Examples of the the word, reportedly , in a Sentence Context

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  1. That the film differed from the script submitted to the censors. Tchaikovsky was, reportedly ,infuriated by this interruption and destroyed most of the film. Film career
  2. Flair for marriage, I also had no flair for bachelorhood. " One of his ex-wives, reportedly ,said," Marriage is Alan's way of saying goodbye. " The divorces cost him much
  3. The story of a 12-year-old boy who may have been severely autistic. Luther, reportedly ,thought the boy was a soulless mass of flesh possessed by the devil, and
  4. Financial mismanagement continued until his death from cancer in 1986,when he, reportedly ,owed the US Internal Revenue Service over US$1,000,000 in back taxes, and was
  5. To 2003. He left The Man Show at the same time as Kimmel, after having been, reportedly ,offered $50,000 per episode to stay on. Corolla has continued his work with
  6. Deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL),an extract of the popular herb licorice, reportedly ,helps relieve the symptoms of gastritis. In a 1979 research study, a dose of
  7. For storing game scores. On the side of the 7800 was an expansion port, reportedly ,for a planned connection with a laser disc player. Launch The 7800 was initially
  8. At Harass, and reported that Sharon had vomited and seemed withdrawn. Sharon, reportedly ,became apathetic. Some reports suggested that he was suffering from paralysis
  9. Been taken by a Muslim mob after school (though the child managed to escape), reportedly ," to be taken out to the forest and hung because he was a Jew ". Norwegian
  10. The art of shipbuilding or navigation. In a temple at Purina in Eli's, which was, reportedly ,built by Clemens, she was known as Colonia. The various Athena subgroups, or
  11. Officially to commit his time to the London production of Mr. Whatnot, but, reportedly , because it was having trouble working with the artistic director, Peter Cheese man.
  12. To appear at the Hate Four. Amalia had an enormous curiosity, and William was, reportedly ,astonished to find Amalia questioning, during an illness, the resurrection of
  13. Known as" Visions," which was used to create television commercials and, reportedly , animation for the 1982 film Tron. Interest in APL has steadily declined since
  14. Vietnam War: For the first time since November 1967,American B-52 bombers, reportedly ,begin bombing North Vietnam. * 1972 – Seventy-four nations sign the Biological
  15. For headaches, colds,epilepsy, and other ailments. Eggs and ambergris was, reportedly ,Charles II's favorite dish. In the film Sweeney Todd, Beadle Basford refers
  16. Rejoin the First Division at the expense of local rivals Tottenham Hotspur, by, reportedly , dubious means. Arsenal appointed Herbert Chapman as manager in 1925. Having
  17. Survivor. He has three older siblings – Rita, Philip and Tami. Mike Agassi, reportedly ,banged on the fences with a hammer during Andre's matches when his son lost a
  18. The country holds elections. Controversy over wasteful expenditure The ANC has, reportedly ,wasted over R1 billion of taxpayers' money over the past eight months on
  19. Freshwater fish. It is one of the largest fresh water fish in the world, reportedly ,with a maximum length in excess of and weight up to. Another Amazonian fresh
  20. At the Rolling Stones Free Concert at Hyde Park on 5 July 1969. Jimmy Page, reportedly ,found out about a new singer, Robert Plant, who had been jamming with Corner
  21. Licensed a 10 KB assembly language version of BASIC dubbed" Apple soft. " Apple, reportedly ,obtained an eight-year license for Apple soft BASIC from Microsoft for a flat
  22. Are still known to exist, making it a very rare collector's item. An Apple I, reportedly ,sold for $50,000 USD at auction in 1999,with another apparently selling in
  23. For blood, and accepting cheek swabs instead. " Reached for comment, Lamo, reportedly ,affirmed to Paulsen his intention to" comply vigorously" with the order.
