Examples of the the word, arrogance , in a Sentence Context

The word ( arrogance ), is the 9422 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Himself in this way often indicates that the speaker attributes some degree of, arrogance ,or selfishness to the person in question. Note also the indirectness of this
  2. Was not that of a performer easily welcomed into homes. He projected an, arrogance ,not compatible with the type of cozy congeniality that played well on the small
  3. Of violence and intimidation to attempt to maintain control over Rome, and his, arrogance ,towards and disrespect of Roman custom and the Roman Senate. Tensions came to
  4. For what were perceived as his partisanship, high-handededness and, arrogance ,in office. In 1802,his opposition to plans for Ohio statehood led President
  5. Victim shortly before his own death so that he could avoid succumbing to the, arrogance ,of the murderer where he might come to view himself as being entitled to kill
  6. The Government of Libya said that the United States had fallen prey to the, arrogance ,and madness of power and wanted to become the world's policeman. It charged
  7. Been raised alongside the English and French standards. This was interpreted as, arrogance ,by both Richard and Philip, as Leopold was a vassal of the Holy Roman Emperor (
  8. This repugnance to episcopal control is to be traced, far more than to the, arrogance ,of abbots, rendered it increasingly frequent, and,in the 6th century, the
  9. By the Army. " Göring finished the war with 22 confirmed kills. Because of his, arrogance , Göring's appointment as commander of Jagdgeschwader 1 had not been well
  10. Haute Cole: advanced horsemanship; literally" high school "; hauteur:, arrogance ,; lit. Height; haut monde: fashionable society, the " high world "; home Du
  11. Under altruistic pretenses. As the issue continues, Charles realizes his human, arrogance ,and that while some of his decisions were morally wrong, he must move forward
  12. Of Rights and Freedoms within Canada's constitution. Critics accuse him of, arrogance , economic mismanagement, and unduly favoring the federal government relative
  13. The fall of. Obadiah describes an encounter with God who addresses Odom’s, arrogance ,and charges them for their violent actions against their brother nation, the
  14. The second is Salas, and the third is Samuel. And he is impious in his, arrogance ,which is in him. For he said,'I am God and there is no other God beside me,'
  15. S abilities were never doubted by superiors and subordinates alike, his, arrogance , and combativeness won him few supporters within the Party and he occasionally
  16. Somewhat unfairly, as it has stressed the harshness of the Sui regime and the, arrogance ,of its second emperor, giving little credit for the Dynasty's many positives
  17. National debt, and growing public antipathy towards Trudeau's perceived, arrogance ,caused his poll numbers to fall rapidly. Trudeau delayed the election as long
  18. Modern use In its modern use, hubris denotes overconfident pride and, arrogance ,; it is often associated with a lack of humility, though not always with the
  19. The disaster that will befall the would-be Hesychast if he proceeds in pride, arrogance ,or conceit. It is also assumed in the Hesychast texts that the Hesychast is a
  20. To the crown. Even though Oboi's loyalty was never an issue, his personal, arrogance ,and political conservatism led him to come into ever escalating conflict with
  21. Else to go" ( to stop the left-winger Michael Foot from winning). Healey's, arrogance ,convinced many that their days as members of the Labour Party were now over.
  22. Designed from the beginning and were rooted in Rousseau's personal vanity, arrogance , and other moral failings. He recalled Rousseau's visit to Britain in 1766
  23. Is Salas (“ fool” ), and the third is Samuel. And he is impious in his, arrogance ,which is in him. For he said," I am God and there is no other God beside me,"
  24. Outcast and miserable, as he was when he was enslaved in Sierra Leone; his own, arrogance ,was matched by how far he had fallen in his life. The communal understanding of
  25. The Greek commander Michael Palaeologus alienated some of his allies by his, arrogance , and this stalled the campaign as rebel Count Robert of Costello refused to
  26. Attacked Jews for supposedly having certain characteristics, such as greed and, arrogance , and for observing customs such as kashrut and Shabbat; *and racial
  27. The lord Poseidon ". The most evident flaw that Odysseus sports is that of his, arrogance ,and his pride, or hubris. As he sails away from the island of the Cyclopes, he
  28. That particularly closely, repudiating him for what Wilde finally sees as his, arrogance ,and vanity: he had not forgotten Douglas's remark, when he was ill," When you
  29. Adopted similar customs two centuries later). In Spain, a man acting with, arrogance ,would be said to be" haciendas Los goods" (" making himself to act like the
  30. Then being. At the school, Ged masters his craft with ease, but his pride and, arrogance ,grow even faster than his skill and, in his hubris, he attempts to summon a
  31. In 1947. Montgomery stirred up the resentment of his superiors for his, arrogance ,and dictatorial ways, and also for his disregard of convention when it
  32. Should be reserved to every one of the rest. The breach of this precept is, arrogance , and observers of the precept are called modest. * The eleventh law is that if
  33. His critics, still angry over the 1824 election, accused him of unseemly, arrogance ,despite his narrow victory, and opposed many of his initiatives. Some of his
  34. To think of America as the land of freedom and democracy, not the land of, arrogance ,and blind revenge. I want to be proud of America again. " The site provided a
  35. Sacred to the goddess Fermenting. At the meeting Turns inveighed against the, arrogance ,of Arminius, and warned his countrymen against putting trust in him.
  36. Did not have the extended connotation of overweening pride, self-confidence or, arrogance , often resulting in fatal retribution. In Ancient Greece," hubris" referred
  37. Babyface, or " the good guy" ) and an antagonist (historically a villain with, arrogance , a tendency to break rules, or other unlikable qualities, called a heel). In
  38. Worse was to come: Michael was soon recalled to Constantinople. Although his, arrogance ,had slowed the campaign, he was a brilliant general in the field, and his loss
  39. Editors and even a few cartoonists criticized him for what they perceived as, arrogance ,and an unwillingness to abide by the normal practices of the cartoon business.
  40. Union to live. Hubris (), also hybris, means extreme haughtiness, pride or, arrogance , Hubris often indicates a loss of contact with reality and an overestimation of
  41. Arminius Super bus. In consequence of this" tragic crime" and his hubris tic, arrogance ,as king, Tarquinius was eventually removed. This cleared the way for the
  42. Into five branches: love of esteem, presumptuousness,vanity, ambition and, arrogance , Among the early writings of Abbasid were four Sermons SUR divers Texts de
  43. Peter's Pence and other financial help, enabled him to restrain somewhat the, arrogance ,of the Teutonic Order. Alexander Jagiellon never felt at home in Poland, and
  44. That, from such stolid adherence to natural science and intelligence, arises, arrogance , and complacency. The concept originates at least by the 6th century BC, when it
  45. To leave Imperial service. In Vienna Eugene's attitude was dismissed as the, arrogance ,of a young upstart, but so impressed was the Emperor by his passion for the
  46. S play Doctor Faustus portrays the titular character as a scholar whose, arrogance ,and pride compel him to sign a deal with the devil, and retain his haughtiness
  47. To Shang-Chi. Though initially sarcastic and self-possessed to the point of, arrogance ,(Lake is actually a Japanese name meaning" arrogant" ) her relationship
  48. And bereft of substance, and Mahagonny in part sought to deflate the pompous, arrogance ,of traditional opera. With this aim, many traditional operatic themes are
  49. As a" cowardly murder" and Grey's note as being" full of insolence and, arrogance ,". It was announced that reprisals had been decided, but not what form they
  50. God Nears and often seen accompanying Poseidon. To punish the Queen for her, arrogance , Poseidon, brother to Zeus and god of the sea, sent a sea monster named Cetus

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