Examples of the the word, lo , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lo ), is the 9426 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And other essays, all with postscripts) *Ambigrammi: un microcosm ideal per, lo ,studio Della creativity (in Italian only) ISBN 88-7757-006-7 *Fluid Concepts
  2. These are also part of other cuisines. S lo w-cooked soup S lo w-cooked soup, or, lo , foh tong (老火湯, lǎohuǒ tang) in the Cantonese dialect (literally meaning old
  3. Narrative. Source Sources for Don Quixote include the Valencian novel Tyrant, lo ,Blanch, one of the first chivalric epics, which Cervantes describes in Chapter
  4. Established empirically (although there is some doubt); the second (Delilah, lo ,ADU) is applied for religious reasons. The last two rules are applied much
  5. Am covered with the soft, grey fog of the Emerald Isle Ireland. I breathe, and, lo , The chattel slave becomes a man. I gaze around in vain for one who will
  6. Gh- and -ch-. Conversely, words containing Lu, as in the word Hugh itself, or, lo , or LE have appeared for millennia always meaning light or sun god.
  7. Las generals de Los Incas era El arc Celeste y dos cultural tennis a, lo ,largo parallels con la BARDA Que LE Serbia de corona, a leis cu ales solid nadir
  8. Is never Monday, Wednesday or Friday. This rule is known in Hebrew as ", lo ,bad Peak" ( לא בד"ו פסח),which has a double meaning —" Peak is not a
  9. All of him/her/it" ): to-do, toda, tudo The Spanish neuter definite article, lo , for example, is used with nouns that denote abstractions,e.g. lo UNIDO" the
  10. Re family names: the wife of Mr Mistral (sender Mistral, monsur Mistral or, lo ,Mistral) will accordingly be called la Mistral (Madeira Mistral); their son
  11. Instead of El, special possessive pronouns and determinants la MIA ('mine' ), lo ,sou/la SUA ('his/her' ), lo to/la TUA ('yours' ), and so on, the use of
  12. Poetic pomp and function—after recitations he would exclaim Me retract ode to-do, lo ,rich, or," I take back everything I said ". Trying to get away from the
  13. On one of these days, it is postponed a second day. This is called Delilah, lo ,ADU, an acronym meaning" not one, four,or six. " The first of these (
  14. Will accordingly be called la Mistral (Madeira Mistral); their son will be, lo ,Mistral and their daughter la Mistral eta. Their younger son's nickname will
  15. Arnaud, que poor e van canton; / consists VEI la passed co lo r, / e VEI Jansen, lo ,job EU'Esper, denan. / Ara Los prey, per quell va lo r / Que Los good all some
  16. System then crashed. Hence, the literal first message over the ARPANET was ", lo ,". About an hour later, having recovered from the crash, the SDS Sigma 7
  17. Be tall, old,fat or disliked, he will as easily become lo Mistrals and, lo ,Mistral on in the opposite case. Differences between Occitan and Catalan The
  18. The Art of War, high military science. *Discourse copra IL reformer, lo ,state DI Firenze (1520) — A discourse about the reforming of F lo rence.
