Examples of the the word, saga , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Learn that the lover who has made her pregnant is an elf and not a man. In the, saga ,of Rolf Khaki a king named Helga rapes and impregnates an elf-woman clad in
  2. Was launched, showing it to be based primarily in the world of the Tamers, saga ,and its characters. In 2011,Banzai posted a countdown on a teaser site. Once
  3. The creation of a drug is not exactly clear, but in the Eyrbyggja, saga , a shepherd is killed by a drug and rises the next night as one himself. The
  4. Successful 2000 television miniseries called Frank Herbert's Dune. The Dune, saga ,continued with a sequel miniseries in 2003 entitled Frank Herbert's Children
  5. Questions he explored. Status and impact in science fiction Dune and the Dune, saga ,constitute one of the world's best-selling science fiction series and novels;
  6. Island of the Burgundians),and from there to mainland Europe. In Holsteins, saga ,Víkingssonar (The Saga of Thor stein,Viking's Son),Vested settled in an
  7. 1972 was a milestone in cinema. The near 3-hour-long epic, which chronicled the, saga ,of the Corleone family, received overwhelmingly positive reviews from critics
  8. Of" Arab Archery" suggests the hide from a young, emaciated camel. Njál's, saga ,describes the refusal of a wife, Hallgerður, to cut her hair in order to make
  9. God through the story of King David's family and an analogous modern family's, saga , * Sir Arthur Conan Doyle used the story of David and Bathsheba as the main
  10. Spider-Man in 1976. Most of the major characters and villains of the Spider-Man, saga ,have been introduced here, and it is where key events occur. The title was
  11. Fear is alluded to in several Icelanders' saga s. The protagonist of Frankel, saga ,is a priest of Fear. He dedicates a horse to the god and kills a man for
  12. Raped by Helga bore Skull, who married Harvard, Hrólfr Kraki's killer. The, saga ,of Rolf Khaki adds that since Skull was half-elven, she was very skilled in
  13. Consequences of consciousness-altering chemicals, such as the spice in the Dune, saga , * How language shapes thought. More specifically, Frank Herbert was influenced
  14. Ancestor cult and the life force of the family. In addition to this, Kormáks, saga ,accounts for how a sacrifice to elves was apparently believed able to heal a
  15. Of bribes paid to companies involved in the ongoing R55 billion Arms Deal, saga , which resulted in a long term jail sentence to former Deputy President Jacob
  16. The riddle also appears in the riddles of Gestumblindi in Harvard, saga , The dwarf Liter was kicked by Thor into the funeral fire and burnt alive. Anna
  17. Cyborg, the story that formed the basis of The Six Million Dollar Man wrote the, saga ,of the last transatlantic formation flight of B-17s ever made, Everything But
  18. Books and pushed ecological and philosophical ideas. He continued his Dune, saga , following it with Dune Messiah, Children of Dune, and God Emperor of Dune.
