Examples of the the word, bhang , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bhang ), is the 9429 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Sometimes called Lola (meaning water balloon). Also, a lot of people mix, bhang , in their drinks and food, as also done during Shivaratri. It is believed that
  2. Ecstasy. The hang sect of the Sikh community are one of the consumers of, bhang , and in their terminology, it is called Sukhnidhan. It started as an ayurvedic
  3. Of historic Sikh shrines are an exception and consume an intoxicant called, bhang , ( cannabis) to help in meditation, saying that it is Puritan Mariana (Punjabi
  4. Commonly made of almonds, pistachios,rose petals, etc.),sometimes containing, bhang , ( Cannabis indica). For wet colors, traditional flowers of Plash are boiled
  5. Containing hang are also sometimes eaten. Rajasthan is known to have licensed, bhang , shops,and in many places one can buy hang products and drink hang Lassie.
  6. Has been used as a cheap intoxicant for centuries in India. In Hindu mythology, bhang , is associated with Shiva as it is believed that he keeps himself intoxicated
  7. Stream. The same effect can be had by eating a sweet after one had a glass of, bhang , Flavored milk shandies as in India also exists, but more often without hang.
  8. Of the festival. Vast quantities of liquor are consumed alongside ganja and, bhang , which is sometimes added to foodstuffs.; Bengal On the DOL Purim day in the
  9. But the hub of hang use is Varanasi or Bananas, the Land of Shiva, where the, bhang , is prepared on its famous ghats. Anywhere on the ghats, one can find large
  10. Which in this context means candy or pill in Hindi). Culture Being so ancient, bhang , has become an integral part of Indian tradition that it has become symbolic for
  11. Suggested the potion may have also contained hashish, name Giles1897/>, bhang , name Giles1948/> shang-luh, name Gordon1949/> or opium. Name
  12. And replaced with Baba Baltic Singh, who agreed to shun the consumption of, bhang , The Basis, who consider themselves as denomination of Sikhism, lay emphasis
  13. Drinks are also enjoyed by much of the public. The common man's Pakistani, bhang , drink is often less elaborate. It is usually just almonds, cannabis and water.
  14. Is common in India; according to a legend, even the Hindu God Shiva was fond of, bhang , ( cannabis) and it became his favorite food. In 2001,Baba Santa Singh, the
  15. Encountered by the Sikh religion. Preparation The tradition of consuming, bhang , during Hold is particularly common in North India where Hold itself is
  16. On top. Hang Lassie Hang (orb hung) Lassie is a special Lassie that contains, bhang , a liquid derivative of cannabis (marijuana),which has effects similar to
  17. With 20 chiefs of Ni hang sects refused to accept the ban on the consumption of, bhang , by the highest Sikh clergy. Baba Santa Singh was excommunicated and replaced
  18. Bhang. Flavored milk shandies as in India also exists, but more often without, bhang , History Hang was first used as part of the Hindu rite in India around 1000 BC
  19. A herb which robs them of their reason (Burton theorizes that this might be, bhang , ),prior to fattening them for the table. Sinbad realizes what is happening
  20. The ghats, one can find the large number of men engaged in the process of preparing, bhang , Using mortar and pestle, the buds and leaves of cannabis are ground into a
  21. In many parts of India and mainly sold during Hold, when pagodas containing, bhang , are also sometimes eaten. Rajasthan is known to have licensed hang shops, and
  22. To alcohol; this is often referred to casually, if inaccurately, as a ", bhang , lassi" ( Lassie being a better-known and similar drink). Hang is also mixed
  23. Cow, owl,crocodile, lizard,rat, or other vermin. Liquors are forbidden, bhang , and ganja are used. Most Bhatia marriages are celebrated with Hindu weddings
  24. 1948:72) identifies" hemp-bubble-powder" as" something akin to hashish or, bhang ,". Faith (1966:3) quotes the biologist Erich Hauer's" opinion that Maria
  25. Which is just freshly ground hemp with water. Apart from this, sweetened,hang, golis are also widely available. These are not considered a drug, but a
