Examples of the the word, narrowly , in a Sentence Context

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  1. And" menshinstvo" ( minority),based on the fact that Lenin's supporters, narrowly ,defeated Martov's supporters on the question of party membership. Neither
  2. Advertising, which allows private individuals or companies to purchase a small, narrowly ,targeted ad for a low fee advertising a product or service. Another form of
  3. Customer base decreased to 10.1 million subscribers as of November 2007,just, narrowly ,ahead of Comcast and AT&T Yahoo!. As of June 2010,AOL's subscriber base
  4. Against the wishes of interim president Hamid Karma. On 20 May 2003,after, narrowly ,escaping an assassination attempt, Dostum assumed the position of" Chief of
  5. To undo the work of the Sorbonnistes, to turn French historians away from the, narrowly ,political and diplomatic toward the new vistas in social and economic history.
  6. Bulgarians under the Comitopuli Samuel and Aron. The Byzantine emperor Basil II, narrowly ,escaped. *1807 – Robert Fulton's North River Steamboat leaves New York City
  7. Also earned the assist in the final out of the Series on the next play, as he, narrowly ,threw Orlando Palmer out at first to give the White Sox their first World
  8. ABD Brahman at a later date. ABD Brahman, Yahiya and Bear quit the village, narrowly ,escaping the Abbasid assassins. Later, on the way south, Abbasid horsemen again
  9. Are speech sounds that involve the articulatory approaching each other but not, narrowly ,enough or with enough articulatory precision to create turbulent airflow.
  10. And retreat due to lack of support for the Confederacy in that state. Bragg was, narrowly ,defeated by Maj. Gen. William Rosecrans at the Battle of Stones River name
  11. To cap production of the bombers to the existing 21 aircraft. The amendment was, narrowly ,defeated. Nonetheless, Congress did not approve funding for the purchase of any
  12. The Warren (). The character 小 in this context means petty in mind and heart, narrowly ,self-interested, greedy,superficial, or materialistic. Rectification of names
  13. And as a result can be used and interpreted in two ways, more broadly or more, narrowly , within a range of blurring and ambiguity. " History English is a West Germanic
  14. Fielder DOM DiMaggio (the younger brother of Joe DiMaggio). The Red Sox, narrowly ,lost the AL pennant in and. In 1948,Boston finished in a tie with Cleveland
  15. Survived when he failed to attend the theater with Lincoln as planned, Seward, narrowly , survived his wounds, while Johnson escaped attack as his would-be assassin
  16. As unequal. As Alfonso XIII and ENA were returning from the wedding, they, narrowly , escaped an assassination attempted in Paris by the anarchist Mate Moral;
  17. Back to England in 1921 where his men lost only two games late in the tour to, narrowly ,miss out of being the first team to complete a tour of England without defeat.
  18. To capture Tsars Self, but were beaten the next day at Cuckoo. Kerensky, narrowly ,escaped, and spent the next few weeks in hiding before fleeing the country
  19. Killer" application. Definitions The term" computing" has sometimes been, narrowly ,defined, as in a 1989 ACM report on Computing as a Discipline: The discipline
  20. 22, 2001,American Airlines Flight 63,a 767-300ER flight from Paris to Miami, narrowly ,averted disaster when Richard C. Reid tried detonating an explosive in his
  21. To include professional black teams outside the leagues, and it may be used, narrowly ,for the seven relatively successful leagues beginning 1920 that are sometimes
  22. Number of men of wit ". The fast-paced and improbable plot—in which characters, narrowly ,escape death repeatedly, for instance—allows for compounding tragedies to
  23. Texas, when a fire broke out, destroying the chamber. Smith and his partner, narrowly ,escaped. Other oxygen fire occurrences are documented in certain US reports
  24. The Health Service). At the party's first electoral contest, Jenkins, narrowly , failed to win a by-election at Warrington in July 1981,describing it as his "
  25. As the leading team in world cricket with a hard-fought 2–1 away series. After, narrowly ,winning the Second Test at Lord's, dubbed " The Battle of the Ridge" because
