Examples of the the word, footprint , in a Sentence Context

The word ( footprint ), is the 9438 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Comparable elevated conventional rail line of equal capacity. *Due to a smaller, footprint , they are seen as more attractive than conventional elevated rail lines and
  2. After 1958 In 1951,Eric Ship ton had photographed what he described as a Yeti, footprint , Bigfoot gained international attention when the story was picked up by the
  3. Of cross-border actions have unsuccessful Andes seek to expand their global, footprint ,and become more agile at creating high-performing businesses and cultures
  4. Walking and running more economical in terms of energy. As can be examined in a, footprint , the medial longitudinal arch curves above the ground. This arch stretches from
  5. The summit of a conical mountain. The Buddhist tradition deems it to be the, footprint ,of the Buddha, in Hindu tradition that of Shiva and in Muslim and Christian
  6. Code is a reconstruction of the original Fort Code, built on the old fort's, footprint , It is the city's official welcome center and living history museum. Lankan
  7. Running in kernel space to a minimum; for example, to minimize operating system, footprint ,for embedded devices or with limited hardware resources. Namely, an unloaded
  8. Warming, the governor has taken steps at his home to reduce his personal carbon, footprint , Schwarzenegger has adapted one of his Hummers to run on hydrogen and another
  9. Year in 2004,and the free Kingston Guardian. In research from 2010 on retail, footprint , Kingston upon Thames came out as 25th in terms of retail expenditure in the UK
  10. A general-purpose DBMS may introduce unnecessary overhead and too large ", footprint ," (too large amount of unnecessary, unutilized software code). Such
  11. Croydon Five ways, and the Haddon Goods Park. In research from 2010 on retail, footprint , Croydon came out as 29th in terms of retail expenditure at £770 million. This
  12. Of the marks left behind by the organism while it was alive, such as the, footprint ,or feces (coprolites) of a reptile. These types of fossil are called trace
  13. Rolled out Fins, a competitive residential broadband service in the Cable vision, footprint , Other Tier 1 cable operators, including Comcast, have announced trials of a
  14. Coverage and path (or edge) coverage. Line coverage reports on the execution, footprint ,of testing in terms of which lines of code were executed to complete the test.
  15. Transportation technologies have to be used to reduce the ecological, footprint , The infrastructure of land, water and air transport needs to be safe and
  16. Two and a half centuries was largely a result of an expanding British colonial, footprint ,and has resulted in the creation of several branch institutions, the first
  17. The graffiti shows a handprint that vaguely resembles a heart, along with a, footprint ,and a number. This is believed to indicate that a brothel was nearby, with the
  18. Of an LNG processing plant, which significantly reduces the environmental, footprint , Avoiding construction also helps preserve marine and coastal environments. In
  19. Artificial Christmas tree at least during 20 years to leave an environmental, footprint ,as small as the natural Christmas tree. A small amount of real-tree material is
  20. Against dictionary attacks. See key stretching. Blow fish has a memory, footprint ,of just over 4 kilobytes of RAM. This constraint is not a problem even for
  21. Dinosaur fossils in North America. File: Gigantisms. JPG|Gigantisms, a dinosaur, footprint ,in the Lower Jurassic Moe nave Formation at the St. George Dinosaur Discovery
  22. LED equivalent will only cause of over the same time span. A building’s carbon, footprint ,from lighting can be reduced by 85 % by exchanging all incandescent bulbs for
  23. Places far away, is considered in the notion of city foot printing (ecological, footprint ,). Other negative external effects include health consequences such as
  24. Instead of as primitives. Lazy evaluation can lead to reduction in memory, footprint , since values are created when needed. However, with lazy evaluation, it is
  25. They did return with what they believe to be a plaster cast of a Mokèlé-mbèmbé, footprint , 2006: National Geographic A May 2006 episode called" Super Snake" of the
  26. Early critics, such as Robert Louis Stevenson admired it saying that the, footprint ,scene in Crusoe was one of the four greatest in English literature and most
  27. In particular, the reports noted that hedge funds have a relatively small ", footprint ," of securities compared to equity raised from investors, indicating that use
  28. Poor stonemason who had begged for her help. When the King left, he noticed her, footprint ,in the plaster floor of his workplace, even though the plaster had already
  29. The 1960s and 1970s also saw expansion of techniques that reduced the, footprint ,of a program as well as improved productivity of the programmer and user. The
  30. Through the wall and connecting them. This minimizes the interior system, footprint ,and allows each room to be adjusted independently. PAC systems may be adapted
  31. 1966: Ride In August or September 1966,Van Ride took a picture of a large, footprint ,with three toes, north-east of Loom, notable as hippopotamus have four toes.
  32. Century destruction, which resulted in the modern Church having a much smaller, footprint , several boundary walls of Hadrian's temple have been found among the
  33. Of poor design and implementation, and specifically Mach's excessive cache, footprint , While these results demonstrate that the poor performance of systems based on
  34. Methods of preserving food that limit the energy inputs and reduce carbon, footprint , Maintaining or creating nutritional value, texture and flavor is an important
  35. Rivers in the Near East. Adam's Peak, Sri Lanka Adam's Peak, named after a, footprint ,like formation found near the summit of a conical mountain. The Buddhist
  36. Libraries with ECC * http://point-at-infinity.org/seccure/ secure: minimal, footprint ,Pled ECC tool with public key encryption and digital signatures *
  37. Dioxide emissions. Its strategy includes steps to reduce the company's carbon, footprint ,as well as those of customers, suppliers and employees. BT has actually pledged
  38. Integrins when they have bound to their ligands, or are activated. As the ", footprint ," that an antibody makes on its binding target is roughly a circle about 3 nm
  39. Protocol specified by Deutsche Börse) to reduce the character encoding, footprint ,Nomenclature Nearly all 20th century teleprinter equipment used Western Union
  40. Massachusetts. The church itself was built in 1894,and an annex larger in, footprint ,than the original structure was added in 1906. It boasts one of the world's
  41. And embedded systems **Java Card, targets smart cards and other small memory, footprint ,devices **Java Class Library, a collection of reusable pieces of software that
  42. As of the early 1980s. The Registers expedition returned with droppings and, footprint ,casts, which Registers believed were from the mokele-mbembe. It also returned
  43. Even though the plaster had already hardened before her visit. The supposed, footprint , known as" Jadwiga's foot ", can still be seen in one of Kraków's churches.
  44. Garfield Avenue, across from the main entrance of Pasadena City Hall; a granite, footprint ,lists multiple donors to the commission project, which was organized by the
  45. Step. Active formations such as flow stone can be similarly marred with a muddy, footprint ,or handprint, and ancient human artifacts, such as fiber products, may even
  46. Service Platform. * A Declarative Services specification that addresses memory, footprint ,issues that can prevent small embedded devices from using a service oriented
  47. To provide cooler operation and allow the drive to have a smaller desktop, footprint ,(the power supply" brick" being placed elsewhere, typically on the floor).
  48. The beamand monorail systems are commonly elevated, requiring only a minimal, footprint ,for support pillars. *A monorail track is usually less expensive to build than
  49. He carried on to Sri Lanka and visited Adam's Peak, site of the Sri Pad or, footprint ,of the Buddha. In Battuta's ship almost sank on embarking from Sri Lanka
  50. Of Nagasaki Harbor in 1904 has obscured its original location. The original, footprint ,of Decimal Island has been marked by rivets; but as restoration progresses, the

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