Examples of the the word, fin , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Cout = α fin + (1 − α) bin: out = α fin + bin − α bin: out = bin + α (, fin ,− bin) By simply rewriting the mathematical expression one can save 50 % of
  2. Phrase. Innovation Berg was a part of Vienna's cultural elite during the heady, fin ,de since period. His circle included the musicians Alexander von Zemlinsky and
  3. Of healing/repair mechanisms in vertebrates. It has also been found if the same, fin ,is damaged enough times, the fish will grow a new fin which will have mutated
  4. The ray- fin ned fishes are so called because they possess lepidotrichia or ", fin ,rays ", their fin s being webs of skin supported by bony or horny spines ("
  5. Sought a solution to two major performance issues of a central" single ", fin ,- both related to engagement of the foil: For one, a centrally-mounted fin is
  6. Fish, with small mouths, large eyes, a single dorsal fin , and a rounded caudal, fin , The largest species is the Cairo dojos (Enables down),which measures in
  7. Swims, propelling and maneuvering with its tail, itself recognizable as a, fin , The fin on fixed-wing aircraft is known as a vertical stabilizer. Fins are
  8. Most scientists believe this is a defense mechanism to try to prevent the, fin ,from being damaged again. Genetics Gene expression A common reverse genetics
  9. In real time video games there is an easy trick to boost performance.: out = α, fin ,+ (1 − α) bin: out = α fin + bin − α bin: out = bin + α ( fin − bin) By
  10. Is an easy trick to boost performance.: out = α fin + (1 − α) bin: out = α, fin ,+ bin − α bin: out = bin + α ( fin − bin) By simply rewriting the
  11. Sarcopterygii which also, however,possess lepidotrichia. These actinopterygian, fin ,rays attach directly to the proximal or basal skeletal elements, the radials
  12. Roots of fascism have been traced to the 1880s,and in particular the, fin ,de since theme of that time. The theme was based on revolt against materialism
  13. Are often seen in addition to a central fin , but can be used without a central, fin ,as well. Some of the most popular multi- fin configurations use two rail fin s (
  14. At low altitude. To alleviate this, Rockwell included small triangular, fin ,control surfaces or vanes near the nose on the B-1. The B-1's Structural Mode
  15. Propelling and maneuvering with its tail, itself recognizable as a fin . The, fin ,on fixed-wing aircraft is known as a vertical stabilizer. Fins are also seen
  16. Which was effectively immune against the contemporary M-829 armor piercing, fin ,stabilized discarding sabot. Today it is estimated that a tank gun will have to
  17. Flat side and one" foiled" side, as seen on an airfoil, for greater lift. A, fin ,configuration with fin s near the edge of the board stabilizes and contributes
  18. D'Antonio and Carlo Bugatti exemplified the artistic Bohemian dandyism of the, fin ,de since. At the end of the 19th century, American dandies were called dudes.
  19. Family Balaenopteridae),a family that includes the humpback whale,the, fin ,whale,Bryde's whale, the set whale and the Mike whale. But this is not
  20. Two rail fin s (a" twin- fin " ), two rail fin s plus a similar-sized central, fin ,mounted further back (e.g. a" Thruster" ), or four fin s (a" quad" ).
  21. Way is known as" trimming. " Lift (aka" drive" ) from the board and its, fin ,(s) is what enables all maneuvers in sur fin g. A" skew" ( an upright
  22. SING) SJA (SJA) SD (SD) SD/C32 (SD/C32) Tübingen (TU) Tunnel long, fin ,(TL) Tunnel long fin nacre (TLN) WIN (WIN) WIN/AB (WIN/AB) Hybrids
  23. Of traditional sur fin g, skegs are also often used as a central stabilizing, fin ,(hydrofoil) located at the rear of the board. A windsurfer's skew also has
  24. Fin - both related to engagement of the foil: For one, a centrally-mounted, fin ,is tilted up out of the water as the board is leaned over, and thus it loses
  25. As bad you, and sometimes forms part of a Chinese banquet. Similar to shark, fin ,soup or birds nest soup, it is considered a luxury item, and is traditionally
  26. SD) SD/C32 (SD/C32) Tübingen (TU) Tunnel long fin (TL) Tunnel long, fin ,nacre (TLN) WIN (WIN) WIN/AB (WIN/AB) Hybrids between different
  27. Wild. Reason and Gull berg describe the genetic distance between a blue and a, fin ,as about the same as that between a human and a gorilla. Researchers working
  28. Species of Carboniferous marine fish have been described largely from teeth, fin ,spines and dermal ossicles, with smaller freshwater fish preserved whole.
