Examples of the the word, cf , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cf ), is the 5982 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Provision will be made to allow the retention of aspects of Anglican liturgy;, cf , Anglican Use. Athens (;, Athína, study. The Greek capital has a population of
  2. Time. * The use of the word assembly dates from the early years of computers (, cf , Short code, speedcode). * A cross-assembler (see cross-compiler) is
  3. Which the First Temple was destroyed, and King Zedekiah was taken prisoner (, cf , 2 Kings 24-25,Her. 39:1-10 and Her. 52). In the Septuagint and the Vulgate
  4. Livy also names their king, Cotto. This name is possibly of Celtic derivation (, cf , Cottbus, king of the Alpine Salads tribe and friend of Augustus, after whom
  5. Times) repeated antiderivative of a function f,Cauchy's formula is useful (, cf , Cauchy formula for repeated integration):: :\int_ex \int_^ \dots \int_^ f (
  6. Founded on formations of Jurensismergel (Forensic Marl),Posidonienschiefer (, cf , Poseidon Shale),Amaltheenton (Masthead Clay),Numismalismergel (
  7. Turkic–Mongolic–Tunguska and Korean–Japanese–Ainu, grouped in a common taxon (, cf , John C. Street 1962). *J. Marshall Unger (1990). Tunguska–Korean–Japanese (
  8. Vulgate, and as Cetus in. At some point, cetus became synonymous with whale (, cf , Cetyl alcohol, which is alcohol derived from whales). In his 1534 translation
  9. The spirit of God and the flesh are in a continual struggle within a person (, cf ,., ),just like the two nations in Obadiah’s prophecy. Either the spirit or the
  10. Dual (grammatical number) except on nouns, with consistent plural agreement (, cf , Feminine singular agreement in plural inanimate). *Change of a to i in many
  11. It has been hypothesized that a Proto-Indo-European word *more- was used, cf , Sanskrit Sarah, Latin Formica, Greek Pyrex, Old Church Slavonic gravity, Old
  12. Factors examined and discussed include global or regional climate change (, cf , Little Ice Age),prolonged periods of drought, cyclical periods of topsoil
  13. That is assigned to them by Herodotus (30 as against 180 Athenian vessels, cf , Greek History, sect. Authorities). During the next twenty years the
  14. Latin Amanda, derived through a form amingdolouhha from the Greek αμυγδαλη (, cf ,amygdala),an almond. The all- in English, for the a- used in other languages
  15. Or destroying livestock and farmland were carried out in the Vietnam War (, cf , Agent Orange) and Elam War in Sri Lanka. The United States developed an
  16. Baptize, for instance in Corinth and in Philippe, in the same manner as they., cf , He also taught the spiritual significance of the submerging in baptism and how
  17. The term replaced by Afroasiatic) in his proposed Nostratic macro-family (, cf , Pedersen 1931:336–338),which also included the Indo-European, Finno-Ugric
  18. Words, which may include hubbub, dad,peat, bucket,crock, noggin,gob (, cf , Gaelic gob),nook; and the dialectal term for a badger,i.e. Brock ( cf .
  19. Act, though he could not venture to punish its perpetrators (2 Samuel 3:31-39;, cf , 1 Kings 2:31ff. ). David had Abner buried in Hebron (2 Samuel 3.31-39). His
  20. According to contemporary notions, would imply pretensions to the throne (, cf , 2 Samuel 16:21ff. ). Abner was indignant at the rebuke, and
  21. Main prop of his tottering cause by accusing Abner of sleeping with Rizal (, cf , 2 Samuel 3:7),one of Saul's concubines, an alliance which, according to
  22. If y ax+b is an asymptote of f (x),then y can+CB is an asymptote of, cf ,(x) For example, f (x) ex-1+2 has horizontal asymptote y 0+2=2,and no
  23. A spread of canonical texts similar to the Ethiopian Orthodox Christians, cf ,Encyclopaedia Judaic, Vol 6,p 1147. A large part of this literature consisted
  24. Innate language as the foundation of being, which gives signal to (and from, cf , Cognition) all aspects of being. In philosophy, being is the object of study
  25. To the season, as it is common in other West Germanic languages to this day (, cf , Dutch heights and German Herbs). However, as more people gradually moved from
  26. Of the heralds in 491 BC and the invasion of Dates and Artaxerxes in 490 BC (, cf , Herod. vi. 49 with 94). There are difficulties in this story, of which the
  27. Its harm, must be clear to all familiar with the strength of Judaism in Asia (, cf , Rev 2:9,3:9; and see Sir W. M. Ramsay, The Letters to the Seven Churches, ch.
