Examples of the the word, indirectly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( indirectly ), is the 5986 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Constitution which would have created two legislative commissions made up of, indirectly ,elected representatives, had it not been repealed by his reactionary successor
  2. Or less contracting functions, there are many that have emerged directly or, indirectly ,from the result under discussion. A continuous map from a closed ball of
  3. Can be performed by the rider turning the handlebars directly with the hands or, indirectly ,by leaning the bicycle. Short-wheelbase or tall bicycles, when braking, can
  4. Directly in contact with the Arab world, Arabic loanwords are often transferred, indirectly ,via other languages rather than being transferred directly from Arabic. For
  5. Problem for years. In late 1931,King's lab obtained adrenal hexuronic acid, indirectly ,from Szent-Györgyi and proved that it is vitamin C by early 1932. This was the
  6. Of the cell, therefore the actual degradation enzymes can be seen to be, indirectly ,regulated by mitochondrial permeability. Cytochrome c is also released from
  7. Languages that have similar semantics. An abstract data type is defined, indirectly , only by the operations that may be performed on it and by mathematical
  8. Body were the Irish, with at least 25 % directly from Ireland, and others, indirectly ,via Britain. There were other significant populations of convicts from
  9. Software routines. Influence on other operating systems AmigaOS directly or, indirectly ,inspired the development of various operating systems. Morphs and ARMS clearly
  10. Trading ports under their controls and assert spheres of influences, in which, indirectly ,set apart the two parts of Borneo into British and Dutch controlled areas.
  11. Officers and at least four workers were killed. Eight anarchists directly and, indirectly ,related to the organizers of the rally were arrested and charged with the
  12. Treatments that could be more helpful. In short, even innocuous treatments can, indirectly ,produce negative outcomes. Between 2001 and 2003,four children died in
  13. Chrysalis had been captured. He demanded her return, and the Achaeans complied, indirectly ,causing the anger of Achilles, which is the theme of the Iliad. In the Iliad
  14. Democratic constitution that permitted women's suffrage. Giulio Vargas was, indirectly ,elected president by the Constitutional Assembly to a four-year term, beginning
  15. Motor control Motor systems are areas of the brain that are directly or, indirectly ,involved in producing body movements, that is, in activating muscles. Except
  16. Maple (Acer saccharin). Forests and other vegetation Adverse effects may be, indirectly ,related to acid rain, like the acid's effects on soil (see above) or high
  17. An assault can occur. Generally, an assault occurs when a person directly or, indirectly ,applies force intentionally to another person. It can also occur when a person
  18. After him, formerly Van Diemen's land. It includes features such as: **and, indirectly , two marsupial species are named after Tasman: *The Able Tasman's – an indie
  19. For good upon the moral and religious conditions of his native land, not only, indirectly ,through his disciples, but directly by reason of the strictness with which he
  20. Army. The investigative Khan Commission found the Israeli Defense Forces, indirectly ,responsible for the massacre and that no Israeli was directly responsible for
  21. Idea that organic compounds could be derived from inorganic ones, directly or, indirectly , by substitution processes. He validated his theory by converting carbon
  22. Greatest concern to her, it must in fact serve these very aims, although only, indirectly , as a means for preventing greater evils. " Shrewdly anticipating the
  23. Of causation purports to show that the cessation of decay, death,and sorrow is, indirectly ,dependent on the cessation of craving. Asserted a direct connection between
  24. Of the problem to the attention of physicists, and presented it as a way to, indirectly ,confirm the existence of atoms and molecules. Einstein's Theory There are two
  25. Plants, either directly from staple foods and other fruit and vegetables, or, indirectly , through livestock or other animals, which rely on plants for their nutrition.
  26. Of predictions in chapters 7 to 14 as Messianic prophecies, either directly or, indirectly , These chapters helped the writers of the Gospels understand Jesus’ suffering
  27. Interaction between electrons (necessary for pairing) is brought about, indirectly ,by the interaction between the electrons and the vibrating crystal lattice (
  28. Of the cash box. For this work he procured the services of John Tetzel, and so, indirectly ,exercised a potent influence on the course of the Reformation. It was as a
  29. 2005,with Fujitsu and Scansion, pursuant to which it agreed not to directly or, indirectly ,engage in a business that manufactures or supplies standalone semiconductor
  30. To the Bundestag, and were instead represented by 20 non-voting delegates, indirectly ,elected by the city's House of Representatives. The Bundestag in Bonn is the
  31. Such as James Creighton of Excelsior, received compensation, either secretly or, indirectly , In 1866,the NAB BP investigated Athletic of Philadelphia for paying three
  32. Prostaglandin synthesis, has profound effects on the pituitary gland, which, indirectly , affects a number of other hormones and physiological functions. Effects on
  33. The basic conditions of the session and gives instructions, directly or, indirectly , in the prelude to the session, while the top often respects this guidance.
  34. By serving as a precursor to food and fertilizers. Ammonia, either directly or, indirectly , is also a building block for the synthesis of many pharmaceuticals. Although
  35. On a large scale. In addition, an estimated 350 firms are involved directly or, indirectly ,in the arms production process in Brazil. By 1980 Brazil had become a net
  36. Of the Azores employs a large percentage of the population directly or, indirectly ,in many aspects of the service and tertiary sectors. There are nine majors
  37. Like shorthand. Derivation Braille is derived from the Latin alphabet, albeit, indirectly , In Braille's original system, the points were assigned according to the
  38. For offshore companies, and considerable further sums are raised directly or, indirectly ,from payroll taxes relating to salaries paid within the trust industry sector (
  39. It shows Smith's belief that when an individual pursues his self-interest, he, indirectly , promotes the good of society. Self-interested competition in the free market
  40. The Great ". Most later Alexanders in various countries were directly or, indirectly ,named for him. People known as Alexander has been the name of many
  41. Towns, are scarce over most of England). Names derived (sometimes, indirectly ,) from Brythonic include London, Penicuik, Perth,Aberdeen, York,Dorchester
  42. Olefin synthesis) and esters (ester pyrolysis). Alkenes can be prepared, indirectly ,from alkyl amines. The amine or ammonia is not a suitable leaving group, so the
  43. In low temperature superconductors),this attraction is brought about, indirectly ,by the coupling of electrons to the crystal lattice (as explained above).
  44. Is banned entirely, such as Nicaragua, rises in maternal death directly and, indirectly ,due to pregnancy have been noted. Some countries, such as Bangladesh, that
  45. Disassociated death domain protein (ADD). Binding of this receptor can also, indirectly ,lead to the activation of transcription factors involved in cell survival and
  46. Observation of adjusted fire may be directly by a forward observer or, indirectly ,via some other target acquisition system. NATO also recognizes several
  47. Is therefore often seen as the father of the Prussian nation, and even as, indirectly ,responsible for the unification of Germany. He was a skilled political
  48. Other initiation ceremonies. Etymology The English word" baptism" is derived, indirectly ,through Latin from the neuter Greek concept noun baptism (Greek βάπτισμα,"
  49. many sprites required much more CPU time (both directly and, indirectly ,since the MARIA would halt the CPU when drawing sprites) than consoles with
  50. United States. However, the extent to which acid rain contributes directly or, indirectly ,via runoff from the catchment to lake and river acidity (i.e., depending on

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