Examples of the the word, oriented , in a Sentence Context

The word ( oriented ), is the 9418 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Range of its individual characteristics is thereby wide. Examples of mentally, oriented ,practices are education games, during which the dominant requires certain forms
  2. Developed a concept of international co-operation and maintains sustainability, oriented ,project partnerships in addition to traditional city twinning, among others
  3. Psychiatrist, founded a new method of individual and institutional development, oriented ,towards humanizing organizations and linked with Steiner's ideas of the
  4. Anisotropy, for example, may occur in a plasma, so that its magnetic field is, oriented ,in a preferred direction. Plasmas may also show" lamentation" ( such as
  5. To be derived from the Egyptian symbol for trade. Because the Ancient Egyptians, oriented ,toward the origin of the life-giving waters of the Nile in the south, Swenet
  6. Perceptual functioning—focuses more on the superiority of locally, oriented ,and perceptual operations in autistic individuals. These theories map well from
  7. No bit synchronization signal is required. This is sometimes called character, oriented ,communication. Examples are the RS-232C serial standard, and MNP2 and V.2
  8. Frac \right). The Hirzebruch signature theorem for the L genus of a smooth, oriented ,closed manifold of dimension 4n also involves Bernoulli numbers. Combinatorial
  9. The fossil record) Additionally, members of this family possess posteriorly, oriented ,M2 postprotocrista molars, elongated m2 molars, and a reduction of the
  10. In the garden. Many Arawak dislike rain and cold weather. Arawak are pack, oriented ,and form complex social hierarchies. They have tremendous memories and are able
  11. Pornography. While animation for children exists,most anime have more adult, oriented ,themes. Distribution While anime had entered markets beyond Japan in the 1960s
  12. Around the local line of latitude which would induce a magnetic dipole field, oriented ,like the Earth's. This made the internal current East to West as previously
  13. Least vertical height. The back plane would be mounted vertically in a chassis, oriented ,front to back and the plug-in SBC and cards would lay flat, protruding out both
  14. For independence, by advocating a complete break with history. Common Sense is, oriented ,to the future in a way that compels the reader to make an immediate choice. It
  15. Making it feel like sandpaper. In most species, all dermal denticles are, oriented ,in one direction, making the skin feel very smooth if rubbed in one direction
  16. Consider these series of computers to be technologically groundbreaking. Stack, oriented ,processors, with 48 bit word length where each word was defined as data or
  17. The early 1990s,the Dutch government began setting up a number of thematically, oriented ,research schools that spanned multiple universities. These schools were
  18. Microsoft. Net languages such as VB. Net and C#. Visual APL is inherently objected, oriented ,and Unicode-based. While Visual APL incorporates most of the features of
  19. Live in the sea. Buildings such as temples and residential homes are spatially, oriented ,by having the most sacred spaces closest to the mountain and the unclean places
  20. Step is called" knocking the arrow ". Typical arrows with three vanes should be, oriented ,such that a single vane, the " cock feather ", is pointing away from the bow
  21. Awareness of celestial cycles, and are believed to have consciously, oriented ,their temples to create alignment with the helical risings of the stars. There
  22. Dialog has innovative extensions to the APL language which include new object, oriented ,features, numerous language enhancements, plus a consistent namespace model
  23. Brasília. There are some well evaluated schools in the city. Some are religious, oriented , such as the Catholics http://www.marista.org.br/ Marisa
  24. And drum machine in contrast with his older works consisting of a group, oriented ,rock based sound. In subsequent years, Manço released Demesne Eagle Boy (
  25. Reserves of softwood allow Alberta to produce large quantities of lumber, oriented ,strand board (OSB) and plywood, and several plants in northern Alberta supply
  26. With a serum alcohol concentration of 1.5 (1510 mg/DL). She was alert and, oriented ,to person and place (Reported in the Lancet, Dec 18 1982, pg 1394). Serum
  27. Set of orientations. For example, the three p orbitals have six lobes which are, oriented ,to each of the six primary directions of 3-D space; for the 5 d orbitals, there
  28. Or in Paget's disease. Woven bone is weaker, with a smaller number of randomly, oriented ,collagen fibers, but forms quickly; it is for this appearance of the fibrous
  29. To be the opposite. Because it is based on a particular era it is more hobbyist, oriented , reducing corporate sponsorship and politics. Events are regulated to only
  30. Reserves of softwood allow Alberta to produce large quantities of lumber, oriented ,strand board (OSB) and plywood, and several plants in northern Alberta supply
  31. Theosophical Society had begun to become apparent. While the Society was, oriented ,toward an Eastern and especially Indian approach, Steiner was trying to develop
  32. Subjected to a sufficiently high electric field (~3-6 V/nm). The needle is, oriented ,towards a phosphor screen to create a projected image of the tip's work
  33. Hand revolutionary organization with predominately Serbian and pro Yugoslav, oriented ,members assassinated in Bosnia and Herzegovina's capital Sarajevo the
  34. Focus on practical implementation of technology has tended to keep them, oriented ,more towards incremental-level redesigns and reconfiguration, as opposed to
  35. Avenue is a major cultural festivity in the area. Boasted as a true family, oriented ,event, parade goers can enjoy over 20 New Orleans style floats, high school and
  36. Including the concepts of yogi and analog. It generated interest with research, oriented ,astrologers in the West. From the early 1990s,Western Vedic astrologer and
  37. CMS) in 1799. The 19th century saw the founding and expansion of social, oriented ,evangelism with societies such as the Church Pastoral Aid Society (CPA) in
  38. Alignments of the great houses of Chico Canyon and outlying areas are, oriented ,to the same solar and lunar directions that are marked at the Sun Dagger site.
  39. Stereo sound system @ 48 and 44.1 kHz ** An experimental-electronic-development, oriented ,port, backed by three fuses on the main board. ** Digital and analog I/O and DC
  40. Assumption that the axis of alignment of an archaeological site is meaningfully, oriented ,towards an astronomical target. Brown archaeoastronomy may justify this
  41. In a parallel arrangement,all the N-termini of successive strands are, oriented ,in the same direction; this orientation may be slightly less stable because it
  42. Electrolysis. In that paper Faraday explained that when an electrolytic cell is, oriented ,so that electric current traverses the" decomposing body" ( electrolyte) in
  43. Building and interbuilding alignments of the great houses of Chico Canyon are, oriented ,to solar, lunar and cardinal directions. In addition, research shows that the
  44. Rock band, Atmosphere * Atmosphere (series),also known as Nightmare, a video, oriented ,board game famously known for introducing" The Gatekeeper" * Atmospheres (TV
  45. Only within linguistically determined geographical boundaries, originally, oriented , towards the individuals of a Community's language: culture (including
  46. Focuses on larger transactions, which is different from a traditional, retail, oriented , barter exchange. Corporate barter exchanges typically use media and advertising
  47. Referred to as a" dumbbell" ). The three p-orbitals in each shell are, oriented ,at right angles to each other, as determined by their respective linear
  48. Miller ite Adventist movement, Russell attended and eventually led an Adventist, oriented ,Bible study church from 1870 to 74. Avowing his indebtedness to Adventism, he "
  49. Is an 'anti-destiny' ). Malraux argues that, while art has sometimes been, oriented ,towards beauty and the sublime (principally in post-Renaissance European art)
  50. Personal cause for interest in ideologically motivated attacks on biologically, oriented ,behavioral scientists, I first took notice of Gould when he played a prominent

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