Examples of the the word, vp , in a Sentence Context

The word ( vp ), is the 9428 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Requirement. There is currently a proposal (Government Proposal HE 222/2010,VP, ) to change this and other related laws, which may result in changes as to how
  2. Vgu is the velocity of the small arm expressed in feet per second (ft/s)., vp , is the velocity of the projectile expressed in feet per second (ft/s). Vc is
  3. Näst Lang gate western till VP med then range trapped grand, som lower, vp , till Suarttmuncke closer. * Modern Swedish: ... nor on Järntorget infill
  4. A pre-war Perinatal chophouse. Collections and Exhibitions The collections in, vp , consists of works from international contemporary artists. A more permanent
  5. Submitted as a report to the Finnish Parliament in November 2008 (VS 6/2008,VP, ). On account of the general development of the economy and the structural
  6. Is one. If K is a finite extension of the panic numbers Up, and if, vp , denotes the panic valuation, then: \chi (G_K, M)=PA where K: Up is the degree
  7. 1962-63 and the spy-themed" U. N. C. L. E." in 1964-65. From 1969-71,he was, vp , in charge of production at Ray Stark's Raster Prods., which during his tenure
  8. 2007). JPG|East side Image: Side VP 01. JPG|South side Image: Side, vp ,04. JPG|West side Image: Side niche. JPG|Niche with altar Image: Side Aras 03.
  9. Of twenties, curranto pace; a figure of eight, three singles broken down, come,VP, meet two doubles, fall back, and then honor. The opening is the same as the
  10. n)! The second pass (back-substition) back sub: do i = n-1,1,-1 x (i) = (, vp , ( i) - c (i)*x (i+1))/BP (i) end do back sub end subroutine solve_trading
  11. Companies in the world. Prior to becoming co-owner of Studio 2000,McKay was, vp , of marketing for Falcon Entertainment. He left Falcon in 2005,and purchased
  12. The phase velocity is: v_p \franc \sort and the group velocity is VG do/DK ½, vp , Waves on a string For an ideal string, the dispersion relation can be written
  13. The b and v variables so that they are unaltered by this sub BP (1) = b (1),VP, ( 1) = v (1)! The first pass (setting coefficients): first pass: do i = 2
  14. Phenomenon such as light or sound in a reference medium to the phase speed, vp , of the wave in the medium in question:: n = \franc. It is most commonly used in
  15. Of the wave, \omega = 2 \pi \nu is the angular frequency of the wave, and,VP, is the phase velocity of the wave. For the special case of an electromagnetic
  16. Proportional to the velocity component of the surface in measurement direction, vp , and it can be said that:: f_\text \franc \franc \sin \var phi: FD = Doppler
  17. Index of a material is defined as the ratio of c to the phase velocity, vp , in the material: larger indices of refraction indicate lower speeds. The
  18. The, bat,eats,a, cat,). Parse_tree = s (NP (d (the),n (bat) ), vp , ( v (eats),NP (d (a),n (cat) )) )?; Other uses Dogs can serve as a
  19. I will compile some stately fable in manner of a history: in it will I fold, vp , strange events and mingle together arms, marriages,bloodshed, mirth with many
  20. Image: San_Miguel_DE_Escalade_ (2007). JPG|East side Image: Side, vp ,01. JPG|South side Image: Side VP 04. JPG|West side Image: Side niche.
  21. Finally, the title has been altered to Veers Vishnuvardhana. Cast Vue Privet, vp , is an art gallery space located in Singapore as well as an E-commerce website.
