Examples of the the word, vein , in a Sentence Context

The word ( vein ), is the 5987 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And cardinal ligaments to the parametric, external Iliad vein , internal Iliad, vein , and obturator and presacral lymph nodes. From these pelvic lymph nodes
  2. Including abscesses, cellulitis,thrombophlebitis, arterial puncture, deep, vein , thrombosis,and gangrene. Sharing syringes and needles for this purpose also
  3. With the goal of preventing complications like aspiration pneumonia or deep, vein ,thrombosis. Alcoholics are usually given vitamins to correct for other
  4. The closest the British came to developing an armored tank destroyer in the, vein ,of the German Jagdpanzers or Soviet ISU series was the Churchill Gun Carrier -
  5. The uterine arteries and cardinal ligaments to the parametric, external Iliad, vein , internal Iliad vein , and obturator and presacral lymph nodes. From these
  6. Kurosawa to proceed with his next project, Ran,another epic in a similar, vein , The script, partly based on William Shakespeare's King Lear, depicted a
  7. She's on It" from the Rush Groove soundtrack continued in a rap/metal, vein ,while a double A-side 12 "," Paul Revere/The New Style ", was released at the
  8. Could be produced by injecting extract of jejunum mucosa into the jugular, vein , showing that some factor in the mucosa was responsible. They named this
  9. It is also found and mined in South Korea. The largest opencast amethyst, vein ,in the world is in Nassau, Lower Austria. Much fine amethyst comes from Russia
  10. Lymphomas (cancers of certain white blood cells) were given the drug by, vein , rather than by breathing the irritating gas. Concurrently, during a military
  11. A borough located in the Coal Region of the United States),an exposed, vein ,of coal ignited in 1962 due to a trash fire in the borough landfill, located in
  12. Or belle EAU, meaning " beautiful water" ( see Fontainebleau). In this, vein ," blue" is the color of beautiful water as it clearly reflects the blue sky.
  13. All irrational numbers and discontinuous at all rational numbers. In a similar, vein , Dirichlet's function: D (x)=\begin 0\box \in \math \set minus \math\\
  14. Renown across Europe. The artistic community appreciated his work in this, vein , and Rodin was invited to Paris Salons by such friends as writer Léon Clade.
  15. And Broadway star Barbara Cook. House of Love in 1994 continued in the same, vein , boasting catchy pop songs mingled with spiritual lyrics. The album was a
  16. Artery between the layers of the carotid wall and filled with blood.; Deep, vein ,thrombosis (DVT): Formation of a thrombus in a deep vein , commonly in the
  17. Rudolf Steiner wrote of the cultural evolution of Atlantis in much the same, vein , Edgar Cayce first mentioned Atlantis in 1923,and later suggested that it was
  18. And identified three distinct themes: the" Hungarian" ( written in the, vein ,of Lord Duns any)," Arkham" ( occurring in Lovecraft's fictionalized New
  19. Of users who" began playing around with their own sites in the Scripting News, vein , " In 1997 Wine was appointed advisor to Harold Seminars due to his "
  20. Grow in the laboratory before being returned to the patient by injection into a, vein , # In vivo, which means" inside the body" – No cells are removed from the
  21. Castle and Lewis created a number of satirical art pieces in a devolution, vein , At this time, Casale had also performed with the local band 15-60-75 (The
  22. The institution of the monarchy has existed for this long. " In the opposite, vein , the Japanese history NATO Horatio argued that China reached" modernity "
  23. As the first century, but other proof of age has not been found. In a similar, vein , the disciples of the Gnostic Products boasted that they possessed the secret (
  24. Is Alright (1984). Contemporary African-American performers who work this, vein ,of the blues include Bobby Rush, Denise LaSalle, Sir Charles Jones, Bettye
  25. Largely through the enthusiasm of George Sterling, for traditional verse in the, vein ,of Swinburne. As a poet, Smith is grouped with the West Coast Romantics (
