Examples of the the word, gotta , in a Sentence Context

The word ( gotta ), is the 5992 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. That he didn't need to cuss or kill anybody on his records (Will Smith don't, gotta ,cuss in his raps to sell records/well, I do. So fuck him, and fuck you too. ) *
  2. Satisfied and predictably winning at anything he attempts. He tells Pip" If I, gotta ,stay here another day,I'm going to go nuts! I don't belong in Heaven, see? I
  3. Women? Fine,I've got a brother. ' So I called my brother, and I'm like,'You, gotta ,come over and read a piece of your book in this song. ' I wrote on the tape
  4. Temples. He said," Three a hundred million years before man was fish .... if you, gotta ,go back, and you're insecure about going forward ... go back three hundred
  5. man's body ", adding," He's incredibly loyal – not entirely clean – but you, gotta ,love him. " In the book God in the Details: American Religion in Popular
  6. Some people who carry it all the time. That, to me, is not acting. What you've, gotta ,do is find out what the writer wrote about and put it into your mind. This is
  7. In a weak moment. Then you've gone and stepped over the traces and you, gotta ,go home and confront your old lady. It's a two-way street. You're going to
  8. 1969 album Arthur, which contains the lines:" Mr. Beaver brook says: 'We've, gotta ,save our tin/And all the garden gates and empty cans are going to make us win ...
  9. Clattering down and out and, often enough, over McGee's or Molly's heads. " I, gotta ,get that closet cleaned out one of these days" was the usual McGee observation
  10. Pete Commons, a Crockett, Texas native, was heard to drawl," Damn, y'all, we, gotta , stop watching these films. We going to get overconfident. " While the Orange Bowl
  11. To appreciate his friends and family. At the core, Lasseter said," it's, gotta ,be about the growth of the main character, and how he changes. " Brave, Pixar
  12. Pumpkin head remarks, after the end of one of Morpheus' romances," He's, gotta ,be the tragic figure standing out in the rain, mournin' the loss of his
  13. Black. George returns, furious that Jackie hasn't done his job. " Chatty, gotta ,say for yourself, crumb?? ", he sneers. Jackie turns around, and responds
  14. God be praised" Scene Two: In front of the Pasha's palace 23. Aria:" Fish, gotta ,swim" 24. Chorus:" Hey, make way" 25. Dance of the Seven Pails 26.
  15. P ** Actual quote:" A man ought'a do what he thinks is best. " *" A man's, gotta ,do what a man's gotta do. " – Alan Land in Shane P ** Combination of two
  16. I've got to make myself match tough ... mentally as well as physically. I, gotta ,go out and kill myself for the next six months. It's a long, arduous process.
  17. Let me show you how to tune this thing properly. " I said," Well, O. K., but I, gotta ,learn all over again. " I was disappointed 1970s Reflecting on 1970,Peggy
  18. When you got something that can separate you from everybody else, you, gotta , use it to your advantage. " Production The sound and groove of their music
  19. You Scouting skills, and sing a lot of songs. Come on you Scouts you've, gotta ,sing along. We like to sail boats, we like to cook! We like to
  20. Macho thing. All those things made me Evel Knievel. Sure, I was scared. You, gotta ,be an ass not to be scared. But I beat the hell out of death. " Knievel was
  21. Fact that it's an issue is kind of phobic within itself. At some point, you, gotta , think,this should be something that's just accepted. " Armstrong added:" I
  22. Instinct ". Ultimately, she leaves him to fend for himself, explaining " I, gotta ,go beat my meat" as she exits the scene. During the late 1960s,Sonatas wrote
  23. When asked about retirement, King said," Retire? Quit tournament tennis? You, gotta ,be kidding. It just means I've got a lot more work. I've got to make myself
  24. The Marx Brothers because they're a bunch of zany kooks. Halberd says," You, gotta ,put a love story in your movie, so there'll be something to root for, and you
  25. But by Color Sgt. Bourne Nigel Green to Lt. Chard Stanley Baker *" A man's, gotta ,do what a man's gotta do. " – John Wayne in Honda P ** Actual quote:" A man