  29. On the upper fuselage, as well as extra wire antennas between the vertical, fin ,and upper fuselage not found on other C-130s. Radio call numbers on the tail of
  30. Its lift as the lean angle increases - if the lean angle is acute enough,the, fin ,'s tip can be the only area left in the water; the tip may then rapidly stall
  31. The desired direction of their turn. As the rider does so, an " inside" rail, fin ,sinks deeper and its angle of attack is increased, as is its lift-induced drag.
  32. Abandoned as impractical and contrary to NPS principles. The original sandstone, fin ,was gradually worn away by weathering and erosion, eventually leaving the arch.
  33. Been found if the same fin is damaged enough times, the fish will grow a new, fin ,which will have mutated only a small amount. Most scientists believe this is a
  34. In multi- fin arrangements (often in combination with a similarly-sized central, fin ,further back on the board). Rail fin s enable high-performance sur fin g, and are
  35. Monoplane, biplane,or trip lane. The position of the sailplane relative to the, fin ,(s) and the shape of the fin are also clues to its type. If it is an antique
  36. They are small to medium fish, with small mouths, large eyes, a single dorsal, fin , and a rounded caudal fin . The largest species is the Cairo dojos (Enables
  37. Harvested during both the austral spring and autumn. Finish In the 1970s many, fin ,fish, particularly the rock cod, a high volume low value fish were exploited to
  38. To initiate turns. " Toeing in" rail fin s also adds drag on the" outside ", fin , as its angle of attack is negative during trim or in a turn. These combined
  39. Numerous transverse linear reliefs, in which sensory endings abound. The dorsal, fin , well behind, is very high, short,and is at the same level as the anal, which
  40. Art in New York. As his last work he prepared the text for the book Paris sans, fin , a sequence of 150 lithographs containing memories of all the places where he
  41. Configuration, with variable-sweep wing, four turbofan engines, and triangular, fin ,control surfaces. The wings can sweep from 15 degrees to 67.5 degrees (full
  42. During turning maneuvers. Rail fin s are often seen in addition to a central, fin , but can be used without a central fin as well. Some of the most popular
  43. The position of the sailplane relative to the fin (s) and the shape of the, fin ,are also clues to its type. If it is an antique or light aircraft it might have
  44. In the latter 19th century. For example, Karl Leger, the popular mayor of, fin ,de since Vienna, skillfully exploited antisemitism as a way of channeling
  45. Such as the seven-word a, at,rat, rate,irate, pirate,pirates or I, in, fin , fin d, friend,friends. If tam (a type of cap) is accepted as a common
  46. Torres y Quevedo's Analogue Calculating Machines based on" fusee sans, fin ," Analog (audio) synthesizers can also be viewed as a form of analog computer
  47. Of toed-in rail fin s cause several issues: drag on a toed-in outside rail, fin ,can slow the board down in trim, but it can also give a braking effect during
  48. It can also give a braking effect during turns that is useful. The inside rail, fin ,(and the board itself) can be" pumped," attacked and re-attacked, by
  49. Greek for" The monster (or wonder) of Less with the diamond shaped, fin ,") for the apocryphal Loch Ness Monster. Shortly afterwards, several London
  50. From Le Spleen de Paris),and the posthumous Les Flours Du MAL (suite et, fin ,) (21 poems),recorded in 1977 but released in 2008. * French singer David

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