Examples of the the word, bump , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bump ), is the 5980 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Get knocked out during a match, which is commonly referred to by the term" ref, bump ,". While the referee remains" unconscious ", rules are often violated at will.
  2. In a patient's skull corresponded to his" brain map ". An enlarged, bump ,meant that the patient utilized that particular" organ" extensively. The 27
  3. Brought under control. While tuning, a small projection (called a" breakout, bump ,") is often added to the top terminal in order to stimulate corona and spark
  4. Touch screen, but the stack is moved and rotated instead. As the falling pieces, bump ,against the stack, they get clustered into it. To clear blocks, there must be a
  5. Tent-pole shaped bump on the horizon of a black hole, and like a shadow,the, bump ,is an alternate description of the particle's location and mass. For a
  6. Due to new contract negotiations with the voice actors, who wanted a" healthy, bump ," in salary to an amount close to $500,000 per episode. In addition to the main
  7. Form. 'T Hoof showed that this field makes a logarithmic tent-pole shaped, bump ,on the horizon of a black hole, and like a shadow, the bump is an alternate
  8. Behind. If a crew overtakes or makes physical contact with the crew ahead,a, bump ,is awarded. As a result damage to boats and equipment is common during bump s
  9. Of passing involves fundamentally two specific techniques: underarm pass, or, bump , where the ball touches the inside part of the joined forearms or platform, at
  10. Be used for special purposes such as surface texturing, height-field data and, bump ,mapping). At the low-end, simple meshes of polygons are used to represent
  11. Is used, which adds in bitmap textures or procedural textures, lights, bump , mapping and relative position to other objects. The result is a completed image
  12. OT would start on offense in the second OT. Bump and run The XFL allowed full, bump ,and run coverage early in the season. Defensive backs were allowed to hit wide
  13. S mount in an attempt to hook. The other basic defensive play is called the, bump ,or ride-off. It's similar to a body check in hockey. In a ride-off, a player
  14. Former allows for more control over the speed and direction of the ball,the, bump ,is used only when the ball is so low it cannot be properly handled with
  15. In a contest but not in possession of the ball. The difference between a, bump ,and a tackle is that arms are not used in a bump , which must be made side-on
  16. The standard mollified is given by Ψ (x/ε)/ε where Ψ is a suitably normalized, bump ,function. For instance, : \eta_\var epsilon (x) = \franc where: \Psi (x) =
  17. Given permission to revamp the properties from scratch. After an initial sales, bump , sales quickly declined below expected levels, and Marvel discontinued the
  18. Attack the ball. As with passing, one may distinguish between an overhand and a, bump ,set. Since the former allows for more control over the speed and direction of
  19. For the R package). The performance changes made to the Roadster would, bump ,the power to @ 7,000rpm,and of torque @ 5,500rpm. Once released, it proved so
  20. Time during this 1949–50 period that Hyde arranged for her to have a slight, bump ,of cartilage removed from her somewhat bulbous nose which further softened her
  21. Knew him as a man of integrity. On an earlier matter Boston had been willing to, bump ,heads with Kidd when Boston felt it was more important to do the right thing
  22. Would glare out of every roll of their eyes, chuckle in their mouths, and, bump , in their heads. " Is a" double-dyed traitor, and a most infernal villain" who
  23. Translucency sorting (also known as order independent translucency) and, bump ,mapping. The system supports approximately 16.78 million colors (24-bit)
  24. To stay together in an economic hardship and the trade union movement came to a, bump ,in the road. But the economy was restored by the early 1840s and trade unions
  25. In flakes. Coalescence is another form of instability, when small droplets, bump ,into each other and combine to form progressively larger droplets. Emulsions
  26. This prompted Churchill to ask if they should negotiate with Himmler ‘ and, bump ,him off later ’, once peace terms had been agreed. The suggestion to cut a deal
  27. List of the" brain organs" was lengthy and specific, as he believed that each, bump ,or indentation in a patient's skull corresponded to his" brain map ". An
  28. Believed it was a catch, but Brahman stood his ground, believing it to be a, bump ,ball. The umpire ruled in the Australian captain's favor, and he appeared to
  29. Unlike some other sight hounds, the Arawak is more of a pack hunter and they, bump ,down the quarry with hindquarters when it has been tired out. In role of a
  30. Is initially localized by preparation, the wave function collapses to a narrow, bump ,in an interval Ex > 0,and the momentum wave function becomes spread out. The
  31. Prada, Gucci,and Louis Vuitton. Ostrich leather has a characteristic" goose, bump ," look because of the large follicles from which the feathers grew. In Thailand
  32. From Kavner's, who has a" honeyed gravel voice" which she says is due to" a, bump ,on her vocal cords. " While Marge is her most famous character,Kavner's
  33. Obscurity may (but cannot be guaranteed to) act as a temporary" speed, bump ," for attackers while a resolution to a known security issue is implemented.
  34. Ball. The difference between a bump and a tackle is that arms are not used in a, bump , which must be made side-on using the hip and or shoulder. Not all bump ing is
  35. Head down over the ball in an attempt to picking it up off the ground when the, bump ,is applied or contact is made above the shoulders. Standing ground against an
  36. Bump" in December 1974. Marian sang the repeated line" Do you wanna, bump , " In a deep voice (entirely studio created) as well as performing the high
  37. Kick their legs, roll,tip over while sitting, their tummies touch the ground, bump ,into their tummies, or have a big hug, they jingle. At the beginning of each
  38. Experience scar tissue buildup around the inserted cannula, resulting in a hard, bump ,under the skin after the cannula is removed. The scar tissue does not heal
  39. To the opponent's side of the net. These contacts usually consist first of the, bump ,or pass so that the ball's trajectory is aimed towards the player designated
  40. Frequency (2/T) \tan (\omega T/2) \. This means that every feature, every ", bump ," that is visible in the frequency response of the continuous-time filter is
  41. Of turning and stopping safely to more advanced carving, racing,mogul or ", bump ," skiing and newer freestyle techniques. There are two primary types of
  42. Side (similar to the NCAA). In an effort to increase offensive production, bump ,and run was restricted to the first five yards from the line of scrimmage (
  43. Both, from behind. This is an illegal tackle and the penalty is a free kick. *, bump ,or hip and shoulder tackle is a legal Aussie rules tactic for both
  44. Bump to '1 '. Systm. Pchar; AC0-2 preserved JMP err; if error inc 2,2,Sir;, bump ,counter JMP loop; loop again if not zero LDA 0,SPC; output a space. Systm.
  45. Or touched on the ground at least once every 15 meters. Opposition players may, bump ,or tackle the player to obtain the ball and, when tackled, the player must
  46. Brown switches provide tactile feedback as the switch travels over a physical, bump ,as the key hits its actuation point, Cherry MX Blue switches utilize a tactile
  47. Bumps racing. To avoid damage the cox of the crew being bump ed may concede the, bump ,before contact is actually made. The next day, the bump ing crew will start
  48. In many aspects, this skill is similar to passing, or bump ing: overhand dig and, bump ,are also used to distinguish between defensive actions taken with fingertips or
  49. Percent of the contact area to provide traction. Inside the tire was a diameter, bump ,stop frame to protect the hub. Dust guards were mounted above the wheels. Each
  50. Lda 0,chr0; load ASCII '0' move 1,1,sic; get next bit in carry inc 0,0;, bump ,to '1 '. Systm. Pchar; AC0-2 preserved JMP err; if error inc 2,2,Sir; bump

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