Examples of the the word, misuse , in a Sentence Context

The word ( misuse ), is the 5979 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. All mental powers, stifling all real thinking, and,by the most outrageous, misuse ,of language, putting in its place the hollowest, most senseless, thoughtless
  2. Men have shaken the country. In reality, the larger problem has been the, misuse ,and sometimes abuse of the military and police by political and ethnic leaders.
  3. Copyright infringement, trademark infringement, patent and copyright, misuse , submarine patents, gene patents, patent,copyright and trademark trolling
  4. Not to the science itself, but to concerns about its potential political, misuse ,by others. For example, eugenics and social Darwinism were political
  5. One could class some of these variations as" ASCII extensions ", although some, misuse ,that term to represent all variants, including those that do not preserve ASCII
  6. This definition, Alien: The Director's Cut, for example, is simply a, misuse ,of the phrase. As Ridley Scott explains in the DVD insert, the 2003 cut of
  7. Term casuistry quickly became pejorative with Blaine Pascal's attack on the, misuse ,of casuistry. In Provincial Letters (1656–7) he scolded the Jesuits for using
  8. General of the Justice Department described the FBI's" widespread and serious, misuse ," of national security letters, a form of administrative subpoena used to
  9. Parlance most post ships were often described as" frigates ", the same casual, misuse ,of the term being extended to smaller two-decked ships that were too small to
  10. 1647 a Greek monk named Adagios was the first to document that chronic alcohol, misuse ,was associated with toxicity to the nervous system and body which resulted in a
  11. Or chronic disease. Adverse affective reactions to medications or alcohol, misuse ,are often ruled out, as well. Testosterone levels may be evaluated to diagnose
  12. World War. The use of the term" battle" in military history has led to its, misuse ,when referring to almost any scale of combat, notably by strategic forces
  13. Share was 41 %. One study quantified the cost to the UK of all forms of alcohol, misuse ,in 2001 as £18.5–20 billion. Stereotypes of alcoholics are often found in
  14. Owes something of this poor reputation among scholars to its occasional, misuse ,to advance a range of pseudo-historical accounts. During the 1930s Otto S.
  15. Limit their long-term applicability. The effects of long-term use or, misuse ,include the tendency to cause or worsen cognitive deficits, depression and
  16. Of a choice to interrupt, stop or entirely prevent an unnecessary habitual ", misuse ,". As unnecessary habits are prevented or interrupted, a freer capacity and
  17. There are many instances, both in her letters and visions, that decry the, misuse ,of carnal pleasures. She condemns the sins of same-sex couplings and
  18. Of conditions, including intoxication (such as illicit drug abuse, overdose or, misuse ,of over the counter medications, prescribed medication, or controlled
  19. Valued and better protected against probable, ongoing misappropriation and, misuse , Copyright and economic development The view that a restrictive copyright
  20. 1549 rites of Communion had been capable of conservative misinterpretation and, misuse , in that the consecration rite might still be undertaken even when no
  21. Psychosis, confusion,and organic brain syndrome may be caused by alcohol, misuse , which can lead to a misdiagnosis such as schizophrenia. Panic disorder can
  22. To the individual; *"Idols of the Marketplace" ( idol for),coming from the, misuse ,of language; and *"Idols of the Theatre" ( idol theater),which result from
  23. Daughter Harper Willow, was born. Growl has been vocal in his views on drug, misuse , contributing to a 2009 anti-drug video for the BBC. " I have never done
  24. Percent of alcohol-dependent individuals had problems of dependence and/or, misuse ,problems of benzodiazepines. Benzodiazepines increase cravings for alcohol and
  25. Alcohol was worshiped and in others its abuse was condemned. Excessive alcohol, misuse ,and drunkenness were recognized as causing social problems even thousands of
  26. Expenses scandal following the disclosure of widespread actual and alleged, misuse ,of the permitted allowances and expenses claimed by Members of Parliament and
  27. Genetic makeup of the ensuing offspring, called a foal. (Contrary to popular, misuse , the word" colt" refers to a young male horse only;" filly" is a young
  28. Concerns and much opposition on grounds of basic morality, harmful effects, or, misuse , In the 1950s new psychiatric drugs, notably the antipsychotic chlorpromazine
  29. Medicine the major problem of the emergence of resistant bacteria is due to, misuse ,and overuse of antibiotics by doctors as well as patients. Other practices
  30. The 486 generation. *In 1997,Intel filed suit against AMD and Cyril Corp. for, misuse ,of the term MMX. AMD and Intel settled, with AMD acknowledging MMX as a
  31. Mark, and laying down the principle that not the possession of riches but their, misuse ,is to be condemned. There are extant a few fragments of the treatise on the
  32. Valuable services to the customers they serve; it is, therefore,inadvisable to, misuse ,them. *800-225-5313 BANK OF SOUTH SIDE VIRGINIA, FRAUD DEPT (press 1)
  33. Society, a British medical research charity * Bogart-Bacall Syndrome, a vocal, misuse ,disorder named after Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall * Behavioral and Brain
  34. Be prudent with hands that contain a void. In fact, most beginner-level players, misuse ,this convention; they ask for aces when they really need other information from
  35. And human error. The consequences of a successful deliberate or inadvertent, misuse ,of a computer system in the aviation industry range from loss of
  36. Have a higher mortality rate from alcoholism than men. Psychiatric Long-term, misuse ,of alcohol can cause a wide range of mental health problems. Severe cognitive
  37. With people" ... sitting on their balalaikas playing their samovars ",a, misuse ,of both words. The Bank of China Tower (abbreviated BOC Tower) is one of the
  38. On August 1. It was the first exposé to detail Presley's years of drug, misuse , He was devastated by the book and tried unsuccessfully to halt its release by
  39. To refer to a particular chronic primary disease. Signs and symptoms Long-term, misuse ,Alcoholism is characterized by an increased tolerance of and physical
  40. Systematic adverse effects of alcohol. Alcohol has a long history of use and, misuse ,throughout recorded history. Biblical, Egyptian and Babylonian sources record
  41. Became embroiled in another embarrassing controversy over the alleged, misuse ,of VIP aircraft, which came to a head when John Gordon (Government Leader in
  42. The term 'cracker' for that meaning. Complaints about supposed mainstream, misuse ,started as early as 1983,when media used“ hacker” to refer to the computer
  43. 750,000 hectares of Honduran land had been seriously eroded as a result of, misuse ,by cattle ranchers and slash-and-burn squatters who planted unsuitable food
  44. Panic disorder can develop or worsen as a direct result of long-term alcohol, misuse , The co-occurrence of major depressive disorder and alcoholism is well
  45. Materials. Although lightweight they can be easily damaged, either through, misuse ,or by continued operation in unsafe wind and weather conditions. All modern
  46. Of Superintendent Julius Hilary and several other Coast Survey employees for, misuse ,of public funds. In 1891,Pace resigned from the Coast Survey at
  47. In this region. Despite recognizing progress the OSCE noted the tendency to, misuse ,state administration resources in favor of the ruling party.
  48. Component of oil of cloves—have toxicity limits that can be exceeded with the, misuse ,of undiluted essential oils. Toxicity associated with high doses of
  49. Into distinct classes and the struggles of these classes. " Warnings against, misuse ,Marx himself took care to indicate that he was only proposing a guideline to
  50. Implying you will never see the other person again. Depending on the context, misuse ,of this term can be considered as an insult, as one may wish for the other

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