  26. Work of a shaman or apothecary in a tea, admixture,or potion like ayahuasca or, bhang , More broadly, the term estrogen is used to refer to any psychoactive
  27. All Mondays of Caravan month, ( DOLL of Kashivishwnath on last Monday, bhang , is served as Prasad of Shiva),Mahashivratri, Samoti Amass, and all other
  28. Licensed hang shops, and in many places one can buy hang products and drink, bhang , lassis. However, the term" hang Lassie" is more often a misnomer, as it is
  29. Folk etymologies also trace the name to the Austria Tonga (a sun god) and, bhang , a preparation of cannabis.: :East Pakistan (, Purbo Pakistan),a former name:
  30. Pain from battle wounds, and digestive assistant. However, today abuse of, bhang , has become an addiction among the Ni hangs. And one of major problems
  31. In the medicinal properties of the cannabis plant. If taken in proper quantity, bhang , is believed to cure fever, dysentery and sunstroke, to clear phlegm, quicken
  32. Rajasthan is known to have licensed hang shops, and in many places one can buy, bhang , products and drink hang Lassie. However, the term" hang Lassie" is more
  33. As Sharpie is a drink popular in many parts of India which is made by mixing, bhang , with shandies, a cold beverage prepared with almonds, spices (mainly black
  34. Associated with Shiva as it is believed that he keeps himself intoxicated with, bhang , so that the world remains safe from his anger. Hang is distributed as a
  35. Appetite while others do it to relieve themselves of stress. But the hub of, bhang , use is Varanasi or Bananas, the Land of Shiva, where the hang is prepared on
  36. From Sanskrit भक्ति Shakti, which means" loyalty ".; Hang: from Hindi भांग, bhang , which is from Sanskrit भङ्ग bhang ra" hemp ".; Bid: through Hindi बीड़ी
  37. Cult of personality, perhaps fueled by his consumption of copious amounts of, bhang , and boga, and assigned himself titles such as the" Unique Miracle" and "
  38. Is more often not used. However, it is said that sugar increases the kick of, bhang , ( THC) since it will be more readily absorbed by the blood stream. The same
  39. Scientists working on the project. The name is derived from the Indian word ", bhang ,", a locally grown variety of cannabis which is smoked or drunk to induce
  40. Appetizer. Hang is also part of many ayurvedic medicinal preparation, i. e., bhang , powder is available at ayurvedic dispensaries throughout the country. Hang I
  41. Places one can buy hang products and drink hang Lassie. However, the term ", bhang , lassi" is more often a misnomer, as it is almost always made with shandies, a
  42. As the king of Van gala. Some accounts claim that the word may derive from, bhang , a preparation of cannabis which is used in some religious ceremonies in Bengal
  43. In Jailer Fort, Rajasthan. The proprietor offered him three varieties of, bhang , lassi:" normally strong,super-duper sexy strong, and full power 24 hours, no
  44. And people dance to the tune of Dooley and the spirit of Hold. Intoxicating, bhang , is consumed with a variety of mouth watering delicacies such as pagodas and
  45. This technique has been used for thousands of years in India to make the drink, bhang , Some authors claim that oral consumption of cannabis, when properly cooked, is
  46. Has now become synonymous with the Hold festival, to the point where consuming, bhang , at that time is a standard practice. It is also available as Hang golds (
  47. Taken in different forms such as smoke, mixed with sweets and drink. Offering, bhang , to lord Shiva is a common practice during the festival. William P." Bill "
  48. Is filtered through a muslin cloth, while more water is being added (to the, bhang , in the muslin cloth). Sugar can be added, but is more often not used. However
  49. Ground into a green paste. To this mixture milk, ghee and spices are added. The, bhang , base is now ready to be made into a heavy drink, thandai, an alternative to
  50. Alertness to the body. In Nepal, on the day of Hindu festival Maya Shivaratri, bhang , is taken in different forms such as smoke, mixed with sweets and drink.

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