Examples of the the word, malicious , in a Sentence Context

The word ( malicious ), is the 9419 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The effect of a comedic blow. Despite the slapstick, Arlecchino is not, malicious , but mischievous, the slapstick being a classic example of carnivalesque
  2. United States; ch. 74,) made it a crime to publish" false, scandalous,and, malicious ,writing" against the government or its officials. It was enacted July 14, 1798
  3. Makes Bob Holler: A Tribute to Bob Wills and His Texas Playboys. Bactrians is a, malicious ,Microsoft Windows computer worm distributed by e-mail. Because of a known
  4. THE GRACCHUS, MARIUS,AND SULLA By A. H. BEES LY (BTM format) Gossip is, malicious ,talk or rumor, especially about the personal or private affairs of others
  5. Of those browsers are vulnerable to other XSS attacks, such as those where the, malicious ,code is stored in a database. Only correct design of Web applications on the
  6. To cause a target website, such as an online banking website, to include a, malicious ,script in the webpage presented to a victim. The script in this example can
  7. To the Talmud, eternal punishment is reserved for a much smaller group of, malicious ,and evil leaders, either whose deeds go way beyond norms, or who lead large
  8. On the call stack. Stack-based exploitation A technically inclined and, malicious ,user may exploit stack-based buffer overflows to manipulate the program in one
  9. That attempt to identify, thwart and eliminate computer viruses and other, malicious ,software (malware). * Applications with known security flaws should not be
  10. The argument against disclosure is that providing complete details or tools to, malicious ,attackers, such as black hats and script kiddies, allows them to take advantage
  11. Suits or proceedings at law in at least three instances, and with a corrupt or, malicious ,intent to vex and annoy. " * Revised Code of Washington 9.12.010:" Every
  12. Niches" is variously understood, though the word is commonly translated as ", malicious ," or" venomous ". An alternative interpretation is that" Band Niches "
  13. Over the bill (now famously known as the 'Reckoning' ) exchanging" divers, malicious ,words" while Frier was sitting at a table between the other two and Marlowe
  14. Will be exceedingly hard, such as the slanderer, the habitual gossip, and the, malicious ,person) The rabbis recognize a positive value to the better Hara: one
  15. And had serious personal grudges – gave vent to these and spread damaging, malicious ,stories about that Labor government. " Mountbatten's role in the plotting
  16. At Green Hedges, Blyton has emerged as an emotionally unstable and often, malicious ,figure. By 1939 her marriage to Pollock was in difficulties, and she began a
  17. Little reliability, some researchers believe that the statement was made with, malicious ,intent. It is possible that in the statement about Dobrawa's age, Cosmas was
  18. Ads. Malware Some adware can also be classified as spyware, a type of malware (, malicious ,software) which steals information. For example BonziBUDDY, an application
  19. Buffer it will" slide" down the no-ops until it is redirected to the actual, malicious ,code by the jump at the end. This technique requires the attacker to guess
  20. Celebrations. However, the mood turns sour when a lunatic begins a series of, malicious ,pranks including poison-pen messages, obscene graffiti, the destruction of a
  21. Have enabled exploits to be created that use third-party software to perform, malicious ,acts on users' computers. Although most are relatively harmless, such as being
  22. A domain for its own execution, and capable of protecting application code from, malicious ,subversion, and capable of protecting the system from subverted code, then high
  23. Of phishing attacks, it remains possible to trick the end-user into running a, malicious ,code. Antivirus and anti-spyware software are helpful, but must be kept
  24. He can expect to go home defeated. Loki tells Freya to be silent, calls her, malicious ,witch, and conjures a scenario where Freya was once astride her brother when
  25. Few, malcontents in MI5 ... a lot of them like Peter Wright who were rifting, malicious ,and had serious personal grudges – gave vent to these and spread damaging
  26. Common law. Exxon's actions were deemed" worse than negligent but less than, malicious , " Name" latices 080626" /> The judgment limits punitive damages to the
  27. In 2008,Minamoto sued British supermarket chain Asia, part of Walmart, for a, malicious ,falsehood action concerning its aspartame product when the chemical was listed
  28. Can lead to bugs, slow performance, and at worst case, takeover by viruses and, malicious ,software. Nearly everything a computer programmer does requires him or her to
  29. In Internet-related problems, such as computer viruses, worms,and other, malicious ,programs that might unleash havoc in the US. With these developments, the FBI
  30. Doesn’t have trouble in bribing Father Pedro to become an accomplice in his, malicious ,plans. Because he is the confessor of Laura, Madame de Seidlits, and the rest
  31. A password for securing access to the BIOS UI functions itself and preventing, malicious ,users from booting the system from unauthorized peripheral devices. The BIOS
  32. And The Man Who Wasn't There, for which he received many awards. He played a, malicious ,mall Santa Claus in 2003's Bad Santa, a black comedy that performed well at
  33. Modern historians consider this highly implausible however, noting that, malicious ,rumors such as those concerning Domitia's alleged infidelity were eagerly
  34. And Alfredo Ortega, from Core Security Technologies, demonstrated insertion of, malicious ,code into the decompression routines in the BIOS, allowing for nearly full
  35. In the event that a package contains a serious bug, a violation of policy, or, malicious , code. If the package in incoming is found to be validly signed and well-formed
  36. I am ... omitting Crowley's Preface to the book. It is a nasty, malicious ,piece of writing, and does not do justice to the system with which he is
  37. Power of an English Merchant from London, whose name was Brook Watson: a man of, malicious ,and cruel disposition ". On arrival at Falmouth, England,after a crossing
  38. S authorship of And Quiet Flows the Don and the allegations were denounced as, malicious ,slander in Pravda. A 1984 monograph by Gar Jetsam and others demonstrated
  39. Treated in literature beyond that point - they were marvelous, gifted,evil, malicious , ignorant, wise,helpless, innocent,or burdensome depending upon who wrote the
  40. Result in a web browser that will enable the manual or automatic stopping of, malicious ,applets. To illustrate this method, AppletGuard was used to observe and control
  41. Trivial nature, as opposed to normal conversation, but may not be intentionally, malicious , In the last decade, gossip has been researched in terms of its evolutionary
  42. Have been developed for secure applet interactions. A typical solution for, malicious ,applets is to make the web browser to monitor applets' activities. This will
  43. Person could guess how to pronounce it, and I have even thought, in a jocularly, malicious ,state of mind, that Professors Wade and Giles invented it to erect a
  44. Bugs, abuse of HTML email as a vector for phishing attacks and the spread of, malicious ,software. Some web based Mailing lists recommend that all posts be made in
  45. Coding practices that can be followed to make an application more resistant to, malicious ,subversion. In commercial environments, the majority of software subversion
  46. Makes repayment with actual money. Because of this, in the case of a benign or, malicious ,error by the merchant or bank, a debit transaction may cause more serious
  47. And proprietary software can have undisclosed flaws discoverable by or known to, malicious ,users. As users can analyze and trace the source code, many more people with no
  48. Against reflected XSS attacks, in which the attacker provides a URL including, malicious ,script. However, even users of those browsers are vulnerable to other XSS
  49. Published on the web. Security JavaScript and the DOM provide the potential for, malicious ,authors to deliver scripts to run on a client computer via the web. Browser
  50. Where he showed how to elevate privileges and read physical memory, using, malicious , procedures that replaced normal CPI functions stored in flash memory.

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