  22. 8),dimension (n),intent (out):: x real (8),dimension (n):: BP, vp , real (8):: m integer i! Make copies of the b and v variables so that they are
  23. The panic valuation of a rational number q is defined to be the integer, vp , ( q),such that: q = PA \franc, where both r and s are not divisible by p. For
  24. VP). Noun_phrase (NP (D, N )) → DET (D),noun (N). Verb_phrase (, vp , ( V, NP )) → verb (V),noun_phrase (NP). Det (d (the) ) → the. Det
  25. Debate. The value premise is sometimes referred to as the" value" or simply ", vp ,". The value premise is not to be confused with the value criterion, which is
  26. Alt: -100000.00. 42849672.95 BY .01 (altitude in meters) six, hp,VP, : 0. 90000000.00 (size/precision in meters) An example DNS LOC resource
  27. Of the ANC-aligned kwaZulu-Natal Hostel Resident's Association. He died, vp ,2nd November 1999 at Montville near Durban aged 35,buried 14th November 1999
  28. The average speed rather than the whole distribution. The most probable speed, vp , is the speed most likely to be possessed by any molecule (of the same mass m
  29. Whole space, with only one frequency) propagate is called the phase velocity, vp , An actual physical signal with a finite extent (a pulse of light) travels at
  30. Modulus μ, and the density ρ0. In terms of these parameters, the P-wave speed, vp , and the S-wave speed vs are: \begin v_p &= \sort \\ v’s &= \sort. \end These
  31. Shewing the diversities of sundries instruments applied thereunto. Patched, vp , as plainly together, as boldly offered to the courteous view and regard of all
  32. i) - m*c (i-1) VP (i) = v (i) - m*VP (i-1) end do first pass x (n) =, vp , ( n)/BP (n)! The second pass (back-substition) back sub: do i = n-1,1,-1 x
  33. Christie and" The Arch of Triumph" starring Anthony Hopkins. He worked as, vp , production in 1986 for World Media Prods. Among his survivors is his daughter
  34. Image: cloche am. JPG|AM cloche Image: cloche lg. jpg|LG cloche Image: cloche, vp , JPG|VP cloche Image: cloche GDP. JPG|VDP cloche Retractable turrets The line
  35. Which by and by black night doth take away, : Deaths second self that deals, vp , all in rest.: In me thou meet the glowing of such fire, : That on the ashes of
  36. Name of the hail Kirk, and it is penuche that that assist be devotion lift and, vp , thair minds to God or saying there akin private orisons, and that bet hair
  37. Without any collar to defend Thar thrones, and oftentimes they train them, vp , in fighting and wrestling with a man having for the safeguard of his life
  38. Firstpass: do i = 2,n m = a (i)/BP (i-1) BP (i) = b (i) - m*c (i-1),VP, ( i) = v (i) - m*VP (i-1) end do first pass x (n) = VP (n)/BP (n)! The
  39. Vgu is the velocity of the small arm expressed in meters per second (m/s)., vp , is the velocity of the projectile expressed in meters per second (m/s). Vc is
  40. Tartan or his son Henri Tartan: * In exterior algebra: Suppose that v1,..., vp , are linearly independent elements of a vector space V and w1,..., wp are such
  41. In its final couplet:“ Whose loft argument uplifting me, / shall lift you, vp , vnto a high degree. ” The sonnets from the period before Pentecost are
  42. Of the wave. For the special case of an electromagnetic wave in vacuum, where,VP, = c, k is given by: k = \franc\; \;, where E is the energy of the wave, ħ is the
  43. We can express the synchronous frequency f0 of the device with phase velocity, vp , and pitch p as:: f_0 = \franc The synchronous frequency is the natural frequency
  44. Relationship between wavelength λ, frequency ν, and the speed of propagation, vp , is:: \lambda \nu = v_\text Since the wave number k, is the inverse of wavelength
  45. And medical ethics expert Alexander Morgan Apron, Matina S. Corner, former,VP, of human resources, TIAA-CREF, and former president of Radcliffe College
  46. Of the wave, \omega = 2 \pi \nu is the angular frequency of the wave, and,VP, is the phase velocity of the wave. Wave number–frequency diagrams are a common
  47. Old Swedish: ... Borden for Järntorgitt last Lang gate western till, vp , med then range trapped grand, som lower VP till Suarttmuncke closer. * Modern
  48. Van den Play 1500 reg 1981 1485 cc. JPG|Van den Play 1500 1981 File: Maestro, vp , JPG|Van den Play 1500 interior From 1985 to 1989,Austin Rover made upmarket
  49. Cole's family as they began their weight loss journey," said Mike Duffy, senior,VP, at RDF USA. " With four different perspectives, every viewer has someone they
  50. A 'crew' of courtier poets: And in her Majesties time that now is are strong, vp ,another crew of Courtly makers Noble men and Gentlemen of her Majesties one

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