Examples of the the word, crisp , in a Sentence Context

The word ( crisp ), is the 9424 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Next day. This pioneering method reduced crumbling and kept the chips fresh and, crisp ,longer. This innovation, along with the invention of cellophane, allowed potato
  2. Are formed pieces of stainless steel that, when compressed, give the user a, crisp , positive tactile feedback. These metal types of dome switches are very common
  3. Graphite. While poly domes are typically cheaper than metal domes, they lack the, crisp ,snap of the metal domes, and usually have a lower life specification. Poly domes
  4. When struck closed or played with the pedal, the hi-hat gives a short, crisp , muted percussive sound, sounding like and referred to as a" chick ".
  5. With the MOS Technology 8580 in 1987. The 6581 sound quality is a little more, crisp , and many Commodore 64 fans prefer its sound. The main difference between the
  6. Olive oil *Pane classic integral - unsalted bread made with semolina with a, crisp ,crust *Schiacciatina - made with a fine flour, salt dough with yeast and olive
  7. Surrounding area are increasingly commonly festooned with tied bits of plastic, crisp ,packets and the like rather than 'white pieces of silk '. Abergavenny ()
  8. S most important games for England. Charlton opened the scoring with a, crisp ,side-footed finish after a run by Roger Hunt had forced the Portuguese
  9. Starch to them as the clean clothes were being ironed. Aside from the smooth, crisp ,edges it gave to clothing, it served practical purposes as well. Dirt and sweat
  10. Hollywood Hills. Eakins described the look of the fantasy scenes as being very, crisp , monochromatic, and highly lit in order to afford greater depth of focus.
  11. Is horizontal and the tip of the fingers come near the corner of the eyes. A, crisp ,tension may be given when the salute is broken. People's Republic of China
  12. Carne Masada tacos; tacos de Trinity (" tripe tacos" ), grilled until, crisp ,; and, chorizo Amado (traditional Spanish style sausage). Each type is served
  13. As Inspector Braddock, who did Miss Marple's legwork. Lansbury's Marple was a, crisp , intelligent woman who moved stiffly and spoke in clipped tones. Unlike most
  14. Until an innovation by Joe" Spud" Murphy (1923–2001),the owner of an Irish, crisp ,company called NATO, who developed a technology to add seasoning during
  15. Edge - though they are bounded by a straight line called the Yoko and have, crisp ,definition at all their edges. Although it is not commonly known, the " chisel
  16. Sends a message to the managing task. Although their real-time behavior is less, crisp ,than semaphore systems, simple message-based systems avoid most protocol
  17. And red; the white cultivars being generally the best flavored, and the most, crisp ,and tender. The stalks grow in tight, straight,parallel bunches, and are
  18. Reinvigorated the short story with his use of declarative sentences and his, crisp ,style. Six months earlier, Hemingway met F. Scott Fitzgerald, and the pair
  19. To enhance their flavor and nutritional value and are not necessarily served as, crisp ,as the European French fry due to their relatively high water content. As with
  20. Blanching) to cook the potato, and then at a higher temperature to, crisp ,the surface, making them crunchy on the outside and on the inside. Chips are
  21. Labium Magus has two surfaces, an outer, pigmented and covered with strong, crisp ,hairs; and an inner, smooth and beset with large sebaceous follicles. Between
  22. Idea of matzo as similar to crackers, there is no requirement that matzoh be, crisp ,for any purpose, including the Seder. Yemenite's, and Iraqi Jews traditionally
  23. With chains, foley-style sound effects and a joke laughing-bag. Weston’s loud, crisp ,and overdrive playing style provided King Crimson’s most distinctive bass
  24. Soldiers in step and at a regular speed, and it is the snare that provides that, crisp , decisive air to the tune of a regiment. In classic jazz, one almost
  25. Combination is youth, a dough-like food that is deep-fried in oil until, crisp ,and is eaten in all parts of China, wrapped in thick pancake, accompanied by
  26. With a higher ratio of flesh to skin. The young stem in particular can be as, crisp ,and juicy as an apple, although much less sweet. Except for the Gig ante
  27. While still retaining some horizontal motion, to generate a more percussive, crisp ,sound. It may be performed by using the wrist to" dip" the bow into the
  28. Because, during their heyday, they could produce text which was as clear and, crisp ,as a typewriter, though they were nowhere near the quality of printing presses.