  26. Instead of" the Sea of the Land of Chaldea. " It is impossible to define, narrowly ,the boundaries of this early land of Chaldea, and one may only locate it
  27. 1st Marines were quickly bogged down by heavy fire from" The Point ". Puller, narrowly ,escaped death when a high velocity she'll hit his LVT. His communications
  28. Record companies. Though musicologists can now attempt to define“ the blues ”, narrowly ,in terms of certain chord structures and lyric strategies thought to have
  29. Asia. In a countrywide referendum on October 5,2007,the voters of Costa Rica, narrowly ,backed a free trade agreement, with 51.6 % of" Yes" votes. With a $2.2
  30. To as alternation of generations. Since sexual reproduction is often more, narrowly ,defined as the fusion of gametes (fertilization),spore formation in plant
  31. Have left after a short interval, for he appeared again in Constantinople, and, narrowly , escaped death at the hands of the brothers of Eudora. About this time (1153)
  32. And include the algebraic numbers, plus some transcendental numbers. Most, narrowly , one may consider numbers explicitly defined in terms of polynomials
  33. Cruiser, and her squadron-mate both charged across Beatty's bows, and Lion, narrowly ,avoided a collision with Warrior. Nearby, numerous British light cruisers and
  34. With more than 80 % of Israelis backing the plans. On 27 September 2005,Sharon, narrowly ,defeated a leadership challenge by a 52–48 percent vote. The move was initiated
  35. 1953 when England won the final Test at The Oval to take the series 1–0,having, narrowly ,evaded defeat in the preceding Test at Heading. This was the beginning of
  36. To immediately pursue, as Defense had lost its fore topmast and Orion was, narrowly ,missed by an improvised fire ship that drifted through the battle. The origin of
  37. That the prices of the items are correlated or predictable; this is more, narrowly ,referred to as a convergence trade. In the extreme case this is merger
  38. Broad readership base, such as a major national newspaper or magazine, to more, narrowly ,targeted media such as local newspapers and trade journals on very specialized
  39. Highest total for any division winner in the two leagues. They had also only, narrowly ,beaten the favored Oakland Raiders 27-23 in the AFL championship game. Jets
  40. At #59 in the UK singles chart. And features vocals from Monica Queen. The EP, narrowly ,missed out of the UK top 40,peaking at #41. While often cited by critics as
  41. Damages). Courts generally interpret statutes that create new causes of action, narrowly ,– that is, limited to their precise terms—because the courts generally
  42. Heavily for the winning Republican Warren G. Harding in 1920,but much more, narrowly ,on a split vote for his victorious Republican successor Calvin Coolidge in 1924
  43. It includes a dramatic description of child sacrifice, and the boy Hannibal, narrowly ,avoiding being sacrificed. In The Dead Past, a science fiction short story by
  44. Day, and after a long and doubtful fight, in which he himself was unhorsed and, narrowly ,escaped death, began to drive back the Flemings. In the meanwhile the French
  45. Coalition remained in power until the legislative elections of 2003,when they, narrowly ,lost the majority to HDZ and other center-right parties. HDZ formed a
  46. Mountain – At Cedar Mountain, Virginia,Confederate General Stonewall Jackson, narrowly ,defeats Union forces under General John Pope. *1877 – Indian Wars: Battle of
  47. In countries with fiat money, expression " monetary policy" may refer more, narrowly ,to the interest-rate targets and other active measures undertaken by the
  48. And first-round bye over the Oilers and Pittsburgh Steelers at 9–7. The Browns, narrowly ,survived a scare from the Buffalo Bills in their divisional playoff game, when
  49. Individuals who may have active but distinctly odd social approaches, narrowly ,focused interests, and verbose, pedantic communication. Because the behavior
  50. Their past professional experience. This issue arose in 2003 when Hide Mathew, narrowly ,lost the AL award to Ángel Berra. Jim Sudan of the Minneapolis Star Tribune

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