Examples of the the word, ascii , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ascii ), is the 9427 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Mean: nag a ram ". *http://www.google.com/search? Q=ASCII+art Searching for ", ascii , art " will turn the Google logo into ASCII art. *http://www.google.com/search?
  2. Byte values of the header block with the eight checksum bytes taken to be, ascii , spaces (decimal value 32). It is stored as a six digit octal number with
  3. Into an encoded block for a Victor File. // if the buffer contains all 256,ASCII, values the LEAST used byte is used for a marker. // Note also, if you are
  4. a hundred works of art, most of which were posted to the Usenet newsgroup alt., ascii , Art. Between 1996 and 1998 her" well-organized" website, which she updated
  5. Cutesier regularly gives away its data resources such as document PDFs, ascii , databases and metadata to other researchers and scholars. The current model of
  6. The ASCII number which represents the character. See char. Example: show, ascii ," a 97 ask who instruction-list Temporarily tells each element in the first
  7. With 8-bit CP/M operating systems. Most systems could only display rudimentary, ascii , art charts and diagrams in text mode or by using a custom character set. CP/M
  8. W: after" 60" /> : fonts w:, ascii ," Arial" w: Hans" Arial" w: cs="Arial" />
  9. In quotes, such as 'abide '. Typically, individual literals are 8-bits wide (, ascii , ),but J also supports other literals (Unicode). Numeric and boolean
  10. Produce the shortest plain ASCII output for input that is mostly printable, ascii , Some other encoding (base64,encoding) are based on mapping all possible
  11. Must be between 32 and 255. An exception is char 9,the tab character. See, ascii , and print. Examples: show char 97 a show char 65 A Use the command: print" to
  12. Of the tangent) of its input. See tan and cos. Example: show arc tan 1 45,ASCII, ascii char Stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
  13. This is unreal * http://www.ljudmila.org/~vuk/ ascii /blind//, ascii ,history of art for the blind * http://www.ljudmila.org/~vuk/ ascii /film/ ASCII
  14. Players not yet having it. MorgenGrauen has a special text-only mode without, ascii , pictures for blind people. It allows the use of scripts for running ways and
  15. And information while still maintaining some formatting and readability. Old, ascii , text files existed scattered across the internet, but they come and go quickly
  16. NAK is the negative-acknowledge character on computers and telecommunications, ascii ,21 (= hexadecimal 0x15) *NAK (protocol message) (or BACK) is a computer
  17. Ascii history of art for the blind * http://www.ljudmila.org/~vuk/ ascii /film/, ascii ,history of moving images * http://rhizome.org/artbase/1725/index.html history
  18. As Rossiyskaya Federation, the Russian Federation. The domain has an, ascii , representation of xn--p1ai derived as Puny code for use in the Domain Name
  19. Managers. " * DWM - allows for switching tiling layouts by clicking a textual, ascii , art 'icon' in the status bar. The default is a Larswm-like main area +
  20. A 1970 production features one of the earliest examples of computer generated, ascii , art in advertising. In the early 1980s,Robert Bathurst was a prominent member
  21. S-Lang library. The function is used to read one or more data columns from an, ascii , ( as opposed to binary) file: read ascii (" XY. DAT ", x
  22. St. Georges Hall, a neoclassical monument in Liverpool, with the projection of, ascii , rendering of the same surface that it's being projected on. One of his most
  23. MFC,Qt4,widgets, SDL,GLUT. * 3D file formats: 3DS,OBJ, PLY (binary and, ascii , ),STL (binary and ASCII),AC3D,MD2. More can be plugged in. * Image file
  24. Space (ASCII 32),a tab (ASCII 9) or a newline (ASCII 10). A semicolon (, ascii ,59) is mandatory to terminate (and send) a message. A newline is just
  25. Use of database type files, while many other mailing list managers use flat, ascii , files. Elm also has a very good security record. Further reading External
