Examples of the the word, bayberry , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bayberry ), is the 5985 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Buckwheats and Indian Paintbrush, and various shrubs such as dwarf oaks, bayberry , Manzanita, buffaloberry, rabbitbrush, blackbrush, brittlebrush,Apache's
  2. And seaside goldenrod (Solid ago sempivirens); scrub-shrub containing, bayberry ,(Africa Pennsylvania),beach plum (Prunes maritime),sumac (Thus SPP. )
  3. Several smaller oaks, cedars,and sumac cover the island. Shrub species such as, bayberry ,and dewberry can also be found. Grasses and sea-lavender populate the
  4. Of resin and mineral oil),some plant waxes (generally palm, carnauba, bayberry , or soybean wax),tallow (rarely used since the introduction of affordable
  5. Of lubricant mixtures including such things as beeswax, carnuba wax, Japan wax, bayberry ,wax, paraffin,petroleum jelly, sperm oil, castor oil, stearyl alcohol, lauryl
  6. Pond with frogs, goldfish,and turtles, surrounded by blueberry and northern, bayberry ,shrubs, grasses,junipers, and holly. Regions umbellulata (syn. Tritium
  7. Cuculliinae of Israel Africa Hartwell is a species of shrub in the, bayberry ,family known by the common name Sierra sweet bay, or Sierra bayberry . It is
  8. And forsythia. Also, present are self-sown sumac, poplar,poison ivy, and, bayberry , The vegetation has been badly damaged in recent years by the island's
  9. Pitch Pine; understory companions include winged sumac, bracken,sweet fern, and, bayberry , A variety, Quercus marilandica Munchhausen var. Ashei Bedworth (D. M. Hunt
  10. Synonyms * Gale California, a synonym for Africa California, the California, bayberry , California wax myrtle or Pacific wax myrtle, an evergreen shrub or small tree
  11. Sedge vegetative complex. Dominant upland vegetation includes rose, poison ivy, bayberry , and arrow wood. Openings created by past fires support grasses and forms, while
  12. Marsh (Starting, Juncus) and swamp (pine, oak,magnolia, maple,cypress, bayberry , Tupelo and others). The reserve lands also include upland and bottom land
  13. Source of the wax for those old-fashioned Christmas decorations called, bayberry ,candles. Southern Bayberry and its relatives have largely been supplanted in
  14. Species of grasses. * Fragrance Garden (1963) - fragrance plants, including, bayberry , fringe tree, lavender,Malthus, peppermint,winter sweet, and fragrant
  15. Oregon coast and the Gulf of California * Africa California, the California, bayberry , California wax myrtle or Pacific wax, an evergreen shrub or small tree species
  16. Daylilies, Clethra, Stewartia, bottlebrush buckeye, American holly, beeches and, bayberry , External links *http://www.mtarbor.org/ Mountain Top Arboretum Eziowelle is a
  17. And 24 genera (. Many are common plants in temperate regions like alder, bayberry , sweet fern, Avens, mountain misery and Criteria. Some Lasagnas species and
  18. NP"> cosmos"/> Diet E. tiara tum are vegetarians and breeders recommend feeding them, bayberry , bramble, eucalyptus (their natural food in their native Australia),hawthorn
  19. There also are thickets of beach plum, from which the island takes its name, bayberry ,and honeysuckle (the latter being intrusive). Maximum dune elevation is about
  20. In the bayberry family known by the common name Sierra sweet bay, or Sierra, bayberry , It is endemic to the Sierra Nevada of California, where it grows in moist
  21. Support grasses and forms, while areas not affected by fire are dominated by, bayberry , Sand dune-beach plant communities along the northern shore include American
  22. Arvensis),narrow-leaved pepper wort (Lepidus rude rale),Africa SPP. (e.g., bayberry ,), Robert Geranium (Geranium robertianum),bug bane (Cimicifuga SPP. ),"
  23. Arvensis),narrow-leaved pepper wort (Lepidus rude rale),Africa SPP. (e.g., bayberry ,), Robert geranium (Geranium robertianum),bug bane (Cimicifuga SPP. ),"
  24. Kaffir lime (kabuki),lemon (nebula),Asian pear (Ashanti),and, bayberry ,(papal). Yogurt (Dali) and curried meat (mass) or fish (mach ha) are
  25. Is a general feeder, and its larva has been found in blueberry, cranberry, bayberry , and several species of edges and grasses. Name" Nail" /> Dave Rice (
  26. Vegetable waxes * Bayberry wax - from the surface wax of the fruits of the, bayberry ,shrub, Myrica Maya * Cinderella wax - from the Mexican shrubs Euphoria
  27. Purple-haired woman wearing a black and white dress and a pearl necklace) *Red, bayberry ,(mascot is Took, red-haired man wearing black and red toga) Chris Morris (
  28. And form nitrogen-fixing nodules *Actinorhizal plants such as alder and, bayberry , that can also forms nitrogen-fixing nodules, thanks to a symbiotic association
  29. Including the plum of prunes Alicia and Prunes mule),melon, apricot,red, bayberry , and strawberry. The Han Chinese domesticated and ate chickens, Mandarin ducks
  30. That burned cleanly. The aromatic leaves of the plant are used to manufacture, bayberry ,essential oil to scent many products. Bayberry essential oil is moderately
  31. It to grow in relatively poor soils. Uses The berries can be used to make, bayberry ,wax candles. American colonists boiled the berries to extract the
  32. Bore into and beneath the bark of various trees and shrubs, including apple, bayberry , black cherry, blueberry,beech, birch,chestnut, dogwood,elm, hazel,hickory
  33. And a history of frequent fires, the vegetation includes few trees. Cambrian, bayberry , blueberry, arrowwood, shadbush, and an assortment of wildflowers grows among
  34. Astringent agents include alum, oatmeal,acacia, sage,yarrow, witch hazel, bayberry , distilled vinegar, very cold water, and rubbing alcohol. Astringent
  35. Goldenrod (Solid ago sempervirens),poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicals), bayberry , ( Africa Pennsylvania),beach plum (Prunes maritime),salt spray rose (Rosa
  36. Rabbits. Cuttyhunk has most varieties of New England’s wildflowers, as well as, bayberry , sweet peas, and a host of other plant life. Two large peninsular arms
  37. And feed on various herbs, shrubs trees and grasses, including alder, bayberry , birch, blueberry,bog laurel, cranberry,fir, huckleberry,leather leaf, maple

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