Examples of the the word, grandfather , in a Sentence Context

The word ( grandfather ), is the 5991 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Alfonso V then turned his attentions to North Africa. In the reign of his, grandfather , John I, Ceuta had been conquered from the king of Morocco, and now the new
  2. However, was compensated by the tender solicitude and care of his paternal, grandfather ,and grandmother, the latter of whom lived to experience in her turn the kindest
  3. Around him in Thrace. From there he waged an intermittent civil war against his, grandfather , which first secured him recognition of his post as co-emperor, and ultimately
  4. The Samurai section of the Popular clan of the Abdul Pashtuns. His father and, grandfather ,were both killed in a battle, and the young Ahmad Khan fled to take refuge in
  5. In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince it is revealed that Draco Malfoy's, grandfather ,is named Abraham. Abraham is a fictional cosmic entity from Marvel Comics that
  6. When he was young, and he was raised by Gaels Arius Antoninus, his maternal, grandfather , reputed by contemporaries to be a man of integrity and culture and a friend of
  7. Afforded for the gratification of this predilection in the workshop of his, grandfather ,were eagerly improved. In his ninth year he executed two small shrines of
  8. Slain by it. His descendants in our day have become greatly inferior to their, grandfather ,'s Anita excellence. " We know from Gilda's that he was of high birth, and had
  9. Who is credited with inventing the first practical telephone. Bell's father, grandfather , and brother had all been associated with work on elocution and speech, and
  10. The pope. In order to get the independence of Portugal recognized by Rome, his, grandfather , Alfonso I, had to legislate an enormous number of privileges to the Church.
  11. Could hold a pencil, he was initiated into the principles of drawing by his, grandfather ,Casino. The latter possessed some knowledge both of drawing and of architecture
  12. Was among those who went to Egypt and recovered the bones of the sons of his, grandfather ,and great uncles (excluding those of Joseph which had already been brought to
  13. Domitian and Emilia Lipid, paternal grandfather of the Emperor Nero, maternal, grandfather , of Valeria Messaging (third wife of the emperor Claudius) * Gaels Domitian
  14. AG. In 1986,as the Passat-based Audi 80 was beginning to develop a kind of ", grandfather ,'s car" image, the type 89 was introduced. This completely new development
  15. His full name as Titus Aurelius Alexander. His full nomenclature shows that his, grandfather ,or other ancestor was probably given Roman citizenship by the emperor Antoninus
  16. Also named Abner, had fought in the American Revolutionary War. His maternal, grandfather ,joined the Army at 14 and was a mounted messenger for George Washington. His
  17. Another wife was Suspicion Media. Her father was a man of consular rank; her, grandfather ,'s name was Catullus. Alexander is a common male first name, and less common
  18. England, in 1637. However, Lincoln only knew of his heritage to his paternal, grandfather ,and namesake, Abraham Lincoln, a militia captain and landholder who had
  19. 6 October 2008 examined Ardal's family tree. He discovered that his paternal, grandfather , Michael O'Hanlon, a UCD medicine student, had joined the Irish Republican Army
  20. Of Rhodes. With her siblings, Agrippina was raised in Rome by her maternal, grandfather ,and maternal step-grandmother Livia Drill. Livia was the first Roman Empress
  21. Set a different approach of government. Hitherto, his father Sancho I and his, grandfather ,Alfonso I, were mostly concerned with military issues either against the
  22. His father, Dr. John Akin, was a medical doctor, historian,and author. His, grandfather , also called John Akin (1713–1780),was a Unitarian scholar and theological
  23. To live with his grandfather , Alexander Bell. During the year he spent with his, grandfather , a love of learning was born, with long hours spent in serious discussion and
  24. The family all slept in the attic loft of the one-room house. His Doubleday, grandfather , also named Abner, had fought in the American Revolutionary War. His maternal