  28. Meanings have changed under Irish influence, such as paddock for" field ", cf , Irish pair, which has exactly the same meaning as the Australian paddock.
  29. Their 45 sons constitute the mystic 49 fires of the Purana's and theosophy. (, cf ,Agni Purana. ) As the eldest son of Brahma, Abhimani represents the cosmic
  30. Transliteration from the Kline Greek word {{ poly tonic|ὁ word album or album (, cf , ) for" age" is present in words such as longevity and mediæval. Although the
  31. A basis of slave-labour. It is impossible, indeed,to accept Aristotle's (, cf , Athens vi. 272) estimate of 470,000 as the number of the slave-population;
  32. Proposes a derivation from Old Persian, Avestan bast-" bound, tied; slave" (, cf , Cosmetic bættən" bind ", bast " bound" ) and Iranian *area-" offspring "
  33. Of Alexandria; metaphorical use of (AIX) " goat" ), hence " wavy sea ", cf , Also (signals ages (waves) + Hals (sea) ), hence meaning" sea-shore ".
  34. While others believe that it refers to Rabat, meaning " ready for battle" (, cf , Jihad). When the Almoravids began their political rise, the Kingdom of Fez (
  35. As opposed to the other Southern Mastoid groups has been called into doubt (, cf , Iron 1995,Williamson & Blench 2000),but the term is still widely used as
  36. Muons then decaying into a combination of electrons, positrons and neutrinos (, cf , Muon decay; the neutrinos from this decay carry about 2/3 of the energy of the
  37. With the right-hand side was traditionally a reference to strength and virtue (, cf , Modern scholars have instead proposed that, with the eponymous Benjamin being
  38. A person relates to something bad they have done. * A black mood is a bad one (, cf ,Winston Churchill's clinical depression, which he called" my black dog" ). *
  39. European and American computer scientists in a meeting in 1958 at ETH Zurich (, cf , ALGOL 58). It specified three different syntaxes: a reference syntax, a
  40. Ученика ('two/three students' ) versus тези ученици ('these students' );, cf , Feminine две/три/тези жени ('two/three/these women' ) and neuter
  41. From it, consciously or not. (See, for example, Gough, Pels and Sale mink, but, cf , Lewis 2004). *That ethnographic work was often historical, writing about
  42. The word is descended from the Proto-Indo-European name of the animal, cf , Sanskrit babhru's, brown,Lat. Fiber, Ger. Fiber, Russ. Bobr; the root thru
  43. Recursion" from the work of Gödel acting on suggestions of Jacques Her brand (, cf , Gödel's Princeton lectures of 1934) and subsequent simplifications by Kleenex
  44. Cf. Gaelic gob),nook; and the dialectal term for a badger,i.e. Brock (, cf , Welsh Brock, and Gaelic Bros). Another legacy may be the sheep-counting
  45. Or gold. Robert Boyle (1627–1691),better known for his studies of gases (, cf , Boyle's law) pioneered the scientific method in chemical investigations. He
  46. Current being entirely accounted for by the cations flowing away from it (, cf ,drawing). In the United States, many battery manufacturers regard the positive
  47. Has a very high standard enthalpy change of vaporization (23.35 kJ/MOL, cf , Water 40.65 kJ/MOL, methane 8.19 kJ/MOL, phosphine 14.6 kJ/MOL) and can
  48. Is the Latinized form of the given name Alexios (, polytonic," defender ", cf , Alexander),especially common in the later Byzantine Empire. Variants include
  49. Of out of are peculiarly British (out of all recognition, out of the team;, cf , Above); all of this notwithstanding, out of is overall more frequent in AME
  50. Are said to have been cursed by the sage Vasishtha to be born again and again (, cf ,BP 4:24,4; SD 2:247-8). " Every fire has a distinct function and meaning in

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