Examples of the the word, disposable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( disposable ), is the 9417 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And grit wheel plotters used small, proprietary fiber-tipped or plastic nib, disposable ,pens. One type of plotter pen uses a cellulose fiber rod inserted through a
  2. A global market for barter mitigates waste and acts as a counterpoint to the, disposable ,economy. Consumer and small business websites such as BarterQuest. Com promote
  3. Plastic blades are not especially sharp and typically serrated. They are often, disposable , Steel blades are commonly shaped by forging or stock removal. Forged blades
  4. Generally, these have higher energy densities than rechargeable cells, but, disposable , cells do not fare well under high-drain applications with loads under 75 ohms (
  5. individual's actual monthly budget. If the results of the means test show no, disposable ,income (or in some cases a very small amount) then the individual qualifies
  6. Rotation. However, the music was often derided at the time as being silly and, disposable , Post-punk During 1976–77,in the midst of the original UK punk movement, bands
  7. Instead of knitting for charity, knitters are encouraged to a week’s worth of, disposable ,income, including money that otherwise might have been spent on yarn. Knitted
  8. It also has a high charge- and power-to-weight ratio. Lithium batteries are, disposable ,(primary) batteries with lithium or its compounds as an anode. Lithium
  9. Indoors. Before calling the police, Aarseth went to a nearby shop and bought a, disposable ,camera to photograph the body, after re-arranging some items. One of these
  10. Was intended for an abusive 1st century culture in which women were considered, disposable ,entities, chattel (property of husband) and permanently minors legally and to
  11. And batteries) * a disposable reservoir for insulin (inside the pump) * a, disposable ,infusion set, including a cannula for subcutaneous insertion (under the skin)
  12. Gas (LPG). Propane, for example, is used in the propane gas burner, butane in, disposable ,cigarette lighters. The two alkanes are used as propellants in aerosol sprays.
  13. Aircraft could cause the rounds to be fired. As each shell shot upwards,the, disposable ,gun barrel that fired it was ejected downwards, thus making the weapon
  14. The pump itself (including controls, processing module, and batteries) * a, disposable ,reservoir for insulin (inside the pump) * a disposable infusion set
  15. Begins the story as a" Equestrian" ( Trekkie),who had a small role as a, disposable ,redshirt, greeting the actors familiarly, although they don't recognize him. He
  16. Screens, musical stage shows, subway platforms and trains, elastic bands on, disposable ,diapers, doors of bathroom stalls, stickers on apples in supermarkets, shopping
  17. Golden Age of Sword making" ) to be abandoned in favor of more utilitarian and, disposable ,weapons. The export of into reached its height during the Mariachi period
  18. Costume or garment. Costume jewelry came into being in the 1930s as a cheap, disposable ,accessory meant to be worn with a specific outfit. It was intended to be
  19. The exposure from food by 1.5- to 3-fold. In addition, the large-scale use of, disposable ,condoms has resulted in concerns over their environmental impact via littering
  20. Is used as the cathode (electron acceptor) material in standard and alkaline, disposable ,dry cells and batteries. Manganese (II) ions function as cofactors for a
  21. Reservoir with about three days' insulin supply. This is connected by thin, disposable , plastic tubing to a needle-like cannula inserted into the patient's skin and
  22. As of 2003,the distribution of urban household income: *Average per capita, disposable ,income by quin tile: Y 9,061 U. S. $1,398; Working life Quality of working life:
  23. Household savings rate was -3.8 and household debt 101 percent of annual, disposable ,income, a typical level in Europe. In 2008,the OECD reported that" the gap
  24. Strengths and other special material properties. They are usually not used for, disposable ,applications, unlike commodity plastics. Specialty plastics are materials with
  25. First with Fighter catapult ships and CAM Ships which could carry a single (, disposable ,) fighter. In the interim, before escort carriers could be supplied, they also
  26. The average household savings rate was −3.8 and household debt 101 % of annual, disposable ,income, a typical level in Europe. Homeownership rate is 60 %. As of 2006,2.4
  27. Has seen wide commercial use as the chief cathodic material for commercial, disposable ,dry cells and dry batteries of both the standard (zinc-carbon) and alkaline
  28. A water-soluble biodegradable polymer that may have applications in, disposable ,diapers and agriculture. Due to its solubility and ability to ch elate metal
  29. Was RMB 65,490,a 13 percent increase from 2009. The average urban resident's, disposable ,income was RMB 28,312,while the average rural resident's net income was RMB
  30. Committed, or have nasty" accidents" ) *" Bean counters" aka accountants (, disposable , interchangeable, faceless,used on occasion as balls in a game of" blackout
  31. Control *Silicon pressure sensors e.g., car tire pressure sensors, and, disposable , blood pressure sensors *Displays e.g., the DMD chip in a projector based on
  32. Of social complexity is associated strongly, he suggests, with the amount of, disposable ,energy environmental, economic and technological systems allow. When this
  33. Which does not contribute to economic reproduction. If nobility and church are, disposable ,for economic reproduction including those who work for them, the feudal France
  34. Only energy, but also synthetic materials for clothing, medicine,and every day, disposable ,resources. Application of the techniques of organic chemistry to living
  35. The top twenty-five percent of GDP per capita holders in the city had a mean, disposable ,income of US $98,517 in 2007. The extremely high spending power of Mexico City
  36. Polyethylene (PE) is a cheap, low friction polymer commonly used to make, disposable ,shopping bags and trash bags, and is considered a commodity plastic, whereas
  37. 2000,when the BOTH and PAY moved on to a new company * Hell desk Operators (, disposable , interchangeable, faceless ) * Security (who will tape Emerald over CCTV
  38. Into the late 1950s. Description There are two basic types of ball point pens:, disposable ,and refillable. Disposable pens are chiefly made of plastic throughout and
  39. Energy efficiency, water treatment and waste management. As average per-capita, disposable ,income rises across the region, demand for energy and other commodities is
  40. And are especially well suited to microfluidic applications such as, disposable ,blood testing cartridges. Metals can also be used to create MEMO
  41. Head and a creamy mouthfeel. Some types of beer can also be found in smaller, disposable ,kegs called beer balls. In the 1980s,Guinness introduced the beer widget, a
  42. And his successors. Keynesian's emphasized the dependence of consumption on, disposable ,income and, also,of investment on current profits and current cash flow. In
  43. In some countries. Sometimes, needles are required by law to be sterile, disposable ,and used only once; in some places, needles may be reused if they are first
  44. Hearing damage such as tinnitus. Hearing protection such as earplugs (, disposable ,or reusable) or ear muffs (including electronic devices that amplify quiet
  45. Sheets can be flushed if the filter becomes blocked, and usually the sheets are, disposable ,and are replaced between filtration sessions. Often the sheets contain powdered
  46. From Egypt as a high-quality writing surface, and was thus too costly to be, disposable ,). Each year the Athenians were asked in the assembly whether they wished to
  47. At-home preparation, medicines,clothing (except fur items),footwear, and, disposable , paper products for use in the home. Approximately 30 New Jersey municipalities
  48. Intensive insulinotherapy is the injection port. An injection port is a small, disposable ,device, similar to the infusion set used with an insulin pump, configured to
  49. And active materials may not return to their original forms. Common types of, disposable ,cells include zinc-carbon cells and alkaline cells. Generally, these have
  50. In ink other than refills for their pens. Fountain pens became a novelty as the, disposable ,ball point pen took over the market. The introduction of home computing led to

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