  29. Uses Opium travelers is used around the world as a vegetable, either for the, crisp ,petiole (leaf stalk) or the fleshy taproot. In temperate countries, celery is
  30. Value (no need to buy a prohibitively expensive, even if exceptionally, crisp ,and clear, monitor ). These models were known as the 520STM (or 520STM).
  31. Swedish cuisine could be described as centered around cultured dairy products, crisp ,and soft (often sugared) breads, berries and stone fruits, beef,pork
  32. Drum, decided to slice the potatoes as thin as possible, frying them until, crisp ,and seasoning them with extra salt. Contrary to Crum's expectation, the patron
  33. The interlocking problems of identity and technology ". Nut saluted ABe's ", crisp , clean character design" and the" perfect soundtrack" in his 2005 review of
  34. For the most part, described the gameplay as fun and engaging. Many liked the, crisp ,graphics and focus on multiplayer. Quake 3 has also been used extensively in
  35. Traditionally served with sharp cheddar cheese, often for breakfast),apple, crisp ,and apples themselves bought from local orchards. *Blueberries, especially in
  36. Restaurant in California might include the following items: * Salad with, crisp ,nor topping, and a miso-cilantro vinaigrette dressing In artificial
  37. Olive oil *Pane classic integral - unsalted bread made with semolina with a, crisp ,crust *Schiacciatina - made with a fine flour, salt dough with yeast and olive
  38. Pizza is served in a dish in its traditional round shape. It has a thin, crisp ,base quite different from the thicker and softer Neapolitan style base. It is
  39. That were implemented; KFC's signature chicken bucket (to keep the chicken, crisp ,), reduce the number of items on the menu, focus on a signature dish, and
  40. Revolving around" matters of the heart ". Her songs have been said to have ", crisp ,production" and" staccato arrangements" that" extend genre boundaries "
  41. Curling and, perhaps,golf. Description Cookies are most commonly baked until, crisp ,or just long enough that they remain soft, but some kinds of cookies are not
  42. Well-lit images even with very short light pulses. This is often used to obtain, crisp ,and sharp“ still” images of quickly moving parts. LEDs come in several
  43. S production design as" dazzling ", Stefan Czapsky's cinematography as ", crisp ,", and Daniel Waters's screenplay as" sharp. " Peter Travels in Rolling Stone
  44. Are rocky from the remaining glacial debris, while the South Shore's are, crisp , clear, outwash sand. Jayne's Hill, at,is the highest hill along either
  45. In some individuals to abdominal discomfort and loose stools. The success of, crisp ,fried potato chips also gave birth to fried corn chips, with such brands as
  46. And gameplay. Top Hunter, released in 1994 featured extremely fluid and, crisp ,graphics, such as the trees on the wind stage of the game. Fatal Fury 2 also
  47. With chips after the NATO brand and can be used to describe all varieties of, crisp , including those not produced by NATO. Owing to the dominance of NATO in the
  48. Franchise:" marvelous plot, exciting action, hero vs. villains, spy plots, crisp ,dialogue and the frank enjoyment of bourgeois luxury and fascinating
  49. Ravioli, which is breaded and fried, and St. Louis-style pizza, which has a, crisp , thin crust and is usually made with Proved cheese instead of traditional
  50. Off at the surface of the ground a rosette of ovate-oblong to ovate, wrinkled, crisp , sinuate-dentate to entire leaves, long,somewhat resembling those of the

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