Examples of the the word, tribal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tribal ), is the 5989 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Related movements Theodism, or Disc SELAFA (Old English: ", tribal ,belief" ) is thought by some to be a variant or sister movement of US Ásatrú.
  2. American lawyer and White House Counsel * 1945 – Laura Spur, American Indian, tribal ,chair (d. 2010) *1947 – Ian Anderson, Scottish singer and flutist (Jethro
  3. American Sign Language. By 1885,PILL had an estimated 110,000 users of various, tribal ,dialects, but today it has only a small fraction of that number. It was not a
  4. Degree in balancing tribal alliances and hostilities, and in directing, tribal ,energies away from rebellion. He earned recognition as Ahmad Shah Baba, or "
  5. Or" cantons ". Ptolemy's view of Germans in the region indicates that the, tribal ,structure had lost its grip in the Black Forest region and was replaced by a
  6. Of the old Arab settlers (Saladin),mostly of south Arabian or 'Yemenite ', tribal ,stock) was locked in a contest with his vizier (and son-in-law) al-Sumayl
  7. Saxon, Frisian,Jewish, Gothic,Alemannic, Swedish,Danish and other, tribal ,variants. Disc is the adjective of EOD" people, tribe ", cognate to. While
  8. v. Georgia),which ruled that Georgia could not impose its laws upon Cherokee, tribal ,lands. Jackson is often quoted (regarding the decision) as having said,"
  9. S position as a commercial and military power by 1100,as it collapsed into, tribal ,groups and chieftains, some of which later assimilated into the Almoravids
  10. Into law in 1830. The Act authorized the President to negotiate treaties to buy, tribal ,lands in the east in exchange for lands further west,outside existing U. S.
  11. Distribution of Sahara tribes. He does the same for the different tribes and, tribal ,Berber branch of the Maghreb and information on the different tribes or ethnic
  12. Pashtun's rulers of Kandahar, after the Bhilai Hotcakes. With the support of, tribal ,leaders, Ahmad Shah Duran extended Afghan control from Meshed to Kashmir and
  13. The Arabs feared the Persians with a deep, unreasoning fear which ran in the, tribal ,consciousness as a racial complex and was the result of centuries of Persian
  14. Sassanian Empire. Conquest of Sassanian Persian Empire After the Jidda Wars,a, tribal ,chief of north-eastern Arabia, Muthanna in Paris, raided the Persian towns in
  15. Of MND in the world. One is in the Kit peninsula of Japan, one amongst a, tribal ,population in Papua New Guinea. Chamorro inhabitants from the island of Guam in
  16. H. R. Loan has observed in this context that" a sea voyage is perilous to, tribal ,institutions," and the apparently tribal ly-based kingdoms were produced in
  17. Æthelred AUCIL, Ealdorman of the Gain. The Gain were probably one of the, tribal ,groups of the Americans. Ealhswith's mother, Eadburh, was a member of the
  18. Men of his own lineage, the Samurai. This upset the delicate balance of Duran, tribal ,politics that Ahmad Shah had established and may have prompted Panda Khan and
  19. Their tribe loyalty and for their readiness to use force to settle disputes. As, tribal ,warfare and internecine feuding has been one of their chief occupations since
  20. On (April 14, 1773). He had succeeded to a remarkable degree in balancing, tribal ,alliances and hostilities, and in directing tribal energies away from rebellion
  21. A coup d'état against Ali. According to them, they also met secretly with the, tribal ,leaders of Mecca and Medina at Sarah to elect Abu Bakr. The Shi'a do not view
  22. Age of consent for a sexual union was a matter for the family to decide, or a, tribal ,custom. In most cases, this coincided with signs of puberty, menstruation for a
  23. Made it difficult for foreigners to conquer them. Tony Heath cote considers the, tribal ,system to be the best way of organizing large groups of people in a country
  24. There a mixed population dominated by Sue bi. As they had left their, tribal ,homes behind, they probably took over all the former Celtic cantons along the
  25. As such on one or more of genealogical, linguistic,or cultural grounds, with, tribal , affiliations,and inter tribal relationships playing an important part of Arab
