Examples of the the word, exemplary , in a Sentence Context

The word ( exemplary ), is the 9416 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In the first forms of statehood and civilization; the Pharaoh of Egypt is, exemplary ,of the classical despot. The term now implies tyrannical rule. Despotism can
  2. With God through and in Christ are part of the" True Church," according to, exemplary ,statements of evangelical Protestant theology, notwithstanding condemnation of
  3. Between the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are, exemplary , historic and legendary. Pakistan is the closest non-Arab ally of Saudi Arabia.
  4. For 1758: Pope Clement XIII was" the honestest man in the world; a most, exemplary ,ecclesiastic; of the purest morals; devout, steady,learned, diligent ... "
  5. Of Nichiren's kanban works, especially the Russo Anyone Ron, are considered, exemplary ,of the kanban style, while many of his letters show unusual empathy and
  6. Planning, housing and social affairs. Social housing projects were considered, exemplary ,and copied by other German cities. As Cologne competed for hosting the Olympics
  7. Across various cultures and religions have the following family resemblances: #, exemplary ,model; # extraordinary teacher; # wonder worker or source of benevolent power;
  8. For the men he had hanged. Religious nature The perception of Louis IX as the, exemplary ,Christian prince was reinforced by his religious zeal. Louis was a devout
  9. Defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo. Wellesley's battle record is, exemplary , ultimately participating in some 60 battles throughout his military career. An
  10. Teacher of reality, he practiced his own wisdom, and was surely one of the most, exemplary ,human beings ever to have lived. " According to Harold Bloom and the Chicago
  11. And may not be understood by people outside Beijing. * The grammar and idiom of, exemplary ,modern Chinese literature, such as the work of Lu Run, collectively known as "
  12. To the government bulletin. The government's respect for human rights is, exemplary ,; the government does not engage in repressive measures against its citizens
  13. School of Education, Ohio State was one of five universities rated as ", exemplary ," workplaces for junior faculty. In the study,31 universities and 11 liberal
  14. Pounds. Æthelred's frequent payments of immense Dane gelds are often held up as, exemplary ,of the incompetency of his government and his own short-sightedness. However
  15. Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution. In England and Wales, exemplary ,damages are limited to the circumstances set out by Lord Patrick Devlin in the
  16. Hague has been rediscovered in recent years and is often held up by critics as, exemplary ,of the breadth of Peckinpah's talents. They claim that the film proves
  17. Of the Indian Mauryan dynasty, has come to be regarded as one of the most, exemplary ,rulers in world history. The British historian H. G. Wells has written: "
  18. Damages (non-compensatory) Generally, punitive damages, which are also termed, exemplary ,damages in the United Kingdom, are not awarded in order to compensate the
  19. Research institutions, such as the University of Art and Design Helsinki, and, exemplary , architects and designers such as Elie Saarinen and Altar Alto ".
  20. And instructors have an opportunity to learn from mistakes and highlight, exemplary ,actions. Students may be given a certificate of completion at the conclusion of
  21. Proof that the person proposed for canonization lived and died in such an, exemplary ,and holy way that he or she is worthy to be recognized as a saint. The Church
  22. He (Takeda Shin gen) was a strict disciplinarian as a warrior, and there is an, exemplary ,story in the Hague relating his execution of two brawlers, not because they
  23. For example, can mean" useful" or" functional" ( That’s a good hammer),", exemplary ," (She’s a good student)," pleasing" ( This is good soup)," moral (a
  24. Education, New Delhi. Pakistan The relationship between Kuwait and Pakistan are, exemplary , brotherly, historical and deep based on shared history, traditions
  25. And is one of Scotland's seven" Blue flag" awarded beaches, which denotes an, exemplary ,standard of cleanliness, facilities,safety, environmental education and
  26. S largest, richest and most powerful multi-ethnic states, he is considered an, exemplary ,ruler, who tried to put into practice a secular state ethic of non-violence.
  27. Galicia and León and completed in his scriptorium in Toledo in 1283,is an, exemplary ,piece of Alfonso’s medieval literary legacy. Consisting of ninety-seven leaves
  28. As he had experienced it. Early Romantics also proposed that fiction was the, exemplary ,way to describe and record history, so Melville wanted to craft something
  29. It a difficult process for the Griffins. Nevertheless, Canberra stands as an, exemplary ,city design and is located halfway between the ski slopes and the beach. It
  30. When a Council Member vacates his or her seat, the council looks for an, exemplary ,Jedi Master to fill the empty position. Presiding Council Members elect
  31. His marriage experience, though Christian marriage celebration was missing, was, exemplary , very normal and by no means specifically sad. As J. Brachtendorf showed
  32. Herman Behave is sometimes referred to as a father of physiology due to his, exemplary ,teaching in Leiden and textbook Institutions medical (1708). In the 18th
  33. By text labels. Each saint has a story and a reason why he or she led an, exemplary ,life. Symbols have been used to tell these stories throughout the history of
  34. To the specification of the original 15 elements, an ongoing process to develop, exemplary ,terms extending or refining the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set (DOMES) was
  35. Answers" ( keno 見処 or range 見解) to many koans, these are only preserved as, exemplary ,answers given in the past by various masters during their own training. In
  36. Paris, a Trojan mortal, would judge their cases, for he had recently shown his, exemplary ,fairness in a contest in which Ares in bull form had bested Paris's own prize
  37. Who, after 6 December 1941,was cited in orders or awarded a certificate for, exemplary ,conduct in ground combat against an armed enemy after 7 December 1941. For this
  38. Behave is sometimes referred to as a" father of physiology" due to his, exemplary ,teaching in Leiden and textbook 'Institutions medical' ( 1708). It is said
  39. Min hag: Customs, community practices, and customary law, as well as the, exemplary ,deeds of prominent (or local) rabbis; * The'cloth u-teshuvoth (response
  40. The early Christian Church. Broadly speaking, martyrs were considered uniquely, exemplary ,of the Christian faith, and few early saints were not also martyrs. The New
  41. A regular polyhedron whose twelve faces are regular pentagons). It is indeed, exemplary ,that the great Euclid, contrary to generations of mystics who followed, would
  42. Petroleum and energy. International economic experts recognize that Morocco's, exemplary ,economic performance is beneficial not only to Moroccans, but also for the
  43. Caddy based on their performance during the round, with extra money given for, exemplary ,work. Most American club caddies earn between $35 and $100 per bag, though
  44. Of his erstwhile opponent, Mark Antony. They had served their late master with, exemplary ,loyalty but were quietly disposed of. They were, after all, infames. Despite
  45. Of Frank Lloyd Wright. American engineering structures were also held up to be, exemplary ,of the beauty possible in functional construction. Significance and meaning
  46. AMOS),a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting machining, recognizes, exemplary , productions through Mackie awards given at its annual Machining Film Festival.
  47. Was a theorist of the sublime, and he regarded Milton's description of Hell as, exemplary ,of sublimity as aesthetic concept. For Burke, it was to set alongside
  48. By the United States Department of Justice and Attorney General Janet Reno as, exemplary , She also secured private contributions to purchase an outdoor sculpture,“ The
  49. S preference naturally settles on Ricardo in the end. Another group of ", exemplary ," novels is formed by La Guerra de la Sanger, La Cluster Oregon, La Vanilla
  50. Was dedicated to San Carlo Borrowed. The church is considered by many to be an, exemplary ,masterpiece of Roman Baroque architecture. San Carlin is tiny

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