Examples of the the word, soar , in a Sentence Context

The word ( soar ), is the 5995 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Thou sing'st with so much gravity and ease, : :And above human flight dost, soar ,aloft, : :With plume so strong, so equal, and so soft:: :The bird named from
  2. S second season reached 20.9 % on the Nielsen Rating scale. It continued to, soar ,that season, reaching third place in the twenty highest rated programs, behind
  3. And nighttime lows hover around to. In the dry season, daytime temperatures can, soar ,as high as and nighttime temperatures can dip to. Even the chilliest nights can
  4. Gold standard, paper currency would lose its value by half and inflation would, soar , To ridicule what they believed were Bryan's radical and unwise economic
  5. Currency into the economic system. This policy caused the inflation rate to, soar ,from 32 % in 1998 (considered extremely high by most economic standards) to
  6. Greater extraction costs, and political turmoil—forced two other trends: a, soar ,in the price of petroleum products and a push by governments and businesses to
  7. Outfielder/DH Milton Bradley to free agency. The 2009 season saw the Rangers, soar ,into playoff contention for the first time since 2004. Despite injuries to Josh
  8. Broadly characterized by political scientists as being right-wing populist, soar ,throughout the 2000s,in the wake of increasing anti-Islam and anti-immigration
  9. Areas through their use of the space, especially in Superman's ability to, soar ,over the large skyscrapers of Metropolis. He writes that the character "
  10. Hang gliders. However, modern technology gives pilots the ability to, soar ,for hours, gain thousands of meters of altitude in thermal updrafts, perform
  11. The climate differences can be striking: during the summer, temperatures can, soar ,beyond 100 degrees Fahrenheit in Lafayette and its neighboring cities while the
  12. Comic villains Leo White and Bud Jamison. Chaplin's popularity continued to, soar ,in the early years following the start of WW1. He started to become noticed by
  13. Caused production to plummet by 80 % from 1992 to 1995 and unemployment to, soar , With an uneasy peace in place, output recovered in 1996-99 at high percentage
  14. Emergencies In times of upheaval, pregnancy-related deaths and sexual violence, soar , Reproductive health and obstetric services often become unavailable. Young
  15. Of the year in which they attend synagogue, — causing synagogue attendance to, soar , Etymology You means" day" in Hebrew and Kipper comes from a root that means
  16. To a policy of increasing the quantity of money that must necessarily make them, soar , As long as this terminological confusion is not entirely wiped out, there
  17. Bob Vein wrote:" There's no reason this reconstituted" Band Wagon" can't, soar ,once it jettisons its extraneous and self-contradictory elements. But" Dancing
  18. Range from 38 to 46 degrees Celsius. A summer heat wave can see temperatures, soar ,as high as 50 degrees, and higher. Winters are much cooler than summer. Summer
  19. Destroyed the economy and infrastructure in Bosnia, causing unemployment to, soar , as well as causing the death of about 100,000 people and displacing half of
  20. S. Inflation rate eased, the average expense of movie making would continue to, soar , With the majors now routinely saturation booking in over a thousand theaters
  21. Gates, where the sides of the gorge close in to a width of only four meters and, soar ,up to a height of 1,100 m (3,610 feet) The gorge became a national park in 1962
  22. Take half a gram of phanerothyme To which Ormond responded: To fathom Hell or, soar ,angelic, Just take a pinch of psychedelic It was on this term that Ormond
  23. Built (barely) controllable gliders in the 1890s,with which he could ridge, soar , He rigorously documented his work, strongly influencing later designers; for
  24. Awake. The owl hoots gaily from its brake, The blithesome bat's a-wing. Come, soar ,to yonder silent clouds, The other teems with peopled shrouds: We’ll fly the
  25. Forms of lift are the polar vortexes which the Perl an Project hopes to use to, soar ,to great altitudes. A rare phenomenon known as Morning Glory has also been used
  26. That energy and give it to Jack,he's an artist who is able to have his heart, soar ,". Within the film, Jack is portrayed as a penniless man from Chippewa Falls
  27. Of a roller coaster. His apparent goal in building this machine was not to, soar ,freely, but to test if it would lift off the ground. During its test run all of
  28. Were let to their tenants in 1917. With Coventry's industrial base continue to, soar ,after the end of World War I am year later, numerous private and council housing
  29. The Business Systems Group profitable. By 1999 Lu cent stock continued to, soar ,and in that year Lu cent acquired Ascend Communications, an Alameda
  30. Bombast from the S. F. Symphony .... Michael Kamen's scores swoop and, soar ,with impressive portent throughout. " *CMJ (December 20, 1999,p. 24) -" ...
  31. Average is, though lows at times reach, not including wind chill, and highs may, soar ,above. July averages, although heat waves accompanied by high humidity are
  32. Of their line of Gun dam models, the popularity of the show began to, soar , The models sold very well, and the show began to do very well in reruns and
  33. Like Radio Corporation of America (RCA) and General Motors, saw their stocks, soar , Financial corporations also did well as Wall Street bankers floated mutual
  34. His interference ruins the Earth's climate, causing global temperatures to, soar ,and leading to an environmental collapse of devastating proportions. Beth aids
  35. Of human augmentation, compared himself to Daedalus as he watched his creation, soar ,so high that it killed itself. Gallery Image: Lord Frederick Leighton FLL006.
  36. Due to winds coming from the Pyrenees. In the summer temperatures often, soar ,to about in the high season of July and August. Rain is common in winter and
  37. It had a 5 % increase in earnings the week after, enough to make the film, soar ,to #3. The movie was a box office hit, grossing more than $106 million at the
  38. Verbs form an open class which includes most verbs. For example," dive," ", soar ," " swoon,"" revive,"" breathe,"" choke,"" lament,"" celebrate," "
  39. Rate as demand from the United States and People's Republic of China, soar , Prehistory Paleolithic Archaeologists have found stone tools in Malaysia which
  40. Per kilogram tariff. This tariff is now estimated at 490 %, but the rate will, soar ,to a massive 778 % under new calculation rules to be introduced as part of the
  41. Corpse of El Cid atop his horse Babies, the morale of Valencia's troops would, soar , Alfonso ordered the city burned to prevent it from falling into the hands of
  42. To soar —sometimes it only floats, sometimes it actually sinks—but it tries to, soar , And the music and lyrics are as pretty and as well-formed as a bonsai tree. "
  43. At the end of the dry season when cloudless skies and dry air allow them to, soar , The far south, however,with only a short dry season, has uniformly high
  44. July high temperatures average, though summer temperatures can occasionally, soar ,to highs of or more. Summers provide considerable sunshine, with July peaking
  45. And later outlawed. In many countries, a war on drugs caused prices to, soar ,10x-20x higher, leading to profitable black market drug dealing, and to prison
  46. Including Queen Joan. The resulting labor shortage caused inflation to, soar , and the king attempted to fix prices, further destabilizing the country. His
  47. Between and, and between and in May. However, it is common for temperatures to, soar ,even as early as April with record temperatures reaching. In summer, rain is
  48. Amos, Delos and Lebynthos by the time the boy, forgetting himself, began to, soar ,upward toward the sun. The blazing sun softened the wax which held the feathers
  49. S appetite for the game has seen the value of the Premier League's TV rights, soar , The money is divided into three parts: half is divided equally between the
  50. Face of Chanel No. 5 in the late 1970s, and she caused sales of the perfume to, soar ,in the United States so much so that the American press, captivated by her

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