  26. Or more characters; white spaces inside atoms can be escaped by the backslash (, ascii ,92) character (see Examples below). A whitespace is either a space (ASCII
  27. Ascii 92) character (see Examples below). A whitespace is either a space (, ascii ,32),a tab (ASCII 9) or a newline (ASCII 10). A semicolon (ASCII 59) is
  28. Of file formats including: ATK (new and legacy, all types including parallel, ascii , and binary, can read and written). * Insight 6 and Insight Gold (all types
  29. Which variation of the PLY format this is. It should be one of: format, ascii ,1.0 format binary_little_Indian 1.0 format binary_big_Indian 1.0 Future
  30. By 4 bits) and the cache size. . Section. Data info:., ascii ," L2 Cache Size: EU KB\line size: EU bytes\n ". Asciz" Associativity: %02xh\n
  31. A line denotes a comment, while still in the ASCII text header. The header is, ascii , text (human-readable and easy to work with) and the data is binary. Images in
  32. Loaded separately and can be processed individually) (read only). * Plot3D (, ascii , and binary, C or FORTRAN; support for multiple blocks, I blanking is currently
  33. Of the tangent) of its input. See tan and cos. Example: show arc tan 1 45 ASCII, ascii , char Stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. Reports the
  34. By typing LOGOFF and pressing transmit on the UNIVAC VDT or Control-C on an, ascii , terminal. Terminal functions Univac's VDT terminal had four function keys at
  35. Items to the pop-up menu showing the same number in other bases. No more man, ascii , or resorting to bc. * Portability - Written mostly in Java, with a small POSIX
  36. In Max and 3D Studio Max * special editors for menu (binary) and sound (, ascii , ) files * wizards that help with the first basic steps in creating a new mod
  37. And written). * Insight 6 and Insight Gold (all types including parallel, ascii , and binary; multiple parts are supported -each part is loaded separately and
  38. Of a fixed range of iterations that generates random text. A property named, ascii , on the same object would need to be loaded with the ASCII characters from the
  39. To ASCII characters. PNG|Converted image with a full RGB color space File: Anna, ascii , GIF|Automatic conversion using Have The Hereford Times is a weekly tabloid
  40. The rig, and to each other. Historically this was done with serial transfer of, ascii , data,but as the volume of information grows, a new technology is needed.
  41. Valve pioneered its use in HalfLife2. It was based on the Microsoft 'x-file ', ascii , format,extended to handle much of its specific data structures. The 'crosswalk
  42. As We Know It ", and with the Dinosaur icon it was the first web-site to use an, ascii , text-based format for showing cladograms. Although the Archive has been hosted
  43. GLUT. * 3D file formats: 3DS,OBJ, PLY (binary and ASCII),STL (binary and, ascii , ),AC3D,MD2. More can be plugged in. * Image file formats supported: JPG, PNG
  44. A whitespace is either a space (ASCII 32),a tab (ASCII 9) or a newline (, ascii ,10). A semicolon (ASCII 59) is mandatory to terminate (and send) a message
  45. In the early 1990s. Images scanned from adult magazines were encoded as, ascii , text and then broken into sections which were posted to the Alt. Binaries
  46. See Examples below). A whitespace is either a space (ASCII 32),a tab (, ascii ,9) or a newline (ASCII 10). A semicolon (ASCII 59) is mandatory to
  47. Async-cancel safe on some operating systems. Also, atoi only converts base ten, ascii , values (this may also be a benefit depending on perspective). Strtol and
  48. A" #" sign at the beginning of a line denotes a comment, while still in the, ascii , text header. The header is ASCII text (human-readable and easy to work with)
  49. Variety of 3D file formats but primarily uses its own. Ac file format which is, ascii , Knives is the first 3rd party vendor to offer officially sanctioned support
  50. HTML by Heinrich Schumann, based on the, ascii , character set in order facilitate the usage of the language on the internet. *

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