Examples of the the word, farewell , in a Sentence Context

The word ( farewell ), is the 9436 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Leave England for Granada. Before leaving, Rebecca comes to bid Rowena a fond, farewell , Finally, Ivanhoe and Rowena marry and live a long and happy life together
  2. Whether angels or prophets. John then devotes almost five chapters to, farewell ,discourses. Verses represent a conclusion, and the Jesus Seminar says the next
  3. Tribes are dismissed, affirming their loyalty to Yahweh.; Joshua's, farewell ,(chapters 23-24) Joshua charges the leaders of the Israelites to remain
  4. European Union law to refer to the total body of EU law accumulated thus far.;:, farewell ,; literally means" to God," it carries more weight than" AU Renoir" ( "
  5. The people at Mount Sinai/Mount More. *Before his death Joshua delivered a, farewell ,address to the Israelites (23–24),just as Moses had delivered his farewell
  6. On 18 April 1814,Napoleon Bonaparte, shortly before his first abdication, bid, farewell , to the Old Guard, the renowned grounds (gripers) who had served with him
  7. A farewell address to the Israelites (23–24),just as Moses had delivered his, farewell ,address (Debut. 32–33). The Book of Ezra is a book of the Hebrew Bible.
  8. YHWH in the land) (22:1–34) III. Conclusion (23:1–24:33): A. Joshua's, farewell ,address (23:1–16): B. Covenant at She chem (24:1–28): C. Deaths of Joshua
  9. System. When I Die (2005) is a video chronicle of making Thompson's final, farewell ,wishes a reality, and documents the send-off itself. Free List: Fear and
  10. Girl behind. Examples of the sad lyrics are:" Sweetheart I'm bidding you fond, farewell ," murmured the youth one day ..." Must we be parted? " The young girl replied.
  11. Following morning, Speer left the Führerbunker, with Hitler curtly bidding him, farewell , Speer toured the damaged Chancellery one last time before leaving Berlin to
  12. Blues band that had evolved from an earlier group called Black feather. A, farewell ,performance took place in Sydney that went so well the singer changed his mind
  13. Be seen together. British Airways conducted a North American, farewell ,tour in October 2003. U-BOAT visited Toronto Pearson International Airport on 1
  14. Everyone he wanted to say goodbye to. Fans were encouraged to send messages of, farewell ,by mail. There were several premature reports of his death beginning November 6
  15. Open Air Theatre in Regent's Park, London. On January 20, 2009,Tool began a, farewell ,tour of Fiddler on the Roof as Eye, opening in Wilmington, Delaware. He was
  16. Television broadcast a tape they claim was made by Omar. The speaker made a, farewell ,suicide video. In it, he reads" I am writing this with my full conscience and
  17. Took 2 hours,52 minutes,59 seconds from takeoff to touchdown. In a week of, farewell ,flights around the United Kingdom, Concorde visited Birmingham on 20 October
  18. And granted his resignation. The Council asked him to appear once more for a, farewell ,ritual and celebratory orations. Gregory used this occasion to deliver a final
  19. Summoning together the elders of the church from Ephesus, delivered to them a, farewell ,charge, expecting to see them no more. The following parallels between this
  20. States. Washington disbanded his army and, on November 2,gave an eloquent, farewell ,address to his soldiers. On November 25,the British evacuated New York City
  21. Teachings. The Passion narrative recounts the Last Supper (focusing on Jesus ', farewell ,discourse),Jesus' arrest and crucifixion, his burial, and resurrection. The
  22. To his companions Furious and Aurelius and requests them simply to pass a, farewell ,insult to Lesbian. He spent the provincial command year summer 57 to summer 56
  23. In the history of Islam. In 632 Abu Bakr followed Muhammad to Mecca for the, farewell ,Hajj. Military campaigns as commander Abu Bakr also led 1 military campaign as
  24. And wrote the majority of the material with lyricist Pete Brown. Cream's, farewell ,album, Goodbye,featuring live performances recorded at The Forum, Los Angeles
  25. Mentions the event Death of Muhammad A short time after returning from the, farewell ,pilgrimage, Muhammad became ill. In his fatal illness, Muhammad came out with a
  26. At Frances Tavern on December 4,Washington formally bade his officers, farewell ,and on December 23, 1783,he resigned his commission as commander-in-chief.
