Examples of the the word, anna , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Other examples from other classes of words include the neuter singular form, anna , of Anna ('different ', with more meanings) which was spelled Anna in
  2. The lowest inland letter rate was half Anna for 1/4 told, followed by one, anna , for 1/2 told, and 2 Anna for a told, a great reduction from the rates of 17
  3. The distance traveled in the delivery. The lowest inland letter rate was half, anna , for 1/4 told, followed by one Anna for 1/2 told, and 2 Anna for a told, a
  4. Burial (burial),Marsh (stuffed),ribbed sinister (kibble in a tray),Anna, biddi (I want),Masai bath (No money),bandura (tomato),buzz (rice)
  5. She was named after the charism of the Gift of Tears (Kenya nice 'tear' +, anna ,'gift' ). She lives in the far West of Area, grieves for the suffering of the
  6. And it is not indicated in spelling: e.g. 'Let it be ', orthographically,Anna, olla. Moreover, this sound is not used in all dialects. # The short velar nasal
  7. Gift" or" Gift of Love" ( Q. Melba," dear, lovely " < Q. Mel-," love "; Q., anna ," gift" ). Biography Things encountered Median in the woods of Nan Cloth
  8. Display dives The outer tail-feathers of male Anna's Hummingbird (Calypso, anna , ) vibrate during display dives and produce a loud chirp. When courting, the
  9. Coin equal to two piece and in the south, it was equal to four paisas or one, anna , It was only in Bengal and Odessa where take was equal to rupee. In all areas
  10. From Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3 Verse 14 Anna Havarti Bhutan paranoid, anna , sambhavaḥ ahead Havarti Mariano rajah karma samudbhavaḥ Living beings are
  11. Thus:" Ash had a la alpha illegal Oahu Waipahu la sharia LAH, wa ash had, anna , Muhammadan 'Abdul Wei Result, Alla humma Sally 'Ala Muhammadan Wei Ali Muhammad
  12. The First World War. In the early 1940s,several changes were implemented. The, anna , and ½ nice ceased production, the ¼ Anna was changed to a bronze, holed coin
  13. Copper for the lowest three denominations and in 1907,a cupro-nickel 1,Anna, was introduced. In 1918 and 1919,cupro-nickel 2,4 and 8 Anna were introduced
  14. JPG|Males fighting File: Hummingbird Calypso Anna in gap 15n. JPG|Calypso, anna , perched File: Hummingbird in gap 23. JPG|Grooming File: Hummingbird is
  15. Several changes were implemented. The Anna and ½ nice ceased production, the ¼, anna , was changed to a bronze, holed coin, cupro-nickel and nickel-brass ½ Anna coins
  16. 1 four (gold). The gold denominations ceased production in 1891 while no ½, anna , coins were issued dated later than 1877. In 1906,bronze replaced copper for
  17. Was in 1985,with an unconfirmed sighting in 1990. * ʻUla-ʻai-hawane, Ciridops, anna , ( Big Island, Hawaiian Islands,1892 or 1937) * Black Memo, Drepanis funereal (
  18. Pharmaceuticals (a subsidiary of CorePharma). Anna's Hummingbird (Calypso, anna , ) is a medium-sized hummingbird native to the west coast of North America. This
  19. Embossed on a red sealing wax wafer on paper; but all had the same value of 1/2,Anna, They were used until October 1854,and then officially suppressed. These are
  20. And the designation" India ". Denominations were Anna, ½ nice, ¼ and ½, anna , ( all in copper),2 Anna, ¼,½ and 1 rupee (silver) and 5 and 10 rupees and
  21. Throughout India were placed on sale in October 1854 with four values: 1/2,Anna, 1 Anna,2 Anna, and 4 Anna. Featuring a youthful profile of Queen Victoria
  22. The following airlines: Awards The Latvian airline air Baltic was chosen for, anna , Aero ANNIE Award in 2010 as Europe's largest flag carrier by new routes. In
  23. The second-largest party with 39 members. NTR's era NTR, who was also known as, anna , ( elder brother),toured the state extensively in what was called Chaitanya
  24. File: Hummingbirds fighting. JPG|Males fighting File: Hummingbird Calypso, anna , in gap 15n. JPG|Calypso Anna perched File: Hummingbird in gap 23. JPG|Grooming
  25. Within the jurisdiction of the East India Company. The basic rate was 1/2,Anna, on letters not more than 1/4 told in weight. The stamps were needed to show the
