Examples of the the word, magical , in a Sentence Context

The word ( magical ), is the 5983 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Days of competition, Odysseus and Ajax are tied for the ownership of the, magical ,armor which was forged on Mount Olympus by the god Hephaestus. It is then that
  2. Amazing Grace" for Civil Rights marchers, writing that she used it" to give, magical ,protection—a charm to ward off danger, an incantation to the angels of heaven
  3. The Review of Scientific Illumines" ), which served as the voice of his, magical ,order, the AWAY. Although the entire set is influential and remains one of the
  4. Occultists of the Thelma and O. T. O. traditions sometimes speak of a ", magical ,Eon" that may last for far less time, perhaps as little as 2,000 years. In
  5. In Uganda, the Lord's Liberation Army routinely engage in ritual or, magical ,cannibalism. Recent examples Albert Fish (first known victim,1924) caused
  6. Sex magic with German Maria von Other, a German prostitute. Two periods of, magical ,experimentation followed. In June 1916,he began the first of these at the New
  7. Initial release were later seized and destroyed by British customs. Crowley's, magical ,and initiatory system has amongst its innermost reaches a set of teachings on
  8. Perform the Gnostic Mass to this day. It symbolizes the act of sex as a, magical ,or religious ritual. Upon returning to London in the autumn of 1913,Crowley
  9. Through internal warfare brought about by the inhabitants' dangerous use of, magical ,powers. William Scott-Elliot in The Story of Atlantis (1896) elaborated on
  10. Who participated in the Trojan War, and her sister Hippolyta, whose, magical , girdle,given to her by her father Ares, was the object of one of the labors
  11. Directions for making and using gems with similar figures and formulas for, magical ,purposes, it can scarcely be doubted that many of these stones are pagan
  12. Their best ever ", although later reviewers such as All music noted that" the, magical ,chemistry that made such albums as Paranoid and Volume 4 so special was
  13. He continued in his work. Before leaving the country he formed a sexual and, magical ,relationship with Leah Hiring, whom he had met earlier, and with her help began
  14. About the domestic economy. In the past, some women participated in collective, magical ,ceremonies, and were key participants in a rich folklore, today largely
  15. Ancient Gnostic texts, the larger Greco-Roman magical traditions, and modern, magical ,and esoteric writings. Opinions abound on Abraham, who in recent centuries has
  16. Saxons and Bavarians celebrating his prowess in battle, his heroism, and the, magical ,properties of his weapons. Aftermath To complete the coup d'état and legitimize
  17. Level of spiritual adepts, Crowley began to think about founding his own, magical ,society. In this he was supported by his friend and fellow occultist George
  18. Of Grenades and the other Latin authors have Abraham, which is found in the, magical ,papyri, and even, though most sparingly, on engraved stones. The attempts to
  19. Passions or arousal states it evokes—as a point upon which to focus the will or, magical ,desire for effects in the non-sexual world. In the view of Allen Greenfield
  20. Shumway's Black Magic foul play and what Crowley found when reading Shumway's, magical ,diary (everybody had to keep one while at the abbey for reasons explained in
  21. Too young to swear). When Loki, the mischief-maker, heard of this, he made a, magical ,spear from this plant (in some later versions, an arrow). He hurried to the
  22. Crowley's associations with the High bury area of London in his recorded, magical ,working, The High bury Working. Other comic book writers have also made use of
  23. He frequently referred to in later writings. Crowley began another period of, magical ,work on an island in the Hudson River after buying large amounts of red paint
  24. Took place at Mark Masons Hall in London, where Crowley accepted his motto and, magical ,name of Frater Perdurable, meaning " I shall endure to the end. " At around this
  25. Allan Bennett,Crowley's mentor, was said to have" instructed Crowley in the, magical ,use of drugs. " The Cairo revelation from Always/Away specifically recommended
  26. Rhine that he decided to abandon the law:" I determined when descending those, magical ,waters that I would not be a lawyer. " On his return to England he speculated
  27. Sometimes the whole space is taken up with the inscription. In certain obscure, magical ,writings of Egyptian origin ἀβραξάς or ἀβρασάξ is found associated with other
  28. The Middle Ages, bay leaves were believed to induce abortions and to have many, magical ,qualities. They were once used to keep moths away, owing to the leaf's Laurie
  29. A vampire-like spirit who threatens the life of human beings. People resort to, magical ,or religious means of repelling spiritual dangers from such malignant spirits.
  30. Serpent ". Soon, Crowley,Jones and J. F. C. Fuller decided to found a new, magical ,order as a successor to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, which would be
  31. To deal with his other foe, Ged tries to return to the safety of Role, but the, magical , protective Mage-wind drives away the ship on which he is a passenger. Unsure
  32. Utopia was to be the model of Crowley's commune, while also being a type of, magical ,school, giving it the designation" Collegium ad Spiritum Sanctum," The
  33. S plan with Foster was to produce his first son; but in spite of a series of, magical ,operations she did not get pregnant. By the end of 1915,the affair would be
  34. Which has the power to make the user invisible. It may be an actual helmet or a, magical ,sign with a rather poetic name. Ægir is an Old Norse word meaning" terror "
  35. 808) and John Teethes' scholar on the poem (795 - 808),Circe used, magical ,herbs to bring Odysseus back to life after he had been killed by Telecons.
  36. Sphere, also known as 'Columcille's Circle' or 'Petosiris's Circle' is a, magical ,prognosticating device for predicting the survival of a patient. Footnotes
  37. Of the Second Order of the Golden Dawn. Devoting himself fully to spiritual and, magical ,work, he began studying the Poetic, and recited the grimoire's preliminary
  38. And manifesting their True Wills. Two women, Hirsig and Subway (her, magical ,name was Sister Cyprus after Aphrodite),were both carrying Crowley's seed.
  39. Her enemies, or those who offended her, into animals through the use of, magical ,potions. She was known for her knowledge of drugs and herbs. That Circe also
  40. Meal, sweetened with honey and laced with wine, but also laced with one of her, magical ,potions, and she turned them all into pigs with a wand after they gorged
  41. Mather's and the Golden Dawn, and his writings suggest that he developed the, magical ,word Abracadabra during this time. Leaving Mexico, a country that he would
  42. When Di gory Kirk advises the young heroes that their sister's claims of a, magical ,world must logically be taken as either lies, madness,or truth. And" On the
  43. The Indian practice of Raja yoga in order to do so. Crowley had continued his, magical ,experimentation on his own after leaving Mather's and the Golden Dawn, and his
  44. The world, which would explain the current absence of such phenomena. When the, magical ,version of our world's history is set in contemporary times, the distinction
  45. 13 was a well-known event, many people from around the world witnessed the, magical ,return of the Apollo 13 crew members. However, the mission was not a very
  46. Fiction presented a hopeful outcome of rehabilitation and recovery by means of, magical ,techniques and the exercise of True Will. He overcame his addiction to heroin
  47. RuneScape. The bun yip is also a monster in Adventuresses. This version is a, magical , heavily built creature of the night that is part jackrabbit, part wolf, and
  48. It was on 18 March, after Crowley sought the aid of the Egyptian god Thoth in a, magical ,rite, that she actually revealed who" they" were – the ancient Egyptian god
  49. Results in the suppression of ferromagnetism and the reemergence of magic and, magical ,creatures. Alternate history shades off into other fantasy subgenres when the
  50. About Basil ides' teaching, ancient Gnostic texts, the larger Greco-Roman, magical ,traditions, and modern magical and esoteric writings. Opinions abound on

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