Examples of the the word, synthetic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( synthetic ), is the 5976 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As a mineral in Greenland, but in industrial use it has been replaced by a, synthetic ,substance. Cryolite is a chemical compound of aluminum and sodium was the
  2. His last will, he used his enormous fortune to institute the Nobel Prizes. The, synthetic ,element nobelium was named after him. His name also survives in modern-day
  3. Works) industrial complex. The name Luna was derived from the butadiene-based, synthetic ,rubber and the chemical symbol for sodium Na utilized in the process of
  4. Coordination, and emotion expression. Her whole body is made of highly advanced, synthetic ,jelly silicon and with 60 artificial joints in her face, neck,and lower body;
  5. Century agriculture has been characterized by enhanced productivity, the use of, synthetic ,fertilizers and pesticides, selective breeding, mechanization,water
  6. On the basis of chemical/bio synthetic origin into natural, semi synthetic ,and, synthetic , Another classification system is based on biological activity; in this
  7. Nitrous acid to give diatonic salts. The alkyl diatonic salts are of little, synthetic ,importance because they are too unstable. The most important members are
  8. Saltpeter deposits which were extensively mined until the invention of, synthetic ,nitrates. Yet another result of the dry climate are the salary of Atacama and
  9. From transmutation reactions in uranium ores. The other actinides are purely, synthetic ,elements. Nuclear weapons tests have released at least six of these synthetic
  10. Or" matters of fact ", which is roughly the distinction between analytic and, synthetic ,propositions. The former, he tells the reader, are proved by demonstration
  11. Aluminum borosilicate (Al2 (SiF6)3) is used in the production of, synthetic ,gemstones, glass and ceramic. Aluminum phosphate (AlPO4) is used in the
  12. The Green Revolution exported the technologies (including pesticides and, synthetic ,nitrogen) of the developed world to the developing world. Thomas Malthus
  13. Used in medicine, usually in the form of salts, including the following:: Many, synthetic ,and semi synthetic drugs are structural modifications of the alkaloids, which
  14. Reargues approached geometry from a different perspective, developing the, synthetic ,notions of projective geometry. Pascal and Reargues also studied curves, but
  15. Structures are combined in a single crystal) which can be used to identify, synthetic ,amethyst rather easily. It is possible to synthesize twinned amethyst, but this
  16. Rubber and the chemical symbol for sodium Na utilized in the process of, synthetic ,rubber production developed in Germany. Various other German industrial
  17. As steam assisted gravity drainage, which was developed in Alberta, bitumen and, synthetic ,crude oil can be produced at costs close to those of conventional crude. Many
  18. Has been characterized by enhanced productivity, the substitution of, synthetic ,fertilizers and pesticides for labor, water pollution, and farm subsidies. In
  19. Die hr, the application of a simple feedback algorithm to aid in the curing of, synthetic ,rubber was deemed patentable. The patenting of software is highly controversial
  20. Nordic Classicism) to purist International Style Modernism to a more personal, synthetic ,and idiosyncratic Modernism. Aalto's wide field of design activity ranges from
  21. Irradiation using nuclear reactors allows the production of sizeable amounts of, synthetic ,actinides; however, it is limited to relatively light elements. The advantage
  22. Synthetic elements. Nuclear weapons tests have released at least six of these, synthetic ,actinides into the environment; analysis of debris from a 1952 hydrogen bomb
  23. As digit in the Canadian petroleum industry, while bitumen" upgraded" to, synthetic ,crude oil is known as syn crude and syn crude blended with bitumen as syn bit.
  24. Howard argued in the early 20th century that the overuse of pesticides and, synthetic ,fertilizers damages the long-term fertility of the soil. While this feeling lay
  25. Provinces. Industry Alberta is the largest producer of conventional crude oil, synthetic ,crude, natural gas and gas products in the country. Alberta is the world’s 2nd
  26. Projects Brain simulation * Blue Brain Project, an attempt to create a, synthetic ,brain by reverse-engineering the mammalian brain down to the molecular level. *
  27. A collection of chemical factories including those used to manufacture Luna (, synthetic ,rubber) and synthetic oil. The SS charged IG Carbon three Reichsmarks (RM)
  28. Recognized Johnston with a statue on the South Mall. An android is a robot or, synthetic ,organism designed to look and act like a human. Although" android" is used
  29. Questioning of such an orthodox modernist approach and a move to a more daring, synthetic ,attitude. Through Sven Marvelous, Aalto became a member of the Congress
  30. Related compounds with neutral and even weakly acidic properties. Also, some, synthetic ,compounds of similar structure are attributed to alkaloids. In addition to
  31. Medicine and alternative medicine all collide, such as in cases where, synthetic ,drugs are legal but the herbal sources of the same active chemical are banned.
  32. Sectors Industry Alberta is the largest producer of conventional crude oil, synthetic ,crude, natural gas and gas products in the country. Alberta is the world’s 2nd
  33. Chloride (AlCl3) is used in petroleum refining and in the production of, synthetic ,rubber and polymers. Although it has a similar name, aluminium chlorohydrate
  34. Police riot kills three people, including journalist Ruben Salazar. *1982 – The, synthetic ,chemical element Meitnerium, atomic number 109,is first synthesized at the
  35. Type of tree resin used in incense manufacture),vanilla, Dammara resin and/or, synthetic ,materials. Malaria, or in Spanish and Portuguese
  36. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in larger numbers than by any previous, synthetic ,process. A laser drove electrons through a millimeter-radius gold target's
  37. Argues that the terms Protestant and Catholic as used in these approaches are, synthetic ,constructs denoting ecclesiastic identities unacceptable to those to whom the
  38. In regional dialects around Memphis and later Thebes. Ancient Egyptian was a, synthetic ,language, but it became more analytic later on. Late Egyptian develops prefix
  39. Have little value and are usually split into lower alkanes by cracking. Some, synthetic ,polymers such as polyethylene and polypropylene are alkanes with chains
  40. Factories including those used to manufacture Luna ( synthetic rubber) and, synthetic ,oil. The SS charged IG Carbon three Reichsmarks (RM) per hour for unskilled
  41. Many transformations. With time the Armenian language made a transition from a, synthetic ,language (Old Armenian or Radar) to a typical analytic language (Modern
  42. Largely on industry—chemicals, electronic products, machinery,processed food, synthetic ,rubber and textiles; it was highly dependent on outside resources. Agriculture
  43. In the western United States) as the source of a deep red dye. There is also a, synthetic ,dye that has been named" amaranth" for its similarity in color to the natural
  44. THC) and some other cannabinoids, either from the Cannabis sativa plant or, synthetic , have analgesic properties, although the use of cannabis derivatives is
  45. But slightly lower than that of americium and plutonium. Americium () is a, synthetic ,element that has the symbol Am and atomic number 95. This transgenic element
  46. Assisted gravity drainage (SAID),which was developed in Alberta, bitumen and, synthetic ,crude oil can be produced at costs close to those of conventional crude. Many
  47. Y − x2) is smooth. While projective geometry was originally established on a, synthetic ,foundation, the use of homogeneous coordinates allowed the introduction of
  48. Electronic Notetaker. A portable computer with a Braille or QWERTY keyboard and, synthetic ,speech. Some models have an integrated Braille display. * Braille embosser.
  49. Similarity in color to the natural amaranth pigments known as explains. This, synthetic ,dye is also known as Red No. 2 in North America and E123 in the European Union.
  50. System and the principles of algebra and analysis. This contrasts with the, synthetic ,approach of Euclidean geometry, which treats certain geometric notions as

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