  26. Portrait of Queen Victoria and the designation" India ". Denominations were, anna , ½ nice, ¼ and ½ Anna (all in copper),2 Anna, ¼,½ and 1 rupee (silver)
  27. India were placed on sale in October 1854 with four values: 1/2 Anna,1,Anna, 2 Anna, and 4 Anna. Featuring a youthful profile of Queen Victoria AET. 15
  28. Recited the tashahhud this way: Ash had a la alpha illegal Oahu was ash had, anna , Muhammadan Valley Oahu Malachi Wei Alibi Abdul Wei result. It is also necessary
  29. Image: Male Anna's Hummingbird in GGP. JPG|a female Image: Hummingbird Calypso, anna , in gap 15n. JPG|a male Image: AnnasHummingbirdPaloAltoNorvig. JPG|a male Image:
  30. The governmental duties. Tonino's children by Pompey Romano is Princess, anna , The penalty area (colloquially also known as the 18-yard box, penalty box or
  31. The set of King Edward VII stamps were issued in two values, half Anna and one, anna , with the caption" INDIA POSTAGE & REVENUE ". The George V Series (1911 to
  32. S transport; it carried one all the way from Sassoon Dock to Radar for a mere, anna , and a half, that was nine piece. The bus fare for the same journey was four
  33. Mustafa) to say that twice after third part of the adman which is Mashhad, anna , Muhammadan-rasūl ullah. Fatimid/Ismail/Heywood Bohr believe and include and
  34. In 1933,the first Tamil tabloid-the 8 page Mahabharata began at a price of ¼, anna , It closed in 1940 as the price could not sustain even its postage. In
  35. Person singular article) contrasts with Anna ('its underside' ) as well as, anna , ( 'dry land' ). Other minimal pairs include: name "
  36. Wabarakatuhu Assam 'Alana Wei 'Ala ` Abdullahi assaliheena Mashhad, anna , la alpha ill Allah Wei Mashhad Anna Mohammedan 'Abdul warasuluhu. Shia
  37. Wa 'Ala ` Abdullahi assaliheena Mashhad Anna la alpha ill Allah Wei Mashhad, anna , Mohammmedan 'Abdul warasuluhu. Shia version: Tashahhud Rule 1109 by Ayatollah
  38. Meadows along the Pacific coast from British Columbia to Arizona make up C., anna , 's breeding habitat. The female raises the young without the assistance of the
  39. That George V, a philatelist, personally approved these designs. In 1919 a 1½,Anna, stamp was introduced, inscribed " ONE AND HALF ANNA ", but in 1921 this changed
  40. The Air Lion, and the Kathy Horse in addition to the Away. In 1937 the one, anna , value was reissued reading" POSTAGE AND REVENUE ". The Indian province of
  41. Issued a court fee stamp overprinted for postal use, then created more one, anna , stamps by surcharging three stamps of the 1929 issue. Water scarcity Maharashtra
  42. And before 1947 in British India),the pies was equivalent to 3 pies, ¼ of an, anna , or of a rupee. After the transition from a non-decimal currency to a decimal
  43. The ¼ Anna was changed to a bronze, holed coin, cupro-nickel and nickel-brass ½, anna , coins were introduced, nickel-brass was used to produce some 1 and 2 Anna
  44. A single coinage for the EIC was introduced. It consisted of copper, ¼ and ½, anna , silver ¼, ½ and 1 rupee and gold 1 and 2 hours. In 1841,silver 2 Anna were
  45. In 1906,the set of King Edward VII stamps were issued in two values, half,Anna, and one Anna with the caption" INDIA POSTAGE & REVENUE ". The George V Series
  46. As Ceylon at that time) decimated in 1869. India changed from the rupee, anna , pie system to decimal currency on 1 April 1957. Yemen Arab Republic introduced
  47. Mail services within India. The East India Company already had attempted a 1/2,Anna, vermilion stamp in April 1854,known as the" 9½ arches essay ". This could
  48. Were issued, the stamp imprint on all was oval with the head of king. A one, anna , envelope was issued in 1904,a six cent envelope was issued in 1907 and finally
  49. Except the Almighty Allah, Who is One and has no partner). Wei Mashhad, anna , Muhammadan 'Abdul Wei Result (And I testify that Muhammad is His servant and
  50. We believe in God; and you be our witness that we are Muslims (Mashhad be, anna , muslimūn). " In Muslim belief, before the Qur'an, God had given the Torah to

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