  26. Al (played by Crystal); Rajeev Vandalism, an eccentric foreign man in the same, vein ,as Andy Kaufman's Lanka character from Taxi; and Señores Cost, a Spanish
  27. Myosin — reflex ***circulatory system — respiration — lung — heart — artery —, vein ,— capillary — blood — blood cell ***digestive system — stomach — intestine —
  28. Artery disease; Coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG): Grafting an artery or, vein ,from elsewhere (typically the leg) to bypass a stenotic coronary artery.;
  29. Comic strip. Max and Moritz was a series of severely moralistic tales in the, vein ,of German children's stories such as Struwwelpeter (" Shock headed Peter" );
  30. As assertion and interpretation in terms of philosophical logic. In a formal, vein , Pace said: Signs A list of noted writings by Pace on signs and sign
  31. On such theses. For this influential argument, which is still made in a Human, vein , see P. F. Strawson's essay, Freedom and Resentment. Problem of miracles In
  32. Evening (1978). Though it was intended as another double-live album in the, vein ,of On Your Feet Or On Your Knees, Columbia insisted that it be edited down to
  33. Most of what Presley recorded for his movie soundtracks was in a much lighter, vein , While Presley performed several of his classic ballads for the '68 Comebacks
  34. By an extraordinarily wide and ornate vocabulary, a cosmic perspective and a, vein ,of sardonic and sometimes ribald humor. Biography Early life and education
  35. Are three types of natural graphite—amorphous, flake or crystalline flake, and, vein , or lump. Amorphous graphite is the lowest quality and most abundant. Contrary
  36. Another person — or at least one's idea of that other person). In a similar, vein , Camus believed that society and religion falsely teach humans that" the Other
  37. Submit content and that would be freely accessible. Early projects in this, vein ,included Everything2 and Open Site. In 1999,Richard Stallman proposed the
  38. With blood.; Deep vein thrombosis (DVT): Formation of a thrombus in a deep, vein , commonly in the legs.:; Traveller's thrombosis / economy class syndrome: A
  39. Either too lazy, too bigoted, or too slow-witted to understand him. " In this, vein ,many of Crowley's more audacious and outright shocking writings were often
  40. Exchange of their allegiance to the emir. The campaign continued in a similar, vein , lasting for a total of ninety days. ABD Brahman forced the defeated Multi
  41. And helped to consolidate a clichéd image of the region. In a very different, vein , the province of Almería was the filming location for many Westerns, especially
  42. That hinted at his thwarted ambitions of doing realistic stories in the, vein ,of Hal Foster's Prince Valiant. Third marriage As Barks blossomed creatively
  43. Rule book. Pagan Publishing has released a series of supplements in a similar, vein , by the name Delta Green, that is set in the 1990s (although later supplements
  44. Outfit to a three-man rap trio, each adopting their own hip hop monikers in the, vein ,of Grandmaster Flash, Melle Mel and Fab Five Freddy (Mike D, MCA and Ad rock).
  45. Animals he claimed that human males have more teeth than females. In a similar, vein , John Philoponus, and later Galileo, showed by simple experiments that
  46. Was absurd and required no rebuttal. In 1997,Tom Vanderbilt wrote in a similar, vein ,in The Baffler magazine:" Labor unions haven’t adopted Dilbert characters as
  47. Work, and other such efforts to improve life for all citizens. In this, vein , schools in some countries provide citizenship education. Citizenship was
  48. Regions of Nigeria. Method The first step is ligating the supplying artery and, vein , to prevent hemorrhage (bleeding). The muscles are transected, and finally
  49. Three dotcoms bought advertising spots during Super Bowl XXXV. In a similar, vein , CBS-backed won. Com gave away $10 million to a lucky contestant on an April
  50. Everything—were simply an impossibility. Following more experimentation in this, vein , in 1647 Pascal produced Experiences novellas touch ant LE vide (" New

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