Examples of the the word, wrist , in a Sentence Context

The word ( wrist ), is the 5975 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. String changes the whole arm is either lowered or lifted, with as little, wrist ,movement as possible to maintain the angle to the string. However, flexibility
  2. Hitting with the elbow, shoulder or forearm, as well as with open gloves,the, wrist , the inside, back or side of the hand). They are prohibited as well from
  3. For two reasons. First, it is strictly speaking a category error: the, wrist ,is a joint, not a muscle; the forearm muscles control its movement. Second
  4. Ikkyō refers to any Tokyo technique executed when use is holding one, wrist , This could be further specified as katate-dori Tokyo smote, referring to any
  5. With the index and thumb, with the up-and-down plucking motion supplied by the, wrist , There are many varieties of picks available, but due to the thicker, heavier
  6. Shuttlecock and of badminton rackets allow badminton players to make use of the, wrist ,and fingers much more than tennis players; in tennis the wrist is normally held
  7. Technique. Poles should be sized proportionally to the height of the skier. The, wrist ,strap helps prevent the skier from dropping the pole, and also assists with
  8. Offices and many other places; smaller ones (watches) are carried on the, wrist ,; larger ones are in public places,e.g. a train station or church. A small
  9. If more information needed, another two oval wrist tags are provided. The term, wrist ,tags can be used to refer to the bracelet-like wrist watch. The additional tags
  10. Work through ergonomic accessories with height-adjustable furniture, footrests, wrist , rests,and arm supports to ensure correct posture. Key guards fit over the
  11. Sound and flesh. Playing parameters include *What angle of attack to hold the, wrist ,and fingers at with respect to the strings *Rest-stroke Poland; the finger
  12. And deep) and three positions Can, Guan, Chi (immediately proximal to the, wrist ,crease, and one and two fingers' breadth proximally, usually palpated with the
  13. Is given for a female soldier. ) If more information needed, another two oval, wrist ,tags are provided. The term wrist tags can be used to refer to the
  14. A down bow is drawn by first using the upper arm, then the forearm, then the, wrist ,(turning slightly inward) to maintain a straight stroke. An up bow is drawn by
  15. Fingers per hand, tipped with large, strongly curved and pointed claws. The, wrist ,had a version of the semilunar carpal also found in more derived theropods
  16. Those of the fingers and toes, are long bones. The exceptions are those of the, wrist , ankle and kneecap. * Short bones are roughly cube-shaped, and have only a thin
  17. Riders who suffer from certain types of seat, back,neck, shoulder,or, wrist ,pain. Recumbent bicycles may have either under-seat or over-seat steering.
  18. Offensive D'Backs players in 2008,underwent season-ending surgery on his left, wrist ,August 9 in the wake of a collision with catcher Brian McCann of the Atlanta
  19. And are insensitive to spatial translation. The user requires only small, wrist ,rotations to move the cursor, reducing user fatigue or" gorilla arm ". Usually
  20. Players; in tennis the wrist is normally held stable, and playing with a mobile, wrist ,may lead to injury. For the same reasons, badminton players can generate power
  21. At the front and grown long at the back, and wide-sleeved tunics tight at the, wrist ,; and to form gangs to engage in nighttime muggings and street violence. At
  22. At preventing the more serious cortical bone fractures that happen at hip and, wrist , Possible cancer prevention A meta-analysis by the international Cochrane
  23. Technique DVD reflect these ideas by emphasizing forearm rotation rather than, wrist ,movements. Distinctive characteristics of the shuttlecock
  24. Overweight" by BMI. Accurate frame size calculators use several measurements (, wrist ,circumference, elbow width, neck circumference and others) to determine what
  25. Around the body, and tied with a band about the waist. The sleeves ended at the, wrist ,or forearm and the length generally was to the calves. Women also wore an
  26. An up bow is drawn by moving first the forearm, then the upper arm, then the, wrist ,(pushing slightly upward). The bow is mostly used perpendicular to the
  27. They would likely have advanced to the Fall Classic had it not been for a minor, wrist ,injury that sidelined Powell for two weeks in late August. Nevertheless
  28. Him, he bit off Týr's hand at a location" now called the wolf-joint" ( the, wrist ,), causing Tar to be one-handed and" not considered to be a promoter of
  29. Song“ The Wristwatch for a Drummer ”, also “ wears three, one on the right, wrist , one on the left, and the third one around his knee ”. The wrist watch in
  30. And straightening the shooting arm. The shooting arm, fully extended with the, wrist ,fully bent is held stationary for a moment following the release of the ball
  31. Make use of the wrist and fingers much more than tennis players; in tennis the, wrist ,is normally held stable, and playing with a mobile wrist may lead to injury.
  32. As a farmer. Smith worked primarily as a manual laborer until he injured his, wrist , at the age of 19,while escaping from a fire. He attended the University of
  33. Periods of time. Damage to the ulnar nerve in the palm, carpal tunnel in the, wrist , the genitourinary tract or bicycle seat neuropathy may result from overuse.
  34. To generate a more percussive, crisp sound. It may be performed by using the, wrist ,to" dip" the bow into the strings. Staccato is usually associated with lively
  35. Bracelet signal to the basement of a theater, only to find it on the, wrist ,of an old man (George" Buck" Flower). He meets a friendly inmate nicknamed
  36. From up-bow to down-bow and vice versa. For very fast bow movements,the, wrist ,is used to accomplish the horizontal movement of the bow. For longer strokes
  37. And railway station, and Beatty was injured by a bullet in the left arm and, wrist , He was discharged from the field hospital after a few days, and took command
  38. Mules with gilded bridles, rich saddles and housings, carrying hawks on their, wrist , followed by an immense train of attendants. The bells of the churches were
  39. Motion-recovery" ( fast plucking when desired),healthy movement in fingers, wrist , hand and arm. John Williams has remarked that since guitarists find it
  40. Movement of the bow. For longer strokes, the arm is used as well as the, wrist , Tone production and volume of sound depend on a combination of several factors
  41. It is often asserted that power in badminton strokes comes mainly from the, wrist , This is a misconception and may be criticized for two reasons. First, it is
  42. Is a joint, not a muscle; the forearm muscles control its movement. Second, wrist ,movements are weak when compared to forearm or upper arm movements. Badminton
  43. The bracelet-like wrist watch. The additional tags only need to be worn on the, wrist , with the main tags still on the neck. All personnel are allowed to attach a
  44. Of technique. * a control using one hand on the elbow and one hand near the, wrist ,which leverages use to the ground. This grip applies pressure into the ulnar
  45. Red Sox offense during the season. David Ortiz missed 45 games with an injured, wrist , Mike Lowell missed weeks with a torn hip labrum, and after a blistering
  46. Uke to the ground. This grip applies pressure into the ulnar nerve at the, wrist , * a pronating wrist lock that torques the arm and applies painful nerve
  47. As possible to maintain the angle to the string. However, flexibility of the, wrist ,is necessary when changing the bow direction from up-bow to down-bow and vice
  48. The forearm bones. * visually similar to Tokyo, but with an inverted grip of the, wrist , medial rotation of the arm and shoulder, and downward pressure on the elbow.
  49. Of extensive scientific study, but some studies confirm the minor role of the, wrist ,in power generation, and indicate that the major contributions to power come
  50. A thin layer of compact bone surrounding a spongy interior. The bones of the, wrist ,and ankle are short bones, as are the sesamoid bones. * Flat bones are thin and

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