  26. Ways. But at the end of the day, I think Ghost going to have to really say what he, gotta ,say. " However, in a November 2007 interview with Rhapsody Music, Ghost
  27. To the Visalia Sweet Onion crop with its lyrics" ... sweet Visalia, You always, gotta ,make me cry! " While uncertainty remains about the song, Vidalia sweet onions
  28. Stay out of it. Because in the future, we going to become a nation. And a nation, gotta ,be able to deal with traitors and cutthroats and turncoats. The white man deals
  29. Travolta) is comment to Annette (Donna Moscow) " It's a decision a girl's, gotta ,make early in life, if she's going to be a nice girl or a cunt. " This
  30. A man ought'a do what he thinks is best. " *" A man's gotta do what a man's, gotta ,do. " – Alan Land in Shane P ** Combination of two actual quotes from the film
  31. His words to National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger included" people have, gotta ,be put to the torch for this sort of thing ..." and" let's get the
  32. Nigel Green to Lt. Chard Stanley Baker *" A man's gotta do what a man's, gotta ,do. " – John Wayne in Honda P ** Actual quote:" A man ought'a do what he
  33. It does break the audience's alpha state. It's like, all of a sudden,'I, gotta ,watch this ... I have to pay attention. ' You can almost feel everybody moving in
  34. audience's alpha state. It's like, all of a sudden,'I have to watch this ... I, gotta ,pay attention. ' You can almost feel everybody moving in their seats. It's
  35. Hulk has, when the Hulk says," But these muscles ain't just for show! All I, gotta ,do is spring up and just keep going '! " In Marvel: Five Fabulous Decades of the
  36. Spinning an abridged tale of Riel's life as a revolutionary:" ... but you, gotta ,respect him for what he thought was right ... And all around Regina they talk
  37. It was the Friar's Tavern, just down the street. Her advice to Dylan:" You, gotta ,see these guys. " After hearing the band play and meeting with Robertson, Dylan
  38. When you give your word to somebody that you're going to do something,you've, gotta ,do it. " In the 1971 biopic, George Hamilton (as Even) emphasizes in the
  39. Watching his wife at the end of the episode in tears, saying that she's" just, gotta ,live. " Season Two cliffhanger: To cap off a season where J. R. has angered
  40. Who was a certifiable idiot, said the reason it was not selling better is we, gotta ,put words in it. So they made me put words in it. Immediately lost 28 foreign
  41. For Down. Matter of fact we had a meeting this past week, and I know Jimmy's, gotta ,go do an Eyehategod tour in February. But after that, I think we're looking to
  42. The movie Point of No Return, Bridget Fonda's character says the line" And I, gotta ,go all the way to EI Segundo" Florence-Graham (locally known as
  43. Combination of two actual quotes from the film Joe:" I couldn't do what I, gotta ,do if I hadn't always knew that I could trust ya" and later, Shane:" A man
  44. Vega and Marcellus Wallace's Wife'—the oldest story about ... the guy's, gotta ,go out with the big man's wife and don't touch her. You know,you've seen
  45. Fieldwork, Indy goes on to say," If you want to be a good archaeologist, you, gotta , get out of the library. " This is in tongue-in-cheek contrast to the previous
  46. Valentine's Day dates for his dating service customers (" Can't hon ', I, gotta , catch my bus back to Outlet. "," Excuse me, did you say '10:15 to Outlet '? "
  47. Villains of All Time ", placing him 37th on the list and adding" You, gotta ,wonder ... how many hit points did the developers give God? " 1UP. Com
  48. Subterranean Jungle album. At the stone's base is the line" O. K ... I, gotta ,go now. " Equipment Dee Ramon used MPEG amplification during his entire
  49. To the edit with sarcastic lines such as" If you're going to have a hit, you, gotta , make it fit, so they cut it down to 3:05 ", alluding to shortening of singles
  50. To find the source of Jordan's abilities and became convinced that" it's, gotta ,be the shoes ". The brand has also sponsored college sports programs such as

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