  19. May in 1931's Daughter of the Dragon. Myrna Low was the similarly named FAH, lo ,See in 1932's The Mask of FM Manchu. G lo ria Franklin was FAH lo See in 1940
  20. Es especial, tú airs especial. ") *1982 – late 1980s –" En American, tenemos, lo ,Que TU buses. " (Spanish s lo gan, translated to" At American,we've got what
  21. Engaged in war with Alexander? " Joint Martorell's 1490 epic romance Tyrant, lo ,Blanc, written when the lo ss of Constantinople to the Turks was still a recent
  22. SI, juro-.: -Si as lo Rivieras, Dios OS abuse, y is no, Él y la Atria OS, lo ,demanded. " Croatia Before assuming duty, the President-elect of the Republic
  23. Y cumuli ailments Los debars de maestro destiny?: -SI, juro-.: -Si as, lo ,Rivieras, Dios OS abuse, y is no, Él y la Atria OS lo demanded. " Croatia
  24. Is used with nouns that denote abstractions,e.g. lo UNIDO" the only thing ";, lo ,MIMO" the same thing ". In Portuguese, a distinction is made between ESTA
  25. Is known in some areas of China as" foreign Diego" ( or more properly hung, lo ,BAC in Cantonese, hung meaning" red" ). When the word for onion, chung, is
  26. A son for Dr. Metric and Kara, but this is not considered canonical. FAH, lo ,See FM Manchu's daughter, Fah lo See, is a devious mastermind in her own
  27. Experienced. The original Tibetan Ottawas (Sanskrit: Oshawa; Tibetan:, lo ,ts'a BA),who studied Sanskrit grammar thoroughly, used the Tibetan term been
  28. Enemies within and outside the organization. Her real name is unknown; FAH, lo ,See was a childhood term of endearment. She was introduced anonymously while
  29. Article lo , for example, is used with nouns that denote abstractions, e. g., lo ,UNIDO" the only thing "; lo MIMO" the same thing ". In Portuguese, a
  30. Pronouns and determinants la MIA ('mine' ), lo sou/la SUA ('his/her' ), lo ,to/la TUA ('yours' ), and so on, the use of -v- in the imperfect tense in
  31. He, she,it: Spanish, definite articles (words meaning" the" ): El, la, lo , : Spanish, demonstratives (words meaning" this, this one" ): ester, esta, esto
  32. Version::" El judgment Que Eben prestar Los functionaries public, según, lo ,dispute en el article 11 de ESTA Constitution BS el migraine:: -¿Curtis a
  33. Flemenc sic is synonymous with" gypsy ". Bias Infant, in his book Origins de, lo ,flamenco y secret del caste condo, suggests the word may derive from
  34. In 1956's The Adventures of Dr. FM Manchu, but the character owed more to FAH, lo ,See than Rohmer's depiction of Karamazov. Tsai Chin was FM Manchu's daughter
  35. Shall Mr Mistral be tall, old,fat or disliked, he will as easily become, lo ,Mistrals and lo Mistral on in the opposite case. Differences between Occitan
  36. Italian Committee for the Study of Population Problems (Cogitate Italian per, lo ,studio DEI problem Della population) which, two years later, organised the
  37. Specified. This is also the case with the words for carrot (duo BUO or, lo ,BAC) or (Hong duo BUO Hong meaning red) and onion (Cong). Lo BAC, in
  38. I was a director who wanted to make a film he no lo nger remembers. And, lo ,and behold, at that very moment everything fell into place. I got straight to
  39. Ningunas personas, faulando en Algeria NIN en branch NIN en Basque: et quit, lo ,far page POR Cato XXX sol—essentially penalizing the use of Arabic, Hebrew or
  40. Named FAH lo See in 1932's The Mask of FM Manchu. G lo ria Franklin was FAH, lo ,See in 1940s Drums of FM Manchu. Laureate Suez played Karamazov in 1956's
  41. But this is not considered canonical. FAH lo See FM Manchu's daughter, Fah, lo ,See, is a devious mastermind in her own right, frequently p lo tting to usurp
  42. Of agreement, however,these" neuter" words count as masculine: both Spanish, lo ,MIMO and Portuguese Tudor take masculine adjectives. English modifiers do not
  43. things HOL: rut, lo ,' chat MEB. Lot Ru' MeV cab. English: Sometimes a guest achieves a use.
  44. In this standard one can find, among other features: the definite article, lo ,instead of El, special possessive pronouns and determinants la MIA ('mine' )
  45. Can never be Sunday, Wednesday or Friday. This rule is known in Hebrew as ", lo ,ADU rose" ( לא אד"ו ראש),i.e." Rose ha-Shanah, first day of the year is
  46. In Latin, were answered to in Old Occitan by the audience (Ora pro nos; Tu, lo ,Java). Other famous pieces include the Boris, a 258-line- lo ng poem written
  47. External links *http://www.domenicoscarlatti.it Institute Internationale per, lo ,studio del '700 musicale napolitana * * *
  48. Books. For instance, Joanot Marmoreal in the introductory letter to Tyrant, lo ,Blanc claims to be not the creator of a fiction, but the translator of an
  49. And their daughter la Mistral eta. Their younger son's nickname will be, lo ,Mistletoe and so forth, without running the risk of being misunderstood.
  50. Articles El, la,ELS, les derive from Latin demonstratives, The older forms, lo ,(m. s. ) and Los (m. pl. ) are still common nowadays in some western dialects

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