Examples of the the word, enduring , in a Sentence Context

The word ( enduring ), is the 9423 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Skills made him the most influential force in making voluntarism an, enduring ,part of the American ethos. Franklin formulated a presentation of his beliefs
  2. With Frederick Loewe, he created some of the world's most popular and, enduring ,works of musical theater for both the stage and on film. He won three Tony
  3. And mission starting with the first apostles; and as hence emphasizing the, enduring ,yet evolving nature of the Church. The Anglican—Roman Catholic International
  4. Superhero in mainstream comic books. The characters established an, enduring ,friendship and adventuring partnership, sharing the series title for some time
  5. Mary" Polly" Bartlett, a family friend with whom he had fallen in love. After, enduring ,humiliation for deserting, he managed to get himself traded to a slave ship
  6. For depression is CBT, which teaches clients to challenge self-defeating, but, enduring , ways of thinking (cognitions) and change counter-productive behaviors.
  7. Himself from dangers be considered, together with his greatness of mind in, enduring ,overcoming hardships, it cannot be seen why he should be esteemed less than the
  8. Of business and wealth that belong to such enterprises. But It's glory, after, enduring , in great splendor for a season, has now vanished—at least its Long Island
  9. Mills upon the Rebel – had already deployed by the river against Blenheim, enduring ,over the next three hours severe fire from a heavy six-gun battery posted near
  10. Is considered a virtue to work toward. The Greater Covenant is viewed as a more, enduring ,agreement between God and humankind, where a Manifestation of God is expected
  11. Church. However, the reception of the Mystery is not limited to those who are, enduring ,physical illness. The Mystery is given for healing (both physical and
  12. And 57.6 % of the popular vote. Interstate Highway System One of Eisenhower's, enduring ,achievements was championing and signing the bill that authorized the
  13. Etc.) from an existing carbon-rich material, by being incorporated into an, enduring ,usage (such as in construction). Thereafter, it can be passively stored or
  14. Had been raised from the dead, he wrote:" Many of them have remained constant, enduring ,tortures inflicted by sword, rope,fire and water and suffering terrible
  15. City, and the empire, would ultimately fall to the Ottomans by 1453,but its, enduring ,legacy had provided Europe centuries of resurgence following the collapse of
  16. Wife, Livia (sometimes for the worse). Nevertheless, his legacy proved more, enduring , The city of Rome was utterly transformed under Augustus, with Rome's first
  17. Have combined rarity and quality with the first appearances of popular and, enduring ,characters. Four comic books to have sold for over $1 million USD as of
  18. Playing England at the Old Wembley Stadium, is undoubtedly, one of the most, enduring ,images of Carlos Valderrama playing at his best. Jorge Volcano had this to say
  19. Of his life. Chaplin's lifelong attraction to younger women remains another, enduring ,source of interest to some. His biographers have attributed this to a teenage
  20. Anatomy and on the development of the adult forms from embryos, has produced no, enduring ,consensus about the position of Ectoprocta. In the opinion of Ruth Jewel
  21. Traditions that had largely informed the discipline. During this shift, enduring ,questions about the nature and production of knowledge came to occupy a central
  22. Entourage himself. He was described by Fernão Lopes de Castanheda as patiently, enduring ,an open opposition from the group that had gathered around D. Francisco de
  23. Violence; prompted worldwide media coverage and intense public debate; forged, enduring ,civic, economic and religious alliances; and disrupted and realigned the nation
  24. Similar note of congratulations. The letters crossed in the mail and led to an, enduring ,and fruitful friendship. When World War II broke out in 1939,Oxford University
  25. White Sox. The remainder of the season would not be as pleasant, with the team, enduring ,100 losses while avoiding the AL cellar by only three games. With fellow
  26. Personnel in World War II brought further American influence; seen in the, enduring ,persistence of okay, you guys and gee. They are part of a continuum, reflecting
  27. Size. As such, they have captured the popular imagination and become an, enduring ,part of human culture. Entry of the word" dinosaur" into the common
  28. Wild egg). The Habsburgs founded a number of monasteries (with some structures, enduring , e.g., in Wettingen and MRI),the closing of which by the government in 1841
  29. To Australian Captain W. M. Woodhull in 1934. The oldest, and the one to enjoy, enduring ,fame, was the one presented to Bligh, later Lord Darnley, during the 1882–83
  30. Orlando, Florida every year. The competition aspect of cheerleading can be very, enduring ,; styles and rules changing every year make it important and difficult to find
  31. Found its stately mirror in the powerful idea of classicism – a painting style, enduring ,in later artists like Ingres, whose austerity and grandeur express the
  32. Greatly on gold mining. Confidence of the city's early citizens in the, enduring ,future of their city is evident in the sheer scale of many of the early public
  33. Shines, and shines, almost alone, a star. " Buddhist Kingship One of the more, enduring ,legacies of Ashoka Maurya was the model that he provided for the relationship
  34. Congress created the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Commission, to create an, enduring ,national memorial in Washington’D. C. In 2009,the commission chose the
  35. War, and political elections. Issue #50 (June 1967) introduced the highly, enduring ,criminal mastermind the Kingpin, who would become a major force as well in the
  36. A celestial sphere on his back or shoulders (also known as Atlas Celadon or ", enduring ,Atlas" ) ** Barnes Atlas, a 2nd-century Roman marble copy of a Hellenistic
  37. Calendar. While not all these conclusions have been accepted, it has had an, enduring ,influence on archaeoastronomy, especially in Europe. Juan Mackie has supported
  38. Uses other popular influences, including those of his native Germany. The most, enduring ,feature of Gebrauchsmusik in Mahagonny, however,are the tunes. This reflects
  39. Always made clear that he admired the political liberty which was one of the, enduring ,strengths of western democratic societies. In a major speech delivered to the
  40. As European nation states. Two works by Mass in particular proved to have, enduring ,relevance: Essay on the Gift, a seminal analysis of exchange and reciprocity
  41. Animals in an immersive and exciting way. Name torrens1993/> Dinosaurs ', enduring ,popularity, in its turn, has resulted in significant public funding for
  42. Show of hands) of yes or no. Though there might be blocs of opinion, sometimes, enduring , on crucial issues, there were no political parties and likewise no government
  43. Is believed to be good for the brain, while the Chinese consider it a symbol of, enduring ,sadness and female beauty. Image: Green almonds. JPG|Green almonds Image:
  44. Delete ... deepens the value of his village setting by presenting in full the, enduring ,natural background; with the people projected against this, the writing comes
  45. Provides a deeper understanding of the human desire to accomplish something of, enduring ,value amidst commercial success and ruthless realities of life. Notes Further
  46. One of the more famous examples of a cryptid within cryptozoology, and an, enduring ,legend. Description Bigfoot is described in reports as a large hairy ape-like
  47. Symbol was further popularized by Rebellion Brewery's The Rat beer. Another, enduring ,nickname is Golden City which dates back to the gold rush and appears in
  48. The humor and pathos of Lee's writing to lay the foundation for what became an, enduring ,mythos. Most of Spider-Man's key villains and supporting characters were
  49. In which memories of powerful emotional events are more highly detailed and, enduring ,than regular memories (e.g. September 11 attacks, assassination of JFK).
  50. As the WI's official anthem, in practice it holds that position, and is an, enduring ,element of the public image of the WI. *It is traditionally sung before rugby

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