart to the CSO. In the summer, many outdoor concerts are given in Grant
  19. Of Gothenburg, Bergsjön has 14,000 inhabitants. Biskopsgården is the biggest, multicultural ,suburb on the island Singer, which is a part of Gothenburg separated by the
  20. Inalienable" freehold title to some traditional lands. Fraser established the, multicultural ,broadcaster SBS, accepted Vietnamese boat people refugees, opposed minority
  21. Various artifacts and coins from their rule have been found that display their, multicultural ,domain. The last Shah rulers were eventually wiped out by Mahmud of Ghazi in
  22. Peaking in 1910 and 1960 had a lesser influence, but they did make Canada a, multicultural ,country, ready to accept linguistic change from around the world during the
  23. Eras. Initially an Irish and French Christian settlement, Ottawa has become a, multicultural ,- bilingual city with a diverse population. History Étienne Brulé, the first
  24. Exceptionally, Portugal and Spain in the late Middle Ages consisted largely of, multicultural ,territories fairly recently re-conquered from the Islamic states of Landaus
  25. The mainstream media using the term less, in order to characterize America as, multicultural , The study finds the term now most likely to be used by Liberals in connection
  26. Various artifacts and coins from their rule have been found that display their, multicultural ,domain. In 964 AD, the last Royal Hindu Shah was succeeded by the Jana
  27. Jewellery created through Māori influence, modern jewelry in New Zealand is, multicultural ,and varied. Artisan jewelry continues to grow as both a hobby and a
  28. Russia. The geopolitical situation between the west and the east determined the, multicultural ,and multi-confessional character of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The
  29. 50 % of Pakistanis now reside in towns of 5,000 people or more. Pakistan has a, multicultural ,and multi-ethnic society and hosts one of the largest refugee populations in
  30. Has established communities from Somalia and Sudan. Nairobi has a diverse and, multicultural ,composition, there are a number of churches, mosques,temples and gurdwaras
  31. Children use. However, after the Revenge of the Nerds' movie franchise (with, multicultural ,nerds),and the introduction of the Steve Uriel character on the television
  32. Of culture: range from the local clique, sub-culture,ethnic group, religious, multicultural , or pluralistic civilization, or the global community cultures of today. They
  33. Sexual minorities in the developed world has led to feminist, postcolonial,and, multicultural ,thought becoming significant. In Anglo-American academic political philosophy
  34. Been described as encouraging" respect for a pluralistic, multireligious and, multicultural ,society ". However, political scientists have argued that the slogan of Beings
  35. Melanesian's native inhabitants and European settlers, and is in favor of a, multicultural ,New Caledonia, better reflecting the existence of large populations of
  36. Still survives in the new nightlife, the crowds in the Herero Alto area is a, multicultural ,mix of cultures and entertainment. Caixa The heart of the city is the Caixa (
  37. To create a more efficient and productive workforce. Mali, a large, landlocked, multicultural , country in West Africa, consistently ranks low in the Human Development Index.
  38. Recent war's divisions along ethnic lines, Liberia remains a multiethnic and, multicultural ,country. Diversity has always been celebrated in Liberian culture, cuisine
  39. Ottoman elite, who were composed of myriad ethnic and religious groups. This, multicultural ,perspective of" millets" was reflected in the Ottoman State's multicultural
  40. Wine. Many restaurants can be found in Amsterdam as well. Since Amsterdam is a, multicultural ,city, a lot of different ethnic restaurants can be found. Restaurants range
  41. Kornberg in the south. Lancaster is a modern suburb. Today Nuremberg is a, multicultural ,city. 37 % of the residents have an immigrant background. Economy Nuremberg for
  42. In Germany after Berlin, Hamburg,Munich and Cologne. The city is considered a, multicultural ,city because it is home to people of 180 nationalities. In addition to the
  43. Located between the central station and Willy-Brandt-Platz, is the most, multicultural ,shopping street in Frankfurt with lots of shops that sell product mainly from
  44. Or the descendants of European settlers. Rather, it is in favor of a, multicultural ,New Caledonia that retains its existing relationship with France, of governing
  45. By selling state firms and constitutionally acknowledging the existence of a, multicultural ,and multiethnic population. Current development has led to a neoliberal
  46. In Canada have often reported that Toronto was named by UNESCO as the most, multicultural ,city in the world. Although there have been some reports suggesting that
  47. The best city for shopping, according to Forbes. Demographics Houston is a, multicultural ,city, in part because of its many academic institutions and strong industries
  48. From a pioneer outpost and small port into one of Australia's most modern and, multicultural ,cities. Its proximity to Asia makes it an important Australian gateway to
  49. In Dallas Nagy Lexicon,1897: Over the centuries Macedonia had become a, multicultural ,region. The historical references mention Greeks, Bulgarians,Turks, Albanian
  50. Since 1952,Kepaniwai Park's Heritage Gardens have memorialized Maui's, multicultural ,history. Scale models of ethnic buildings and gardens representing the

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