  26. To a family that was part of the larger, al-Ghamdi tribe, sharing the same, tribal ,affiliation with fellow hijackers Speed al-Ghamdi, Hamza al-Ghamdi, and Ahmed
  27. From the 1st century, the Rhine had become the border between Roman Gaul and, tribal ,Germania. Germanic peoples, Celts,and tribes of mixed Proto-Germanic ethnicity
  28. Celtic race of Galatians, who were the first to make Ankara one of their main, tribal ,centers, the headquarters of the Rectorates tribe. Other centers were Sessions
  29. Al-Qaeda shifted to Somalia and Yemen. While al-Qaeda leaders are hiding in the, tribal ,areas along the AFPA border, the middle-tier of the movement display
  30. And all the Persian territories came under Arab control, though pockets of, tribal ,resistance continued for centuries in the Afghan territories. Earlier In 870
  31. Upgraded it into a major provincial capital for his empire. Two other Galatians, tribal ,centers, Tavium near Yoga, and Pressings (Balthasar) to the west, near
  32. Made punitive raids outside the borders of Assyria to clear Ara mean and other, tribal ,peoples from the regions surrounding Assyria, this appears to have been the
  33. And the opening of a number of co-educational schools, quickly alienated many, tribal ,and religious leaders. Faced with overwhelming armed opposition, Amanullah Khan
  34. Growth and the discovery of gold on Cherokee land had increased pressure on, tribal ,lands. The state of Georgia became involved in a contentious jurisdictional
  35. In the way of Native American tradition, it should not be confused with the, tribal ,beliefs of any community of native people. American folklore covers the same
  36. See al-Qaeda as an integrated network that is strongly led from the Pakistani, tribal ,areas and has a powerful strategic purpose. Bruce Hoffman, a terrorism expert
  37. The province was in a state of confusion, with the Muslim community torn by, tribal ,dissensions among the Arabs and racial tensions between the Arabs and Berbers.
  38. Robert Anton Wilson Bibliography Amalia is a personal name derived from the, tribal ,name Jamal (referring to the Gothic Mali) and RIC (Gothic ranks) meaning "
  39. Thereby to be their conqueror. The nature of this alliance and their previous, tribal ,affiliations remain uncertain. The alliance had a warlike history, frequently
  40. Other settlements in the area, the Europe. The Europe were members of a large, tribal ,coalition effectively wiped out during the final phase of Caesar's War in Gaul
  41. The Khanate in the northwest while the Chili dynasty controlled the Afghan, tribal ,areas south of the Hindu Kush, until the invasion of Timur who established the
  42. Aliyah the objective of Khalid, Abu Bakr sent reinforcements and ordered the, tribal ,chiefs of north-eastern Arabia, Muthanna in Paris, Mazhur bin ADI, Harmala and
  43. Officials suggested that the name was merely a reference to his, tribal ,affiliation. The film was thought to have been made in March 2001. In it, he
  44. 17:1-15,16:36-50). Another memorable transaction followed. Each of the, tribal ,princes of Israel took a rod and wrote his name upon it, and the twelve rods
  45. Welsh (Yr) Almaen, almaeneg are derived from the name of this early Germanic, tribal ,alliance. Persian and Arabic also designate Germans Almanac, and Germany as
  46. Least the time of the Achaemenid Empire in 500 BCE. It is mostly a nomadic and, tribal ,society, with different regions of the country having their own tradition
  47. Centre of the town. Even earlier, the Army had resettled members of a Germanic, tribal ,group allied with Rome, the BII, in Bonn. The Latin name for that settlement
  48. Efforts to rule absolutely and without the advice of the other major Pashtun, tribal ,leaders, were ultimately unsuccessful. The Sikhs became particularly
  49. Of the Wabash River, but on November 4 they were routed in battle by a, tribal ,confederation led by Miami Chief Little Turtle and Shawnee chief Blue Jacket.
  50. British rule in return for local autonomy. However, Komaram Been,a, tribal ,leader, started his fight against the erstwhile USAF Jami Dynasty for the

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