Examples of the the word, teamwork , in a Sentence Context

The word ( teamwork ), is the 9442 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Teams of individuals with different fields of expertise, working together. His, teamwork ,concept is a Berkeley Lab tradition that continues today. Additionally Berkeley
  2. From the phrase" Community of Genoa Schools" that also evokes a feeling of, teamwork ,not unlike the cogs in a machine. Kirkland is a village in DeKalb County
  3. Alter the state of the ice in front of the stone. A great deal of strategy and, teamwork ,goes into choosing the ideal path and placement of a stone for each situation
  4. Leading to a bitter dispute over priority claims (in reality it had taken a, teamwork ,effort by both groups, since Szent-Györgyi was unwilling to do the difficult
  5. Known to them only as" Big Brother. " The tasks are designed to test their, teamwork ,abilities and community spirit, and in some countries the housemates' shopping
  6. Program in which students" step back in time" and are immersed in history and, teamwork ,activities during overnight visits. The 1863 Star of India is the fourth oldest
  7. And racing it at the competition. This also develops other soft skills such as, teamwork ,whilst promoting motorsport and engineering. In 2006,producer Todd Baker was
  8. In the engine room is therefore by hand signals and lip-reading, and good, teamwork ,often stands in place of any communication at all. Ships and watercraft Ships
  9. One of the first inventors to apply the principles of mass production and large, teamwork ,to the process of invention, and therefore is often credited with the creation
  10. To become more of a taller" Small Forward" position. Since teams play more, teamwork , ball movement has evolved with the game, and more jump shots have been taken
  11. Makes a great soldier ", and went on to talk about the necessity of Allied, teamwork , and praised Eisenhower, stating," Teamwork wins battles and battle victories
  12. A close friendship and a performing partnership that lasted 27 years; their, teamwork ,is particularly evident in their portrayals of the characters of Bert and Ernie
  13. As long the other remains on the same spot. Therefore tactical and efficient, teamwork ,is required, because players need each other to keep the ball moving. A player
  14. Commanders. The balance of the eight-week boot camp is spent in learning, teamwork ,and developing physical skills. An introduction of how the Coast Guard operates
  15. From the phrase" Community of Genoa Schools" that also evokes a feeling of, teamwork ,not unlike the cogs in a machine, however some local history states that it
  16. Participation and improves players' skills while developing sportsmanship, teamwork , and self-confidence. Rice Lake Township is a township in Saint Louis County
  17. Match who best exemplifies the Anzac Spirit – skill, courage,self-sacrifice, teamwork ,and fair play. Rugby League Football Beginning in 1997,the ANZAC Test, a rugby
  18. The game supports them or not). In addition, most MMOs require some degree of, teamwork ,for parts of the game. These tasks usually require players to take on roles in
  19. From the individual Evans. Nowadays, archaeology is a field of academic, teamwork ,and scientific prestige, but a century ago a project could be driven by one
  20. Rallies) are usually run on public roads with an emphasis on navigation and, teamwork , These skills are important fundamentals required for anyone who wishes to
  21. Players get out of his/her way. Nowadays, teams tend to play with more, teamwork , The" Center" position has evolved to become more of a taller" Small Forward
  22. Named their own spacecraft, and all added" 7" to the name to acknowledge the, teamwork ,of their fellow astronauts. Tracking network To track the manned orbit missions
  23. That Western-style armies are characterized by an emphasis on discipline and, teamwork ,above individual bravado. Examples of Western victories over non-Western armies
  24. And the United States Marine Corps released Marine Doom, designed to" teach, teamwork , coordination and decision-making ". Dozens of new first-person shooter titles
  25. Some designated need. If used in a business application, synergy means that, teamwork ,will produce an overall better result than if each person within the group were
  26. Vision of" The Power in Airpower! " Is accomplished daily through innovation, teamwork , integrity and professionalism. The group supports the MC-130W Combat Spear
  27. Intersection where the 4 Civets statues stand is circular to symbolize unity, teamwork ,and togetherness. The columns that stand beside the Civets were a gift to the
  28. As Farmer's and Goggin's partnership developed from 1963 onwards, their, teamwork , at ruck duels inspired admiration and envy. These two players spearheaded the
  29. Cuts are very important in offensive plays; these allow the quick passes and, teamwork ,which can lead to a successful basket. Teams almost always have several
  30. From this period, from listening to Jimmy Reed albums:" We listened to the, teamwork , trying to work out what was going on in those records; how you could play
  31. Bicycle safety awareness, these programs promote physical health and wellness, teamwork ,and individual growth through the sport and positive alternatives to drugs and
  32. Better. Post-trade, the Nuggets averaged 24.1 assists, showing their newfound, teamwork , The defense of the Nuggets also improved, from allowing 105.2 RPG before the
  33. S appointment to the army). Figaro is able to do this because of the cunning, teamwork ,of the two women. His victory is, however,short-lived; Marcelino, Bartolo
  34. With a strong social conscience, a love for learning, strong leadership and, teamwork ,skills, and familiarity with real-world issues such as new sustainability
  35. Development that should lend toward career success, such as social skills, teamwork ,orientation, ethics,and analytic and problem-solving abilities. Other rankings
  36. Of NBA teams. The team was nicknamed the" Dirty Dozen" for its work ethic and, teamwork , Because of a labor dispute that led to a lockout, no active NBA players were
  37. As reserve officer's, they are offered training, challenge,excitement, teamwork , and significant personal rewards. The LPD has had a reserve program for over
  38. Praise or strong opposition, Chen encouraged all to write. He also thought that, teamwork ,was very important in journalism, and consequently asked for help from many
  39. Him" phenomenal physical grace and exquisite comic timing" and the value of, teamwork , skills which would benefit him in Hollywood. Hollywood's stardom After appearing
  40. To be able to form groups with high synergy (see also division of labor and, teamwork ,). Example: Two teams in System Admin working together to combine technical and
  41. Challenges consist of endurance, strength,agility,problem-solving, teamwork , dexterity, and/or willpower, and are usually designed to fit the theme of the
  42. Armored formations included a mechanized infantry element for combined arms, teamwork , For example, US armored divisions had a balance of three battalions each of
  43. Lazzi requires every member of the troupe to know the routine as well as great, teamwork , In Com media dell'ARTE, the Harlequin or Anti would most likely have these
  44. MiG-29s,Su-27s or similar. In this case engagement is very much down to, teamwork ,and could be described as" a game of chicken. " Both flights of aircraft can
  45. To investigate the disappearances. Another reason given is the high degree of, teamwork ,and co-ordination both during the infiltration phase and at the moment of
  46. Of administrative and operational processes are under way. Improved internal, teamwork ,and closer external partnerships coupled with upgrading of IT infrastructure
  47. 1970s the Pony Express Council began Project COPE which is aimed at encouraging, teamwork , self-confidence, trust,leadership, communication,decision-making, and
  48. Attributed to Zwingli and printed by Christoph Froschauer, bears the mark of, teamwork ,from the Prophecy school. Scholars have not yet attempted to clarify Zwingli's
  49. Also was featuring famous production teams like Snap (I Got the Power). This, teamwork ,resulted in the single Lets Get Busy (Clubland Quarts feat Snap introduction
  50. Evans as an individual. In modern science, archaeology is a field of academic, teamwork ,requiring certain credentials and where methods and findings are subject to the

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