Examples of the the word, lame , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lame ), is the 9433 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. After Jesus' death, Peter and Paul heal the sick and cast out demons, make a, lame ,man walk, and raise the dead. Research of beliefs about miraculous healing A
  2. At Osborne House on the Isle of Wight. Rheumatism in her legs had rendered her, lame , and her eyesight was clouded by cataracts. Through early January, she felt "
  3. At least once each year in December. That requirement created a mandatory, lame ,duck session following each federal election. The amendment was ratified on
  4. In November, it did not come into office until the following March, with a ", lame ,duck" Congress convening in the interim. As modern communications and travel
  5. As a result of their livelihood. Consequently, the mythic image of the, lame ,smith is widespread. Comparative mythology Parallels in other mythological
  6. She was best known for ordering her male servants to be crippled" as the, lame ,best perform the acts of love ". *Pareto and Photo, two little-known Amazons
  7. Of the Church. We see him in the company of Peter at the healing of the, lame ,man in the Temple (Acts 3:1 sqq. ). With Peter, he is also thrown into prison (
  8. The ticket by President Andrew Jackson in favor of Martin Van Buren. Already a, lame ,duck Vice President, he was elected to the Senate by the South Carolina state
  9. And so accidentally struck himself with one of the lions causing him to become, lame ,; Nebuchadnezzar, into whose possession the throne subsequently came, shared a
  10. An ancient tribe native to that island. In every case, he remained forever, lame ,as a result of the fall. Return to Olympus Hephaestus was the only god said to
  11. 25 March 1595 Oxford offered to attend Lord Burgher at his house 'as well as a, lame ,man might ', but whether his lame ness resulted from the injuries sustained in
  12. A timely manner. Each institution could do this on the theory that at best,a, lame ,duck Congress or administration had neither the time nor the mandate to tackle
  13. Change eliminated any reference to a requirement in the Constitution that a, lame ,duck Congress meet in the period between the election of a new Congress and its
  14. Fall from Olympus Hera threw Hephaestus out of heaven in disgust because he was, lame ,(even though Hera was the goddess of family); alternatively, he was rendered
  15. Said," We hope the strip proves to be as predictive as it is consistently, lame , " Criticism Charles M. Schulz of Peanuts called Trudeau" unprofessional" for
  16. The main character is transported into the prehistoric past by the magic of a ", lame ,demon" ( a French pun on Boitard's name),where he encounters such extinct
  17. Words that have passed out of use because of negative connotation. The word, lame ,from above, having faded from the vernacular, was revitalized as a slang word
  18. Whether the animal was acceptable" ( Mason 143),were offering blind, lame ,and sick animals for sacrifice because they thought nobody would notice. In
  19. In the modern age. From the early 19th century onward, it also meant that the, lame ,duck Congress and/or Presidential administration could, as in the case of the
  20. By whining about the help he needs with this and that. Moreover, Parish is, lame ,and has a sick wife, and honestly needs help — Niggle, having a good heart
  21. Shatner's deceased Kirk character, but could not devise a way that was not ", lame ,". And that he was" kidding" Abrams about not offering him a cameo. Reception
  22. The founding and guidance of the church. He is with Peter at the healing of the, lame ,man in the Temple. With Peter, he is also thrown into prison. He is also with
  23. Even though Hera was the goddess of family); alternatively, he was rendered, lame ,by the fall. In the Homeric account, he then fell nine days and nights and
  24. Deformation as incompatible with her medical history. Anne's gout rendered her, lame ,for much of her later life. Around the court, she was carried in a sedan chair
  25. Young Hawthorne was hit on the leg while playing" bat and ball" and became, lame ,and bedridden for a year, though several physicians could find nothing wrong
  26. Control of Congress in the 1874 election for the first time in 20 years. In the, lame ,duck session, with Garfield's support but mixed reaction, Congress passed a
  27. End. The musical received poor reviews from British critics who called it ", lame ," and its songs" reminiscent of the Eurovision Song Contest ". At the 2002
  28. Not been able to write ", and asking that Cecil" bear with the weakness of my, lame ,hand ". On 4 December Oxford wrote again to Cecil, expressing shock that Cecil
  29. Loved ". On 17 March 1883,she fell down some stairs at Windsor, which left her, lame ,until July; she never fully recovered and was plagued with rheumatism
  30. Argonaut Parsimonious," son of Hephaestus" ( i.e. a bronze-smith) was also, lame , Other" sons of Hephaestus" were the Camera on the island of Samothrace;
  31. But the Invention of a barbarous Age, to set off wretched matter and, lame ,Meter; grace't indeed since by the use of some famous modern Poets, carried
  32. Gods like Hephaestus ". Symbolism Hephaestus was reported in myth as color,", lame ,", and pedants," halting ". He was depicted with crippled feet, and misshapen
  33. Result of his fall from Olympus. In vase-paintings, Hephaestus is usually shown, lame ,and bent over his anvil, hard at work on a metal creation, his feet sometimes
  34. Operations, and while William's was successful Robert was left partially, lame , So while other boys roughed it outside, Robert was content to stay indoors and
  35. To Will; in one metaphor, Schopenhauer compares the human intellect to a, lame ,man who can see, but who rides on the shoulder of the blind giant of Will.
  36. Signified" lame ", according to Detainee and Verdant. The Camera were seen as, lame ,too. In some myths, Hephaestus built himself a" wheeled chair" or chariot
  37. Lamb chops),people make the mistake of writing lame novelette (, lame , or paralyzed, chops ). The original message can even be reversed, as when
  38. Psychics, and the adjective karkinopous (" crab-footed" ) signified ", lame ,", according to Detainee and Verdant. The Camera were seen as lame too. In
  39. Democratic city councilman Rodney Glassman in the general election. In the, lame ,duck session of the 111th Congress, McCain voted for the compromise Tax Relief
  40. Episode, acted out by dwarf pygmies with negroid attributes, and an aged and, lame ,Odysseus leaning on a staff; they are the mute survivors of some rustic comedy
  41. By the East Germans made his government look weak. His" reaction was ..., lame ,;" he eventually flew to Berlin, but he appeared to have" lost his once
  42. C. Fletcher, on January 11, 1865. Winning re-election, Lincoln pressed the, lame ,duck 38th Congress to pass the proposed amendment immediately rather than wait
  43. Of a solicitor, Scott survived a childhood bout of polio in 1773 that left him, lame , To cure his lame ness he was sent in 1773 to live in the rural Borders region
  44. Reporter described Cruz's performance as being" outstanding in an otherwise, lame ,male fantasy film" and MSNBC film critic Alonso Durable praised Cruz and her
  45. Honorable a seat as Fear, he would grind down Loki, and make all of his limbs, lame , Loki refers to Bigger in terms of a dog, and says that Bigger is always
  46. The craftsman-god Ptah was a dwarf. *In Norse mythology there was the, lame ,bronze worker Wetland the Smith. Minor planet The minor planet 2212 Hephaestus
  47. Defers a definitive answer until more is known about it. Tyrtaeus,a, lame ,Athenian warrior-poet, became advisor of the Lacedaemonians in their
  48. Primary election, carpetbagger (after the Civil War),repeater, lame ,duck and pork barrel. Some of these are internationally used (for example
  49. Suggested folk etymologies or acronyms for kludge or kluge is from clumsy, lame , ugly, dumb,but good enough, or klutzy, lashup, under,going, engineering.
  50. His baseball appointment was announced in November 1920. On February 2,1921, lame , duck Congressman Benjamin F. Welt (Democrat-Ohio) offered a resolution

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