  19. Dark Horse Comics Dark Horse Comics began their comic adaptation of the Conan, saga ,in 2003. Entitled simply Conan, the series was first written by Kurt Busied and
  20. He gets her consent by threatening her with destructive magic. Angling, saga ,Sorry Sturgeon starts his epic history of the kings of Norway with Angling
  21. Had synthetic components made part of them). *Various characters in Star Wars, saga , notably Darth Vader, General Grievous, Dengar, Lobot, and Luke Skywalker
  22. In chapter 75 of Skáldskaparmál. Hamstring At the end of the Hamstring, saga ,Honor saga Goa, the poem Hákonarmál by the 10th century scald Cylinder
  23. Ham enters a monastery and gives them all his stolen treasure. However, this, saga , makes no mention of the great necklace. Possibly the Beowulf poet was confused
  24. Is best known for his novels, most notably Dune and its five sequels. The Dune, saga , set in the distant future and taking place over millennia, deals with themes
  25. The kingdom of Þrúðheimr (or Þrúðvangar according to Gylfaginning and Angling, saga ,). Modern influence *The hall inspired the name of an Asgard starship commanded
  26. Beyond the Night closely follows an actual twentieth-century missionary, saga ,in Central Africa, and The Printing uses composite characters to portray the
  27. 75 of Skáldskaparmál. Hamstring At the end of the Hamstring saga Honor, saga ,Goa, the poem Hákonarmál by the 10th century scald Cylinder skáldaspillir is
  28. A man for riding it, setting in motion a chain of fateful events. In Gila, saga ,a chieftain named Worrier Freysgoði is an ardent worshiper of Fear. When he
  29. In 1985,the year he published Chapter house Dune, which tied up many of the, saga ,'s story threads. This would be Herbert's final single work (the anthology
  30. Is available in both red and white color. In Odessa, it is called as" Had, saga ,", it is used to prepare 'Saga Bhaji ', in which the leaf is fried with
  31. Reality, even leading to psychotic episodes. The most notable of these was the, saga ,of James Dallas Ebert III, the facts of which were fictionalized in the novel
  32. Do no good. A good example of this kind of fight is found in the Rounder, saga ,Grips sonar. Although iron could injure a drug, as is the case with many
  33. Later adopted by the more skill-oriented Call of Cthulhu and the dark fantasy, saga ,of Eric in Storm bringer. BRP was conceived of as a genre-generic engine around
  34. Short story collection was published by Holland in 2007. From 2009 the Witcher, saga ,is published by Holland. The Polish game publisher, CD Project, created a
  35. Of the 1990s generation of cult films was the Australian drag queen road, saga ,The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (1994). One of the theaters
  36. Today as copies in other saga s. In particular three manuscripts called Olaf, saga ,Tryggvasonar, Flateyjarbók and one registered as AM 62 fol. According to
  37. Much easier to fly the aircraft directly to its base. The last chapter in the, saga ,of the escort carriers consisted out of two conversions: As an experiment, was
  38. Sorry Sturgeon starts his epic history of the kings of Norway with Angling, saga , an epimerized account of the Norse gods. Here Odin and the Æsir are men from
  39. Modern world is Glam, who was defeated by the hero of the Greats Saga. The, saga ,includes a short account of him as a living man and a full account of his
  40. 1878,Guðbrandur Diffusion made the connection between Beowulf and the Greats, saga , This is currently one of the few Scandinavian analogues to receive a general
  41. Alternative view of the drug is presented by the example of Gunnar in Njál's, saga ,: In the Eyrbyggja Saga a shepherd is assaulted by a blue-black drug. The
  42. Train shape-shifted into a" cat-like creature" ( attain) in Rounder, saga ,Reasoner: Dräger have the ability to enter into the dreams of the living.
  43. Death-black" ) or, conversely,Norfolk (" corpse-pale" ). And in Mandela, saga ,the bones of a dead sorceress who had appeared in dreams were dug up and found
  44. Were assembled from earlier annals that no longer survive, as well as, from, saga , material that might have been transmitted orally. The Chronicle dates the
  45. Of Europe, was pierced by the hand and blade of his wife. " The Volga, saga ,and the Poetic Edda also claim that King Ali (Attila) died at the hands of
  46. Of Constantine with the raid is a late addition, one derived from a now-lost, saga ,or poem. Constantine's death in 952 is recorded by the Irish annals, who enter
  47. And the Vania send Fear and North to live with the Æsir. At this point the, saga , like Lokasenna, mentions that incest was practiced among the Vania. Odin makes
  48. Idea was all that was needed to drive a sci-fi novel. And some fans of the Dune, saga ,are critical of the follow-up novels as being subpar. Herbert never again
  49. Coś she lacuna,2000),8 stories (only two are related to The Witcher, saga ,). The Saga *Blood of Elves (Crew elbow,1994). English edition: 2009. *Times
  50. Things of the life it once had. This idea is clearly expressed in the Fri jobs, saga , where a dying king declared: This desire for the friendship experienced in

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