Examples of the the word, phillips , in a Sentence Context

The word ( phillips ), is the 5994 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

Mastering contextual understanding of words and phrases is a vital skill for effective communication and English learning. Enhance your proficiency by practicing with our handpicked collection of 50 English phrases.

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  1. Gold models had single coil pickups with clear silver plastic covers and, phillips , head bolt adjustable pole pieces. The Upbeat model came with an optional
  2. Movie Colin Jarrell is making featuring John Leguizamo as Dave and Lou diamond, phillips , as Scott got. Louie Anderson plays mike Aragon and kid rock plays crappy Dan.
  3. Unions, but he said he took on the book project on his own. " Name ", phillips ," /> Victory Beach is located on the Pacific Ocean coast of the Stage Peninsula
  4. Such as Super Mario 64 DS). The battery is user-replaceable using only a, phillips , head screwdriver. After about 500 charges the battery life starts dropping. To
  5. Plants ... not what used to be the plant – it is the plant ", name ", phillips ," /> while others have been described as" containing almost no preserved plant
  6. Interchangeable shank bit, commonly known as a tip. Most commonly used is a #2,Phillips, The nose on both types can be adjusted to countersink screws to desired depth.
  7. What they saw as discrepancies detracted from Schiavo's position. Name ", phillips ," /> In response Schizo commented that the report by Jenkins and Pinto was "
  8. Phillip through the character Commodore James Gilbert. Gallery Image: Arthur., phillips , Memorial. At. Bathampton. Arp. JPG|The Arthur Phillip memorial on the wall of
  9. For students to fact-check statements made by Schizo in the book. Name ", phillips ," /> Edmund Pinto, a former Federal Aviation Administration spokesman and
  10. Bar: made from: 1973 till: 1975 color: joint text:" George J. Made" bar:, phillips , from: 1973 till: 1975 color: general text:" Samuel C. Phillips" bar: Ellis
  11. Daily, later co-authored a report with Jenkins on their findings. Name ", phillips ," /> In some instances the authors agreed with Schiavo's conclusions, but
  12. Bar: Vogt bar: Dougherty bar: simpler bar: Carlton bar: O'Keefe bar: made bar:, phillips , bar: Ellis bar: Dixon bar: Wilson bar: Smith bar: McBride bar: Evans bar:
  13. Made Good ",2007 could be overlooked, confusing the viewer who sees only a, phillips , head screw sticking out of the gallery drywall. It is, in fact, white gold

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