  24. Amir Sahib Shahid (Our Beloved Martyred Commander). A devout Sunni Muslim, reportedly ,also always carrying a book of Sufi mystic Ghazi with him, he strongly
  25. Who were overshadowed by the more popular Chicago Bears. The team was, reportedly ,for sale (with the intent of relocation),and one of the men who approached
  26. Airport, near Moscow. The explosions are caused by suicide bombers (, reportedly ,female) from the Russian Republic of Chechnya. *2006 – The International
  27. Response to his disability. Capp's father, a failed businessman and, reportedly ,an amateur cartoonist, introduced him to drawing as a form of therapy. He
  28. Hobbies included fencing, swimming,chess, philately and comic-strips (Delete, reportedly ,deployed the funding from his Guggenheim Fellowship to bind his comic book
  29. Jobs. He eventually found work at the Associated Press. At 23-years old, he was, reportedly ,the youngest syndicated cartoonist in America. By March 1932,Camp was drawing
  30. Read this passage to his patron,Alexander's general and later King Lysimachus, reportedly ,quipped," I wonder where I was at the time. " In Persian literature In
  31. Have been given if doctors had known about his brain condition. Sharon had, reportedly ,wanted to leave the hospital the evening after his arrival but the hospital
  32. Discontinued after just two years on the market. Total sales of the 5200 were, reportedly ,in excess of 1 million units. Technical specifications *CPU: Custom MOS 6502C @
  33. Trusted to the sanctity of Easter for immunity from attack. Alaric's wife was, reportedly ,taken prisoner after this battle; it is not unreasonable to suppose that he and
  34. Even such an offer would have risked war with the U. S. Lord Palmerston, reportedly ,read Uncle Tom’s Cabin three times when deciding on this.
  35. The massive number of deaths amongst enslaved natives. Others believe that the, reportedly ,abundant, but starchy, low-protein diet may have contributed to severe
  36. Al-Fayed and driver Henri Paul die in a car crash in Paris. *1998 – North Korea, reportedly ,launches Kwangmyŏngsŏng-1,its first satellite. *1999 – The first of a series
  37. Daughter of Androids, converting to Islam under the name Bayamon. She was, reportedly ,one of several wives of Uzbek Khan of the Golden Horde. This daughter is not
  38. The soldier thought that they were valuable items. General Marcellus was, reportedly ,angered by the death of Archimedes, as he considered him a valuable scientific
  39. Freed in 2003. Many commentators have been critical of Schilling, who had, reportedly ,walked into the camp. Schilling claims to have been invited, through a relative
  40. In Chief. Akbar Bad Incident On 2 February 2008,about 50 of Dostum's fighters, reportedly ,attacked Akbar Bad, a former ally of Dos tum who had become his rival. In this
  41. An estimated 40 million units were shipped, and its video game library, reportedly ,numbers more than 900 titles with commercial games released for this system all
  42. Were probably William Sinclair, a merchant, and Elizabeth Balfour. He, reportedly ,attended the University of Edinburgh before being apprenticed to the renowned
  43. Is considering a comeback film despite his continuing legal problems. He has, reportedly ,signed to star in" Last Stand" as a dishonored Los Angeles cop. On September
  44. His stepfather's son by an earlier marriage. This relationship too, reportedly ,ran into difficulties early on. Biographer Paul Allen has compared characters
  45. 1879 – The Virgin Mary, along with St. Joseph and St. John the Evangelist, reportedly ,appears at Knock Shrine in Knock, County Mayo, Ireland. *1888 – The first
  46. The value of the secret settlement deal has never been disclosed, but was, reportedly ," tremendous ". On December 22, 2006,a US court decided in Doorman, et al. v.
  47. The initial design of the insignia was developed by Jim Lovell. Lovell, reportedly ,sketched the initial design while riding in the backseat of a T-38 flight from
  48. She Silverstein, Hugh Downs, Gene Shalt, Frank CHO, Daniel Clones and (, reportedly ,) even Queen Elizabeth have confessed to being fans of Li'l Abner. Li'l Abner
  49. Hindu occupiers of that Islam land. " In September 2009 a U. S. Drone strike, reportedly ,killed Ilya Kashmiri who was the chief of Harkat-ul-Jihad Alnilam, a
  50. Was only too well aware of the dangers in allowing another to do so and, reportedly ,commenting that" two Caesars are one too many ", he ordered Caesarion—Julius

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