  25. Who anticipated Angus would follow the pious pursuit of peace adopted by his, grandfather , NUMA Compiling. The Latins initially made an incursion on Roman lands. When a
  26. On, or do something different from, the previous generation. " Alan's own, grandfather , Joseph Garner," could read, but didn't and so was virtually unlettered "
  27. British Secret Service agents on the morning of Bloody Sunday. Details of his, grandfather ,'s activities survive in UCD Archives, as well as BlackRock College. It also
  28. At Haggard Transcontinental. He grew up with Deign Haggard. His father and, grandfather ,worked for the Taggers, and he followed in their footsteps. He is completely
  29. King of Macedon in 393 BC, and again from 392 to 370 BC. He was also a paternal, grandfather ,of Alexander the Great. He came to the throne after the ten years of confusion
  30. The fame of the Mauryan empire was widespread from the time that Ashoka's, grandfather ,Chandragupta Maurya defeated Seleucus Victor, the founder of the Seleucid
  31. Without a future ". Instead, Speer followed in the footsteps of his father and, grandfather ,and studied architecture. Speer began his architectural studies at the
  32. Clans, resulted in a deep rift in the relations between him and his, grandfather , Androids II Palaiologos. The elder Androids disowned his grandson
  33. Was a military tribune in Sicily during the Second Punic War. His, grandfather ,had served in several local political offices. His father, also named Gains
  34. But a sound European training, a boon denied to his father and paternal, grandfather , He also attended Eton and Cambridge University. Career In 1885,at the age of
  35. 16 BC),only child of the above Gaels Domitian and Emilia Lipid, paternal, grandfather , of the Emperor Nero, maternal grandfather of Valeria Messaging (third wife of
  36. Son and heir. This in turn meant that Tiberius was also Agrippina's adoptive, grandfather ,in addition to her paternal great-uncle. Birth and early life Agrippina was
  37. Replied. He then added that he would rather be assisted by Lampreys, his own, grandfather , than by Dionysus' grandfather ,i.e. Cadmus. For Lampreys had said that the
  38. Deed he fled to Talkie, the king of Gesture () (see also or),his maternal, grandfather , and it was not until three years later that he was fully reinstated in his
  39. When he had the means, gave her an asylum in his house at Rome. His father and, grandfather ,followed the occupation of stone-cutters or minor statures; and it is said
  40. Illegitimate son of Constantine and Sahara. A favorite of his paternal, grandfather ,Androids II in the later years of his reign. After Anna died in 1281,in 1284
  41. Acoustics. His family was long associated with the teaching of elocution: his, grandfather , Alexander Bell, in London, his uncle in Dublin, and his father, in Edinburgh
  42. Soon after this period he appears to have been constantly employed under his, grandfather , Amongst those who patronized the old man was the patrician family Falter of
  43. Of the four quarters (Legal Naram-Sîn, Šar vibrant 'armies) ", and,like his, grandfather , was addressed as" the god (Sumerian DINGIER, Akkadian ill) of Agate" (
  44. Near Vanadium and his mother was Aria Padilla. Antoninus’ father and paternal, grandfather ,died when he was young, and he was raised by Gaels Arius Antoninus, his
  45. Would rather be assisted by Lampreys, his own grandfather , than by Dionysus ', grandfather , i.e. Cadmus. For Lampreys had said that the first articulate sound made is "
  46. Of commerce, preferring instead to preserve the legacy of his father Edward and, grandfather ,John I. In 1452,Pope Nicholas V issued the papal bull Due Divers as, granting
  47. Father. Upon leaving school, Bell travelled to London to live with his, grandfather , Alexander Bell. During the year he spent with his grandfather , a love of
  48. Of German Soon after the accession of Muhammad Shah Qatar to the throne of his, grandfather , Faith Ali Shah, the Imam Hasan Ali Shah was appointed governor of German in
  49. Progenitor of the Roman people. Some early sources call him their father or, grandfather , but considering the commonly accepted dates of the fall of Troy (1184 BC)
  50. Of Aragon - which had been lost due to the division of the kingdom by his, grandfather , James I of Aragon. Thus, in 1285 he declared war on his uncle, James II of

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