Examples of the the word, whisper , in a Sentence Context

The word ( whisper ), is the 5984 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Him from his intense pain. In one rare moment of peace, Alexei was heard to, whisper ,to his mother," When I am dead, it will not hurt anymore, will it, Mama? "
  2. Sound over an ostinato figure, creating " tempests in teapots by beginning in a, whisper ,and rising to a flashing, glittering storm," which earned him the nickname of
  3. November 27, 1953,at the age of 65. As he was dying, he,in a barely audible, whisper , spoke his last words:" I knew it. I knew it. Born in a hotel room, and God
  4. In her bed and dies. Val jean goes to Fanzine, speaks to her in an inaudible, whisper , kisses her hand, and then leaves with Avert. Fantine's body is later cruelly
  5. Meaning" to whisper ". Strong therefore concludes that the word means" to, whisper ,a spell,i.e. to infant or practice magic ". The Contemporary English Version
  6. By 259 steps from ground level. It gets its name because, as with any dome,a, whisper ,against its wall at any point is audible to a listener with an ear held to the
  7. In a traditional classical way; they frequently do not sing at all, but speak, whisper ,and shout. The third movement is a collage of literary and musical quotations.
  8. Of Rome: Livy infers Romulus' murder as no more than a dim, doubtful and, whisper ,from the past; in the circumstances, Proculus' declaration is wise and
  9. Foreman throughout the bout. " You picked the wrong place to get tired," he'd, whisper , But Foreman's corner would tell him to" keep hitting Ali,he's tiring "
  10. The following: * The Old Testament prophet Isaiah spoke of prophets who would ", whisper ,out of the dust. " The Book of Mormon interprets this as a reference to itself.
  11. Gods, then repeated what she learned, starting off at first with just a dull, whisper , but repeating it louder each time, until everyone knew. In art, she was
  12. At his office, claiming to bear a message from Michael. As he pretends to, whisper ,the message to Lunches, Calò stabs him in the throat with his own glasses. The
  13. Accident; and, for five episodes, the Lone Ranger was unable to speak beyond a, whisper , with Tonto carrying the action. *Brace Beeper (April 18, 1941 to the end)
  14. Hurt taught himself how to play the guitar around age nine. Singing in a loud, whisper , to a melodious finger-picked accompaniment, he began to play local dances and
  15. Burnt her, proclaiming he must die in the name of hell. The song ends with a, whisper ,that hints Melissa's spirit is still with the protagonist. The other songs
  16. Key is used for lower notes. From the G right below middle C and lower,the, whisper ,key is pressed with the left thumb and held for the duration of the note. This
  17. More difficult it is to discern it from the noise (similar to trying to hear a, whisper ,while standing near a busy road). Noise figure is a measure of the noise
  18. With black hair, gray eyes, and pointed teeth. Her voice is little more than a, whisper , and she has no odor, but her shadow smells musky and pungent, like the skin of
  19. With the same reverence as Harriet Beecher Stowe. He tutored with never a, whisper ,of scandal. Last years: 1896–1899 In the last two decades of the 19th century
  20. This supreme honor had been offered to no one before. There was an excited, whisper ,at our table—'MOMMIES! '—and the whole house rose. Rose and shouted and stamped
  21. Should be the intricacies of the human mind, that writers should describe the ", whisper ,of blood, and the pleading of bone marrow ". Hamsun is considered the" leader
  22. Propane more slowly and thereby generates a different sound. This is called a, whisper ,burner and is used for flight over livestock to lessen the chance of spooking
  23. Vaulted roof shaped as a section of a prelate spheroid. Such a room is called a, whisper ,chamber. The same effect can be demonstrated with two reflectors shaped like
  24. From a, whisper ,to a scream, by Laura Cumming, The Observer, October 17, 2004
  25. Appearances in parliament, he talked to the government through her: he would, whisper ,the questions he had to her, and she would ask them loud and clear. As an
