Examples of the the word, sincerely , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sincerely ), is the 5978 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A person is considered to have converted to Islam from the moment he or she, sincerely ,makes this declaration of faith, called the Sahara. Islam teaches that
  2. One of the great stars of all times, if not the greatest. I think that I, sincerely ,doubt that there will ever be another like Clark Gable, he was one of a kind. "
  3. Talents and his great influence for the welfare of the Church, and was, sincerely ,devoted to the pope. " Gregory secured for the Ludovic two dukedoms, one for
  4. Of enabling it to support a larger, but not a better or a happier population, I, sincerely , hope,for the sake of posterity, that they will be content to be stationary
  5. For tax-exempt status and that the school's racial discrimination was based on, sincerely ,held religious beliefs, that " God intended segregation of the races and that
  6. Accompanied throughout his journey by his mistress, Afrosinia. That the emperor, sincerely ,sympathized with Alexei, and suspected Peter of harboring murderous designs
  7. Ministers warned that he would take orders from the pope who, many Americans, sincerely ,believed, would move to the United States to rule the country from a Washington
  8. Words: Others replace the words" swear by Almighty God" with" solemnly, sincerely ,and truly declare and affirm ". Training establishments * Royal Military
  9. Unfair way. Typically, the cross-examiner must appear friendly, talk softly and, sincerely ,to relax the guarded witness. They typically begin repeating similar basic
  10. His death (most likely of either bowel or liver cancer). Hume told him he, sincerely ,believed it a" most unreasonable fancy" that there might be life after death.
  11. Are the tools to help improve the world. Those tools empower the people who, sincerely ,want to see a more just world. Famous Quotations::" The central task of
  12. Of Jesus himself. I am a Christian, in the only sense he wished anyone to be;, sincerely ,attached to his doctrines, in preference to all others; ascribing to himself
  13. Of giving one's own life meaning and living that life passionately and, sincerely , in spite of many existential obstacles and distractions including despair
  14. Magisterium is acknowledged with reverence, the judgments made by him are, sincerely ,adhered to, according to his manifest mind and will. His mind and will in the
  15. Affirmation (for those opposed to swearing oaths):" Do you solemnly, sincerely , and truly declare and affirm that the statements made by you are true and
  16. Words: Others replace the words" swear by Almighty God" with" solemnly, sincerely ,and truly declare and affirm ". Recruits to the Royal Navy do not swear an oath
  17. Certain difference of opinion between Ribbentrop and Hitler in that Ribbentrop, sincerely ,wished to recover the former German African colonies, whereas for Hitler
  18. Depending on which sincere votes are used. In some cases, approval voting can, sincerely ,elect any one of the candidates, including a Condorcet winner and a Condorcet
  19. Giving his or her own life meaning and for living that life passionately and, sincerely , in spite of many existential obstacles and distractions including despair
  20. Though while not condoning the sin, he was tolerant of those who, sincerely ,tried and failed to live up to the Church's teaching. " The Biblical King
  21. Talmudic commentator and Maimonides philosopher, considered all people, who, sincerely , profess an ethical religion, as a part of greater" spiritual Israel ". He
  22. Of sweetness and light, it is important to understand that they believed, sincerely ,in what they wrote. " According to Marc Batch," The Rodgers and Hammerstein
  23. I have hurt someone this morning by the words I said at the press conference, I, sincerely , apologise. I am not anti-Semitic or racially prejudiced in any way, nor am I a
  24. And managed the remainder on behalf of Martha's children, for whom he, sincerely ,cared. He frequently bought additional land in his own name and was granted
  25. No fault of their own do not know the Gospel of Christ or His Church, yet, sincerely , seek God and moved by grace strive by their deeds to do His will as it is known
  26. The problem with writing about religion is that you run the risk of offending, sincerely ,religious people, and then they come after you with machetes. "
  27. No fault of their own do not know the Gospel of Christ or His Church, yet, sincerely , seek God and moved by grace strive by their deeds to do His will as it is known
  28. Though while not condoning the sin, he was tolerant of those who, sincerely ,tried and failed to live up to the Church's teaching. The book states that "
  29. Is not optimal. Exit poll experiments have shown that voters tend to vote more, sincerely ,for candidates they perceive have no chance of winning. Thus range voting may
  30. Wrote to Robert Morris, saying," There is not a man living who wishes more, sincerely ,than I do, to see a plan adopted for the abolition of slavery. " In 1779,he
  31. By philosopher Antony Flew in his 1975 book Thinking About Thinking: Do I, sincerely ,want to be right?. A simpler rendition would be:: Alice: All Scotsmen enjoy
  32. And Disciples of Christ were similar in their opposition. Many Americans who, sincerely ,rejected bigotry and the anti-Catholic Ku Klux Klan justified their opposition
  33. Pope John Paul II asked people to" pray for my brother (Agra),whom I have, sincerely ,forgiven. " Although Agra had been quoted as saying that" to me the Pope was
  34. Spiritual life can be attained through any religion, as long as it is practiced, sincerely , However, some Hindu sects and affiliates such as Arya Samar, Saiva Siddhartha
  35. That I remembered, with renewed satisfaction, and congratulated myself most, sincerely , on having written the former part of 'The Age of Reason' ". This quotation
  36. Other places I confess Christ to be truly preached; but manners and religion so, sincerely ,reformed, I have not yet seen in any other place ... Knox led a busy life in
  37. Of reigning, and that he was being dethroned. At this news, Yōzei cried, sincerely , which did attract feelings of compassion from those who witnessed his
  38. Unquestionably prodigious efforts involved therein, was anything other than a, sincerely ,motivated and unselfish effort to place the understandings of Biblical truths
  39. British leniency would be taken as weakness by the Americans. The king also, sincerely ,believed he was defending Britain's constitution against usurpers, rather than
  40. Bringing him great joy. I don't belong on this 'Tommy' tour. I wish him well, sincerely , and I look forward to playing with Roger again doing 'Quadraphonic' next year
  41. Parliament enacted the form that has been in use since that time –" I do, sincerely ,promise and swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His
  42. The party's election campaign never gained momentum. Although Quisling, sincerely ,believed he had the support of around 100,000 voters, and declared to his party
  43. That elementary sense of decency and humanity that our sophisticated age seldom, sincerely ,believes in. A repentant opportunist saw the light and rebelled against the
  44. 12.8; in English it is:: In the presence of Almighty God I do solemnly and, sincerely ,promise and declare that I will maintain the Constitution of Ireland and uphold
  45. On the basis of a full evidentiary record" BJU's argument that the rule was a, sincerely ,held religious conviction, a finding affirmed by all subsequent courts. In
  46. With ordinal preferences A sincere voter with multiple options for voting, sincerely ,still has to choose which sincere vote to use. Voting strategy is a way to make
  47. Peter II of Alexandria—sympathized with the party of Pauli nus as more, sincerely ,representative of Nicene orthodoxy; on the death of Helvetius he sought to
  48. Known as detail she-bi-kdusha),and only if services are spiritually and, sincerely ,motivated; they cannot be sanctioned if they are inspired by a desire to rebel
  49. Elects A. The goal of a ranked voting system is for voters to be able to vote, sincerely ,and trust the system to protect their intent. Plurality voting forces voters to
  50. These vital and important questions and whose views, in my opinion, however, sincerely , entertained,are not which ought to be incorporated in and made a permanent

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