Examples of the the word, industrialized , in a Sentence Context

The word ( industrialized ), is the 9441 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The mid-1980s. At the time of its independence in 1960,DRC was the second most, industrialized ,country in Africa after South Africa; it boasted a thriving mining sector and
  2. Of Yugoslavia in 1991,SR Croatia was the second most prosperous and, industrialized ,area (after SR Slovenia),with a per capita output more than one-third above
  3. Of Canadians nationally, and resulted in Canada being placed first in the, industrialized ,world in marijuana use. With the actual growing of marijuana, British Columbia
  4. Growth in the medium term will continue to depend on income growth in the, industrialized ,world, especially in the United States, from which about one-third of all
  5. Groups. This policy, combined with increasing Nazi propaganda especially in the, industrialized ,German-speaking Sudetenland, led to unrest among the non-Czech population. The
  6. Other minority communities similarly mischaracterized. At least in the western, industrialized ,countries and Japan, since the 1980s sadomasochists have begun to form
  7. A useful example: a country which has the lowest rate of sexual crimes of all, industrialized ,nations while being well known for its comprehensive BDSM and bondage
  8. Land surrounding the Detroit River is urbanized and, in some places, heavily, industrialized , This has resulted in excessive water pollution from the unregulated dumping of
  9. Had been paid off, Finland – poor in certain resources necessary for an, industrialized ,nation (such as iron and oil) – continued to trade with the Soviet Union in
  10. That the costs of war would rise further, making war difficult and costly for, industrialized ,nations. Cob den believed that military expenditures worsened the welfare of the
  11. 978,for Book land, and calculating a new check digit. Commercial publishers in, industrialized ,countries generally assign ISBNs to their books, so buyers may presume that the
  12. Are 20 times greater (as a percentage of GDP) in developing countries than in, industrialized ,countries. Etymology The word disaster is derived from Middle French disaster
  13. The entire Jewish population that the extermination camps were built and, industrialized ,mass slaughter of Jews began in earnest. This decision to systematically kill
  14. Steam engines as the prime mover on all non-electrified railroads in the, industrialized ,world. The first diesel locomotives appeared in the early 20th century, and
  15. Hinterland were included within Regierungsbezirk Dancing in West Prussia. Ebbing, industrialized ,under the sovereignty of the Hohenzollern kings in Berlin. In 1828 the first
  16. By names such as the West Country in England, the Black Country (a heavily, industrialized ,part of England)," Constable Country" ( a part of East Anglia painted by
  17. Chance that either the United Kingdom or France would enter the war. The more, industrialized ,economy of the North aided in the production of arms, munitions and supplies
  18. Between 1800 and 1860 as the North, which phased slavery out of existence, industrialized , urbanized and built prosperous farms, while the deep South concentrated on
  19. Operated differently, yet each was identically designed for quick and efficient, industrialized ,killing. To wit, SS Obersturmführer Kurt Ger stein, of the Institute for Hygiene
  20. Duty-free from other developing countries (electronic parts are imported from, industrialized ,Puerto Rico) and put together in the free zones. Products created are
  21. In agriculture. By 1991 the country was completely transformed into a modern, industrialized ,state. By the same time, the Croatian Adriatic coast had taken shape as an
  22. Costs and reduce agricultural output, causing food shortages. Modern or, industrialized ,agriculture is dependent on fossil fuels in two fundamental ways: 1) direct
  23. Historically been predominantly agricultural, New Castle County has been more, industrialized , The state ranks second in civilian scientists and engineers as a percentage of
  24. Of antioxidants as dietary supplements and these are widely used in, industrialized ,countries. These supplements may include specific antioxidant chemicals, like
  25. Operation Bootstrap (" Operation Manor à la Bra" ), ambitious projects which, industrialized ,Puerto Rico in the mid-20th century. Biology Richard Dawkins in his book River
  26. The widespread construction of well insulated and sealed homes in the northern, industrialized ,world has led to radon becoming the primary source of background radiation in
  27. Cryonics plans are“ affordable for the vast majority” of people in the, industrialized ,world who really want it and plan for it in advance. With the advent of
  28. Private businesses or capitalism. To propel the country towards a modern, industrialized ,communist society, Mao Zedong instituted the Great Leap Forward in the early
  29. In costs together with already high costs of living in Europe and other, industrialized ,nations resulted in a steady decline in the number of missionaries able to pay
  30. The provinces subdivide into 264 municipalities. Economy Bulgaria has an, industrialized , open free-market economy, with a large, moderately advanced private sector and
  31. In intraday trading before closing at 5048.62) during which stock markets in, industrialized ,nations saw their equity value rise rapidly from growth in the more recent
  32. United States Department of Energy and other technology-related agencies. Many, industrialized ,nations also began to utilize EVM in their own procurement programs. An
  33. The United States. Manufacturing El Salvador historically has been the most, industrialized ,nation in Central America, though a decade of war eroded this position. In 1999
  34. As a nation. In modern times, as a European people living in a highly, industrialized ,area, cultural differences from the rest of Europe are inevitably blurred
  35. For analgesia is generally considered a primitive practice in virtually all, industrialized ,countries today. The use of adjuvant analgesics is an important and growing
  36. In central and Eastern Europe, the Czech Republic has one of the most developed, industrialized ,economies. It is one of the most stable and prosperous of the post-Communist
  37. well-being of workers will contribute only to the strengthening the power of, industrialized ,nations (often termed the" North" in opposition to the developing world's "
  38. Chiefly carbon dioxide, from the widespread use of engines in the modern, industrialized ,world is contributing to the global greenhouse effect – a primary concern
  39. To 15.6 % in 2005. Canada has not suffered as greatly as most other rich, industrialized ,nations from the pains of the relative decline in the importance of
  40. Valley, the Dillon industrial and made Belgium one of the top three most, industrialized ,nations in the world from 1830 to 1910. However, by the 1840s the textile
  41. More control over their abundant natural resources, especially energy reserves;, industrialized ,Central Canada is concerned with its manufacturing base, and the Atlantic
  42. Are integrated with the rest of Europe. Its location at the heart of a highly, industrialized ,region helped make it the world's 15th largest trading nation in 2007. The
  43. PH readings in rain and fog water of well below 2.4 have been reported in, industrialized ,areas. And areas down-wind from them. These areas all burn sulfur-containing
  44. Less than half of all U. S. public school employees were teachers. * Out of 21, industrialized , countries,U. S. 12th graders ranked 19th in math,16th in science, and last in
  45. Suffered greatly from its loss and from the end of mercantilism. Having never, industrialized , the region went from being one of Spain's wealthiest in the early 19th
  46. Biotechnology, indigenous rights, virtual communities, and the anthropology of, industrialized ,societies. Controversies about its history Anthropologists, like other
  47. Countries; socioeconomically deprived people are at higher risk. In, industrialized ,countries the incidence rate decreased in children but increased among the
  48. Of it. Epilepsy's approximate annual incidence rate is 40–70 per 100,000 in, industrialized ,countries and 100–190 per 100,000 in resource-poor countries; socioeconomically
  49. Slovakia and Carpathian Ruthenium. Its territory included some of the most, industrialized ,regions of the former Austria-Hungary. Ethnicity The new country was a
  50. Starting in 1990,paying for a mission became easier on those called to work in, industrialized ,nations. Missionaries began paying into a church-wide general missionary fund

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