  26. Because of their parents' rivalry. Through a crack in one of the walls, they, whisper , their love for each other. They arrange to meet near at Minus' tomb under a
  27. Boom in for a sustained period of time only to suddenly drop off to a prolonged, whisper , This effect did not seem to be the result of normal propagation problems
  28. Half-mumbled monologue in" And the Healing Has Begun" to the barely audible, whisper ,that is the album's final sound. " (Scott Thomas Review' ) The following
  29. Tulsi (basil) leaves and water from the river Ganges. The eldest son would, whisper ," Om Namath Shiva" or" Om name Bhagavan vasudevaya" near the ear of the
  30. Is only a convenience, however,not a necessity, since a strictly unvoiced, whisper ,is still quite intelligible. Our interest is therefore most focused on further
  31. Human audio perception is similarly subject to masking, so that, for example,a, whisper ,cannot be heard in loud surroundings. Nevertheless, a good quality audio
  32. All sticky and stuck together, always fighting for breath, with voices a mere, whisper , saying that their throats are closing, and they know they will choke. " The
  33. As her friends and classmates shout derisively at her, and Oz and Tara, whisper ,intimately to each other in the audience. She is attacked and strangled by the
  34. Be high if I'm rested. ... When I was little,I'd talk in this really high, whisper , and my mom would be like," You're being ridiculous. " I thought if I can
  35. S pretty good at my age. " *"People often think I'm from Kent. I hear them, whisper ,it as I walk past. " * On his visits to Princess Grace Hospital for treatment
  36. For he no longer plays. Either there is a perfectly wild noise or else a, whisper ,with the soft pedal down. And a would-be cultured audience puts up with a
  37. Killed to hide his secret. The last barber among his people was counselled to, whisper ,the heavy secret into a well after sundown, but he didn't cover the well
  38. He finally realizes that Tess really has committed murder and asks the men in a, whisper ,to let her awaken naturally before they arrest her. When she opens her eyes and
  39. Before. Now she started out of the torpor common to us all and asked me in a, whisper ,(everyone whisper ed there):" 'Can you describe this? '" And I said: 'I can.
  40. About First Lady Hillary Clinton on the air. Chung asked Ms. Gingrich to" just, whisper ,it to me, just between you and me," and Ms. Gingrich replied that her son
  41. But in some contexts: wrath of God * Busy, busy,busy - words Bokononists, whisper ,when they think about how complicated and unpredictable the machinery of life
  42. We never learn where they do it—obviously in the open):: 'Liza,' he said a, whisper , 'will yer? ': 'Will I wot? ' She said, looking down.: 'You know, Liza. SY
  43. Low notes can sometimes crack into a higher octave. Both flicking and using the, whisper ,key is especially important to ensure notes speak properly during slurring
  44. Of the major bassoon manufacturers. While flicking is used to higher notes,the, whisper ,key is used for lower notes. From the G right below middle C and lower, the
  45. Twilights,--: :Virginal shy lights, : Wrought of the leaves to allure to the, whisper ,of vows, : When lovers pace timidly down through the green colonnades: Of the
  46. Lisp the poem, but Thayer's was the worst of all. In a sweet, dulcet Harvard, whisper ,he implored 'Casey' to murder the umpire, and gave this cry of mass animal
  47. The end. On several occasions the pianist is required to sing, shout,whistle, whisper , and moan, as well as play the instrument conventionally and unconventionally.
  48. In Exodus 22:18 and 5 other places in the Tanaka comes from a root meaning" to, whisper ,". Strong therefore concludes that the word means" to whisper a spell, i. e.
  49. Bitch ". Many people interpreted Chung's suggestion that if Ms. Gingrich would, whisper ,this statement it would be promised that the statement would be off the record.
  50. Last Elder One who lives alone talking to chaos via drums:" The Thing, they, whisper , wears a silken mask of yellow, whose queer folds appear to hide a face not of

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