Examples of the the word, distinctly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( distinctly ), is the 9421 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. It should not, however,be allowed to include the Head Railway, which is too, distinctly ,bound up with exclusively Arab Interests ..." Controversy behind declaration
  2. Design qualities that make an effective low-level attack aircraft make for a, distinctly ,inferior air superiority fighter, and vice versa. Conversely, many fighter
  3. Lines and fences, and laid through a tunnel. This time, guests at the household, distinctly ,heard people in Brantford reading and singing. These experiments clearly proved
  4. Of Tithe. Bengali women commonly wear the Shari and the salwar Kareem, often, distinctly , designed according to local cultural customs. In urban areas, many women and
  5. Flapping and rocking—to high functioning individuals who may have active but, distinctly ,odd social approaches, narrowly focused interests, and verbose, pedantic
  6. Infty. \! The variance does not exist because of the divergent mean, which is, distinctly ,different from having an infinite variance. Estimation of parameters Because
  7. Expenses. Some chambers grow to be large and sophisticated, and have a, distinctly ,corporate feel. In some jurisdictions, some barristers are employed by firms of
  8. Visualizing it with UV light, any band containing more than ~20 NG DNA becomes, distinctly ,visible. EBR is a known mutagen, and safer alternatives are available, such as
  9. Of the establishment is placed to the south and west of the church, and is, distinctly ,separated from the monastic buildings. The kitchen, buttery and offices are
  10. And final studio album, showed a songwriting maturity and depth of feeling, distinctly ,lacking from their earlier recordings but still placing the band squarely in
  11. Dominated by monsoons, which are known as tropical wet and dry because of the, distinctly ,marked seasonal differences. The monsoonal airflow are caused by annual
  12. Of the Cuban Missile Crisis the" greatest defeat in our history ", his was a, distinctly ,minority position. The Cuban Missile Crisis spurred the Hotline Agreement
  13. B. Taney in his 1857 judgment stated," The right of property in a slave is, distinctly ,and expressly affirmed in the Constitution ". Natural right vs social construct
  14. Beauty in men is known as 'shōnen' in Japan. Shōnen refers to males with, distinctly ,feminine features, physical characteristics establishing the standard of beauty
  15. Be effective in only a narrow environmental range, the range of the target that, distinctly ,differs from the army on the offensive. Thus only the target might be affected
  16. Themselves to be primarily British, being thus less interested in celebrating, distinctly ,Canadian forms of patriotism. No official celebrations were therefore held
  17. Nerd and 24/7),while others have not (have a nice day, sure ); many are now, distinctly ,old-fashioned (swell, groovy ). Some English words now in general use, such as
  18. Abrasive food. The size of the upper canine tooth in A. radius males was not, distinctly ,different from that of females. Their upper canines were less sharp than those
  19. He follows Basil of Caesar and other Greek authors, but nevertheless gives a, distinctly ,Western cast to the speculations of which he treats. This is particularly
  20. Anglican) and a reassertion of that church's rights. As such it was a, distinctly ,national phenomenon. The Church of Scotland separated from the Roman Catholic
  21. Questions it has already answered need not be resubmitted. This brought in a, distinctly ,common law principle into an essentially civil law jurisdiction. The Italian
  22. But Pegasus refuses until the people of Argos weigh in on the decision,a, distinctly ,democratic move on the part of the king. The people decide that the Daniels
  23. And Britain, respectively,However, collectively this literature has become, distinctly ,Canadian. Canada’s literature, whether written in English or French, often
  24. Grey in December 1847. These two sold exceptionally well, but Agnes Grey was, distinctly ,outshone by Emily's much more dramatic Withering Heights. The Tenant of
  25. Of the Chicago-style dog, but may prefer to add jardiniere. There are several, distinctly ,Chicago sandwiches, among them the Italian beef sandwich, which is thinly
  26. Division of labor predates plant and animal domestication. Civilizations have, distinctly ,different settlement patterns from other societies. The word civilization is
  27. Of which can match a different lock. Different antibody isotopes, each having, distinctly ,formed complementarity determining regions, correspond to the various" locks "
  28. Used exclusively by, a large majority of the population. Australian English was, distinctly ,recognizable as different from British English shortly after the founding of
  29. In the image of God (homomorphism),if monkeys/apes and humans were not, distinctly ,and separately designed, that would mean monkeys and apes were created in the
  30. Cycles According to Austrian School economist Joseph Salerno, what most, distinctly ,sets the Austrian school apart from neoclassical economics is the Austrian
  31. In the late 20th century. Donald in his 1996 biography opined that Lincoln was, distinctly ,endowed with the personality trait of negative capability, defined by the poet
  32. Of Milton Bearded, the CIA Field Officer for Afghanistan from 1985 to 1989,who, distinctly ,recalls the unease he used to feel when meeting the Jihadi fighters:" The only
  33. In many translations. Dress Charlemagne wore the traditional, inconspicuous and, distinctly ,non-aristocratic costume of the Frankish people, described by Reinhard thus: He
  34. Set of kit and a ball. In 1933,Herbert Chapman, wanting his players to be more, distinctly ,dressed, updated the kit, adding white sleeves and changing the shade to a
  35. While Friedrich's paintings to date were seen as generally patriotic and, distinctly ,anti-French. Nevertheless, with the aid of his Dresden-based friend Graph
  36. Of Henry Ford's antisemitic treatise, The International Jew, complete with, distinctly ,antisemitic imagery on the cover. The website of the Saudi Arabian Supreme
  37. Out the CIP rules was published in 1966 The Can–In gold–PROLOG rules are, distinctly ,different from those of other naming conventions, such as general IUPAC
  38. Grenades, partly the lost Compendium of Hippolytus. He designates Abraham more, distinctly ,as" the power above all, and First Principle,"" the cause and first
  39. Of everything British Liberals believed in. The party became divided over the, distinctly ,illiberal policies that were introduced under her auspices, including
  40. A group of landscape painters called the Group of Seven developed the first, distinctly ,Canadian style of painting. All these artists painted large, brilliantly
  41. Of its fittings. As a result, many of the rooms in the new wing have a, distinctly ,oriental atmosphere. The red and blue Chinese Luncheon Room is made up from
  42. Venues for performing arts. The architecture of the Grand Opera House has a, distinctly ,oriental theme and was completed in 1895. It was bombed several times during
  43. One great valley (occupied by Lake Nyasa),the southern part of which is less, distinctly ,due to rifting and subsidence than the rest of the system. Farther north the
  44. Churchmen as the Bishop of Liverpool, John Charles Role sought to uphold the, distinctly ,Protestant identity of the Church of England. He was not a servant of the
  45. Tea found that large eyes style allowed his characters to show emotions, distinctly , When Tea began drawing Ribbon no Fish, the first manga specifically
  46. The HOL. Both music/dance varieties, though having the similar themes, are, distinctly , different and have their proper origins in the respective regions of Punjab and
  47. Rule. Prime Minister 1983–91 The inaugural days of the Hawks government were, distinctly ,different from those of the Whitley era. Rather than immediately initiating
  48. Times from the center to the fringe of the mainstream, and it is currently a, distinctly ,minority position. By the mid-1930s,the mainstream had more or less absorbed
  49. Android ", but has been used by Lucas and others to mean any robot, including, distinctly , non-humaniform machines like R2-D2. The abbreviation" Andy ", coined as a
  50. Higher than the withers. The Arawak is almond eyed and thin. It moves with a, distinctly ,feline gait and can be found in a variety of colors as well as varying degrees

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