  27. Manuel Azana, provoked his first clash with the Republic. Azana found Franco's, farewell ,speech to the cadets insulting. For six months, Franco was without a post and
  28. The U. S. is political borders: United States President George Washington's, farewell ,in 1796 says:" The name of American, which belongs to you in your national
  29. Pentagon chief, the Vietnam-era Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara. In a, farewell ,ceremony on December 16, 2006,Rumsfeld's long-time political ally Vice
  30. Being godmother to Cox and David Arquette's daughter, Coco. In the official, farewell ,commemorative book Friends 'Til The End, each separately acknowledged in
  31. Życie" (" Give Me Second Life" ). In 2005,Segovia took part in three large, farewell ,concerts of Biel dug me. A number of works by Segovia can be heard on the
  32. Fathers of the council celebrated the Emperor's twentieth anniversary. In his, farewell ,address, Constantine informed the audience how averse he was to dogmatic
  33. Bauer is recalled to his regiment after recovering. Paul comments that saying, farewell ,was" very hard, but it is something a soldier learns to deal with. " Have
  34. Gaining victory. # The year of equality. # The year of exemption. # The year of, farewell , In 638 CE (17 AH),Abu Must Ashanti, one of the officials of the Caliph Umar
  35. Secretary was to pay a surprise visit to Iraq on December 10, 2006,to bid, farewell ,to the United States military serving there. Including his time-serving as the
  36. And Wail Al-Fihri. 2001 In March 2001,Ahmed Al-Razi appeared in an al-Qaeda, farewell ,video showing 13 of the muscle hijackers before they left their training center
  37. Company was fine! Singing' and a dancing ', Laughin' and a prancing ', Adios, farewell , goodbye, good luck, so long ... HEEHAW!! " * And after the closing credits
  38. Convention. Since the 1948 convention, he had been feted as the guest of ", farewell ," ceremonies (the unspoken assumption being that the aging former President
  39. Faraday as a coworker. European travels In 1812,Davy was knighted, gave a, farewell ,lecture to the Royal Institution, and married a wealthy widow, Jane Greece. (
  40. Last Governor of Southern Rhodesia, watched as Charles, Prince of Wales, gave a, farewell ,salute and the Rhodesian Signal Corps played God Save the Queen, the anthem of
  41. Foreign policy themes were expressed considerably in George Washington's, farewell ,address; these included among other things, observing good faith and justice
  42. Artists, and a solo track" Been There, Done That ", intended as a symbolic, farewell ,to gangsta rap. Despite being classified platinum by the RIAA, the album was
  43. The way of it. Just a case or two, just one case more – the Prime Donna’s, farewell ,performance won’t be in it with yours, Poirot. " There is a great deal of
  44. Down as chairman. The position is now vacant. In June 2010 the Viola bid, farewell ,to long-time manager Pirandello (by then the longest-serving coach in the team
  45. Almost anything to avoid turning my chair and country over to Kennedy. " In his, farewell ,speech to the nation, Eisenhower raised the issue of the Cold War and role of
  46. Him were not the same; she saw him as a brother, writing to him in 1844 ", farewell ,... God bless and protect my brother is the sincere wish of his affectionate
  47. In the Cuban Revolution, of which Guevara later renounced in his well known, farewell ,letter. Historically, many states limited citizenship to only a proportion of
  48. 1976 he performed, alongside a string of notable guests, to pay tribute to the, farewell ,performance of The Band, filmed in a Martin Scorsese documentary called the
  49. In New York City, US General George Washington formally bids his officers, farewell , *1791 – The first edition of The Observer, the world's first Sunday newspaper
  50. Jesus rebukes a potential follower who wanted first to return home to say, farewell ,to his family, whereas Elijah permitted this of his replacement Elisha. During

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