Examples of the the word, flavour , in a Sentence Context

The word ( flavour ), is the 9435 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And depends much on the freshness and quality of the ingredients for taste and, flavour , As a delicate cuisine, oil is not often used in large quantities and there is
  2. The Bacardi buildings as" elegant, with a Modernist look combined with a local, flavour , " The current headquarters is at 2701 Jejune Road in Coral Gables. The 300
  3. Beer. In addition to fermenting the beer, yeast influences the character and, flavour , The dominant types of yeast used to make beer are Saccharomyces Cartesian
  4. This may indicate the maturation period, or food additives used to enhance the, flavour , Artisan varieties develop strong and diverse flavors over time. New Zealand
  5. Stems. The fruit is a small pale pink berry, with a refreshing sharp acidic, flavour , *Actinium microcard or Coccus microcarpus (Small Cranberry) occurs in
  6. Provides the fermentable material and is a key determinant of the strength and, flavour , of the beer. The most common starch source used in beer is malted grain. Grain
  7. Gravy and one dry. Tamil and Sinhalese cuisines Tamil cuisine's distinctive, flavour , and aroma is achieved by a blend and combination of spices including curry
  8. And technical reactions take place, and where important decisions about the, flavour , color, and aroma of the beer are made. After the whirlpool, the wort then
  9. His woodcuts, such as the Apocalypse series (1498),retain a more Gothic, flavour , than the rest of his work. His well-known works include the Knight, Death,and
  10. Passed through a mesh/basket containing the ten botanical, in order to gain, flavour , and aroma. This gives a lighter, more floral gin rather than the more-common
  11. Resulting from liberal use of garlic and chili peppers, as well as the unique, flavour , of the Sichuan peppercorn (花椒)and Hi Tianjin (指天椒). Peanuts, sesame paste
  12. British Columbia is generally a small house, perhaps with an English design or, flavour , while in southern Ontario it more likely means a second home on a lake.
  13. In the Brussels area are called Iambic beers. These bacteria add a sour, flavour , to the beer. Of the many styles of beer very few use bacteria, most are
  14. Described how to test the hypothesis that a certain lady could distinguish by, flavour , alone whether the milk or the tea was first placed in the cup. While this
  15. A number of films and novels. Typically, this is done either to add the exotic, flavour , of a foreign language without representing any particular ethnicity, or to
  16. Increasingly uncomfortable as the night wore on, and where" The anti-Jewish, flavour , of the talk was not to be ignored or overlooked, or put down to heavy humor or
  17. Lot of infections. During the boil hops are added, which contribute bitterness, flavour , and aroma compounds to the beer, and,along with the heat of the boil, causes
  18. Into a milk substitute called almond milk; the nut's soft texture, mild,flavor, and light coloring (when skinned) make for an efficient analog to dairy
  19. Cakes and pancakes, spread over toasted bread for breakfast or as an ice cream, flavour , Albacores are shortbread cookies sandwiched together with dunce de Lethe or a
  20. Doen? " For the charity War Child who achieved solo success with" Late micro, flavour ,". Together with his cousin Yes-R he made an international remix of" Ghetto "
  21. Similar, this description of particle mass and charge in terms of isospin and, flavour , quantum numbers works well only for octet and decoupled made of one u, one d
  22. Into the gourd at near-boiling point to not burn the herb and spoil the, flavour , At family or small social gatherings, one mate may be shared by the group
  23. Variant. It appears in many scenes, which probably capture well the, flavour , of day-to-day Enigma use aboard a World War II U-Boat. The plot of U-571
  24. Light, thru instead of through, smokey instead of smoky (for" smokey bacon ", flavour , crisps),and rucksack instead of rucksack. The spellings of personal names have
  25. The mashing stage. Hops are added during boiling as a source of bitterness, flavour , and aroma. Hops may be added at more than one point during the boil. The longer
  26. Provides the fermentable material and is a key determinant of the strength and, flavour , of the beer. The most common starch source used in beer is malted grain. Grain
  27. The hops are boiled, the more bitterness they contribute, but the less hop, flavour , and aroma remains in the beer. After boiling, the hopped wort is now cooled
  28. Cantonese cuisine also uses a long list of preserved food items to add, flavour , to a dish. This may be an influence from Hakka cuisine, since the Hakka's were
  29. To re-emerge in Insular art. Early Irish literature casts light on the, flavour , and tradition of the heroic warrior elites who dominated Celtic societies.
  30. But not limited to, meat-like flavorings),whilst having very little, flavour , of their own. With the proper seasonings, they can mimic various kinds of meat
  31. Such as phenolic compounds become insoluble in the cold beer, and the beer's, flavour , becomes smoother. During this time pressure is maintained on the tanks to
  32. The malt will take on a dark color and strongly influence the color and, flavour , of the beer. The malt is crushed to break apart the grain kernels, expose the
  33. British national dish ". It is now available on Intercity rail trains, as a, flavour , for chips, and even as a pizza topping. Other British curry derivatives
  34. Beers are usually top-fermented (in Germany they have to be by law). The, flavour , of wheat beers varies considerably, depending upon the specific style.; Lager
  35. Q) was related to the isospin projection (I3),the baryon number (B) and, flavour , quantum numbers (S, C,B′, T ) by the Hellman–Nishijima formula: There is
  36. Hazelnut ". Cheddar, made in the classical way, tends to have a sharp, pungent,flavor, often slightly earthy. Its texture is firm, with farmhouse traditional Cheddar
  37. Canada, whisky that had some rye grain added to the mash bill to give it more, flavour , came to be called“ rye ”. Labelling Laws in some other countries, such as the
  38. Slow-cooked in thick coconut milk for a number of hours to tenderize and, flavour , the meat. In Ace, curries use Dan Salem kola or Dan Kari (translated as "
  39. Both sometimes called black cumin (q. v.). Aroma profile Cumin's distinctive, flavour , and strong, warm aroma is due to its essential oil content. Its main
  40. Beer. In addition to fermenting the beer, yeast influences the character and, flavour , The dominant types of yeast used to make beer are the top-fermenting
  41. In character or quality; it is rich with a tendency to melt in the mouth,the, flavour , full and fine, approaching to that of a hazelnut ". Cheddar, made in the
  42. Temperatures, yeast produces significant amounts of esters and other secondary, flavour , and aroma products, and the result is often a beer with slightly" fruity "
  43. And Sri Lanka. Andhra cuisine is spicy and has a unique, flavour , although there are regional variations in Andhra Pradesh cuisine. Telangana in
  44. Sugar, or flavored with aromatic herbs or dried orange peel to hide its bitter, flavour , Hot water is poured into the gourd at near-boiling point to not burn the
  45. This is where aging occurs. Filtering the beer stabilizes the, flavour , and gives beer its polished shine and brilliance. Not all beer is filtered.
  46. And the United States. Cheddar's can be industrial or artisan cheeses. The, flavour , of industrial cheese varies significantly, and food packaging will usually
  47. And often confusing nomenclature. Flavor quantum numbers The strangeness, flavour , quantum number S (not to be confused with spin) was noticed to go up and down
  48. And spices, which may be stir-fried, spicy or sweet). Curry varies in, flavour , and heat. Mild curry could be made of cardamom, coriander,cumin, turmeric
  49. Are used for culinary purposes as flavoring herb, and provide a somewhat milder, flavour , than those of their neighboring Gallium species. Chives have a wide variety of
  50. Celery salt is used as a seasoning, in cocktails (notably to enhance the, flavour , of Bloody Mary cocktails),on the Chicago-style hot dog, and in Old Bay

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