Examples of the the word, appraisal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( appraisal ), is the 5988 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Are not owners of the utility of things, but of their value, and value is the, appraisal ,made of reciprocal services. " Strongly disputing Proudhon's equality-based
  2. Herald Tribune described his performance as" the most ruthless, unsentimental, appraisal , of the meanness of a petty killer the cinema has yet devised. " He received top
  3. S work behaviors and outcomes against the expectations of the job. Performance, appraisal ,is frequently used in promotion and compensation decisions, to help design and
  4. This also occurs in The Faerie Queen. The counterblast, or the opposition of, appraisal , is used to describe Dress. She is not objectified, but instead all of her
  5. His discontent with his education at Format inspired him to write a lengthy, appraisal ,of education in general, a summary that dominated the content of the book.
  6. On the capital structure of the company. However, the assumptions used in the, appraisal ,(especially the equity discount rate and the projection of the cash flows to
  7. By rulers in different ages. The followings are those chosen through public, appraisal ,and brought out in 2011. * Ta Lao In Cheng (): Canton Tower, Chigang Pagoda
  8. Empiricist who set new standards for precise and objective measurements. This, appraisal ,originated in Pierre Gassendi's 1654 biography, Tychonis Brahe, equitis Dani
  9. Maturity Model Integration (CMI) ). The CMI approach consists of models, appraisal ,methods, and training courses that have been proven to improve process
  10. Struggles of first-through third-generation Puritans created an elevated, appraisal ,in the minds of Americans about its appointed place among other nations. The
  11. Cognitive behavioral - generally seeks to identify maladaptive cognition, appraisal , beliefs and reactions with the aim of influencing destructive negative
  12. Magda B. Arnold (1903–2002),an American psychologist who developed the, appraisal ,theory of emotions; Richard Lazarus (1922–2002),an American psychologist who
  13. Must be discounted and then summed into a single net present value. Methods of, appraisal ,of a company or project This is necessarily a simple treatment of a complex
  14. An appraisal program of the Sea-Lion discovery. An update of the first, appraisal ,drill was released on Monday 21 March 2011 indicating a significant reservoir
  15. Has a sound similar to that of the early albums and has been met with high, appraisal ,amongst fans and critics alike. The band ran a competition to choose the artwork
  16. Suggests levels of evidence (LOVE) according to the study designs and critical, appraisal ,of prevention, diagnosis,prognosis, therapy,and harm studies: *Level A:
  17. From level B studies. *Level D: Expert opinion without explicit critical, appraisal , or based on physiology, bench research or first principles. GRADE Working
  18. Aunt of Mr Willougbhy who disowns him for not marrying Eliza Williams. Critical, appraisal ,Austen wrote the first draft of Elinor and Marianne (later retitled Sense and
  19. Hours again. At one stage I nearly walked out. " She did, however,stand by her, appraisal ,of regular panelists Ian Hi slop and Paul Merton, whom she has called" the
  20. Over the rest of the world, though also it is also thought to be a satirical, appraisal ,of such imperialism. Racist ideology thus helped legitimize subjugation and the
  21. Which uses koans extensively, the teacher certification process includes an, appraisal ,of proficiency in using that school's extensive koan curriculum. In Japanese
  22. Psychologist may consult with the organization on ways to use the performance, appraisal ,information for broader performance management initiatives. Individual
  23. Low-level wastes were released in the open Barents and Kara Seas. A subsequent, appraisal ,by the International Atomic Energy Agency showed that releases are low and
  24. Drink,"" a swift kick in the butt" for one dollar, insurance,or" frank, appraisal ,of your looks" for fifty cents. In one strip, he sells" happiness" for ten
  25. Part in provincial development planning and to participate in monitoring and, appraisal ,of other provincial governance institutions. According to article 140 of the
  26. Literary device used by many poets. It is a way to look at a woman through the, appraisal ,of her features in comparison to other things. In this description, the
  27. Person in the situation displayed that emotion. Hence, the combination of the, appraisal ,of the situation (cognitive) and the participants' reception of adrenaline
  28. Of a comprehensive passage plan depending on the size and type of vessel. The, appraisal ,stage deals with the collection of information relevant to the proposed voyage
  29. Writings (Historian ecclesial,3.25; 2.23). St. Jerome gives a similar, appraisal ,but adds that with time it had been universally admitted. Gaius Marius
  30. Science fiction editors John Flute and Peter Nichols offer a largely favorable, appraisal ,of King, noting his" pungent prose, sharp ear for dialogue, disarmingly
  31. Odd dichotomy of American society as a critical and, simultaneously,laudatory, appraisal ,of the US and its peculiar culture. The members of the band dress in outlandish
  32. Been readmitted, for his" irresponsibility and lack of interest. " By his own, appraisal , he was a non-conforming misfit in the fraternity environment. Fuller's young
  33. International, a sniper rifle manufacturer * Appraisal Institute, a real estate, appraisal ,professional organization * Airship Industries, a now-defunct British airship
  34. Be responsible for training organizational personnel how to use the performance, appraisal ,instrument, including ways to minimize bias when using the rating scale, and
  35. Too. " Reviews following months after publication contained limited positive, appraisal ,of the poem. William Roberts's review, for the August 1816 British Review, was
  36. The sphere of activity of recruitment selection, orientation,performance, appraisal , training and development, industrial relations and health and safety issues.
  37. Be most valid. However, the individual studies still require careful critical, appraisal , Note: The all or none principle is met when all patients died before the Rx
  38. Public through the memoirs of former chief of staff, Donald Regan. Scientific, appraisal ,Astrology has not been considered a science since the 18th century. It has been
  39. Emotion. " Classical" emotions including love, anger and fear, are evoked by, appraisal ,of scenarios fed by environmental stimuli via distance receptors in the eyes
  40. Capable of producing over. In February 2011 Rockhopper Exploration commenced an, appraisal ,program of the Sea-Lion discovery. An update of the first appraisal drill was
  41. Mental Function of the Brain (1901) and Scientific Phrenology (1902) are an, appraisal ,of Gall's teachings. Hollander introduced a quantitative approach to the
  42. Age. Several of his poetry's main themes, such as the beats ill (an, appraisal ,of simple life) and carpe diem (literally" pluck the day ", more commonly
  43. Capable of setting friction according to a rower's weight to give an accurate, appraisal ,of boat-moving ability (drag on a boat is proportional to weight). The weight
  44. I always look up to you ", thereby implicitly agreeing with Lennon's, appraisal ,of their relationship. Paul McCartney has often referred to Harrison as his "
  45. Original artwork in replicated paper sleeves. Awards, accolades,and critical, appraisal ,*In 1993,The Doors were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. *In 1998
  46. Of the papacy before the outbreak of the schism different from his later, appraisal , If in his last years he identified the papacy with anti-Christianism, the
  47. Escape the unpleasantness),and" cognitive-evaluative" ( cognitions such as, appraisal , cultural values, distraction and hypnotic suggestion). Because the A-delta
  48. In the commercially of the Sea Lion discovery has been increased by this first, appraisal , On 14th September 2011 Rockhopper Exploration announced plans are under way
  49. And training performance. Performance appraisal /management Performance, appraisal ,or performance evaluation is the process of measuring an individual's work
  50. Darryl, and Herbert W. Richardson. 1978. A Time for consideration: a scholarly, appraisal ,of the Unification Church. New York: E. Ellen Press. ISBN 978-0-88946-954-9 *

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