Examples of the the word, destiny , in a Sentence Context

The word ( destiny ), is the 5990 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And has not placed us like the families of the earth; who has not designed our, destiny ,to be like theirs, nor our lot like that of all their multitude, who worship
  2. There is any chance. But who knows what the future holds for me? If it's my, destiny , fine. " Osbourne compares it to going back to an ex-girlfriend, stating:" I
  3. Idols and repent in hopes of turning away God's judgment and fulfilling their, destiny ,as his chosen people. Jeremiah's fellow Israelites refused to heed his
  4. Amen, the supreme god, was increasingly seen as the final arbiter of human, destiny , the true ruler of Egypt. The pharaoh was correspondingly more human and less
  5. Great weapon for peace, competing with intercontinental missiles for mankind's, destiny ,", according to Malcolm T. Stamper, one of the senior management for the 747
  6. According to Nicholas de Lange, Judaism offers no clear teaching about the, destiny ,which lies in wait for the individual after death and its attitude to life
  7. Around him. The disadvantage of this is his inability to change any part of his, destiny ,so long as he wishes to appear sighted. The unraveling of the Bremen conspiracy
  8. Its precious oil only after being much pressed and squeezed, so Israel's, destiny ,is one of great oppression and hardship, in order that it may thereby give
  9. Within this conception that opposes Enlightenment ideals by seeing mankind's, destiny ,in a more tragic or pessimistic light. The idea that human beings are not above
  10. I swear so soon as age will permit ... I will use fire and steel to arrest the, destiny ,of Rome. " According to the tradition,Hannibal's oath took place in the town
  11. Model. Hawke's mother, Ellie,had an almost messianic belief in her son's, destiny ,and this contributed to his supreme self-confidence throughout his career. Both
  12. The signs featured the black letter" D" in place of the standard" D" in, destiny , In 2009,the team used the phrase" Always a Tiger" as its slogan. This
  13. Of God and that the family is central to the Creator's plan for the eternal, destiny ,of His children. " The document further explains that" gender is an essential
  14. Is swept by a plague. It asks a number of questions relating to the nature of, destiny ,and the human condition. The characters in the book, ranging from doctors to
  15. Cultural productions to assert and strengthen a sense of national unity and, destiny ,; less politically consolidated groups, especially those pursuing the goal of
  16. Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod's early history, and builds up to his final, destiny ,amongst the last of the mysterious Immortals. Through a mentor and fellow
  17. War of my own: the war I’m going to fight against them. That will be my true, destiny , " (The US had stopped supplies to Batista in March 1958,but left its
  18. For, or jurisdiction over, Canada; and Canada became responsible for her own, destiny , In a formal ceremony on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, the Queen signed both acts
  19. A theory of history that offers a profound contribution to the theory and, destiny ,of republicanism itself. " His position gained strength because he highlighted
  20. Spoken during the umbel are considered and consecrated, becoming part of the, destiny ,of those assembled. Goal A Gobi or Gothic (plural goal) is the historical
  21. Between an individual's fidelity to his own self-actualization, or " personal, destiny ," and the achievement of society's well-being. German philosopher Friedrich
  22. New kind of beginning # More than personal improvement is needed. " ... a new, destiny ,requires a new origin, and the new origin must be from God. " An early example
  23. Of any compelling evidence for anthropomorphic patriarchs controlling human, destiny ,from some hidden celestial vantage point, but it would be madness to deny the
  24. Common practice is to dress up on Purim. The Jews celebrate the change of their, destiny , They were delivered from being the victims of an evil decree against them and
  25. Sudden and stunning ending to what had once been looked at as a season of, destiny , 2009–present: The Ricketts Era 2009 Apparently handcuffed by Tribune's
  26. Themselves ... The species we see today are but the smallest part of what blind, destiny ,has produced ... In 1790,Immanuel Kant wrote in Critic her Urtheilskraft (
  27. Saying its" vision of the future and the relation between man and its, destiny ,is pushing the frontier of cinema as an art ". He was critical of the "
  28. It is important for people to feel like they are in control of their own, destiny , and preparing for uncertainty via civil defense may help to achieve this. If
  29. Is the destiny of the white race. Europe is truly towards the end of its, destiny ,as the leader of civilization. " Mussolini claimed that Yugoslavs posed a
  30. The low birth rate among whites, saying " The singular, enormous problem is the, destiny ,of the white race. Europe is truly towards the end of its destiny as the leader
  31. As well as to the righteous and wise of all nations. Hence, by descent and, destiny , each Jew stands under the divine command to obey God's will.: Second, we
  32. And is known as the wish-fulfilling tree. Here, the ability to determine your, destiny ,becomes a reality. It is also known as the Surya chakra. It supports the
  33. Not totally helpless, but is responsible, at least in some measure, for his own, destiny , Projection Some historians have argued that there is an element of
  34. To Greece as a whole;" their victory endowed the Greeks with a faith in their, destiny ,that was to endure for three centuries, during which western culture was born "
  35. One ", or " King Sebastian ". The Hidden One represents the fulfillment of the, destiny ,of mankind, designed by God since before Time, and the accomplishment of
  36. The way of a higher form of evolution. These machines are godlike. It is human, destiny ,to create them. — as quoted in New York Times Magazine of 1
  37. To human rights, and several specific enumerated rights, democracy," a common, destiny ," for all Comedians. Each of the islands (according to Title II of the
  38. Discussed a Organic verse suggesting that" suffering by fire is the Jews ', destiny ,in this world and the next ". He concluded" Therefore we are sure that the
  39. Are: Positives of cross ownership: * Closely ties each business to the economic, destiny ,of its business partners Cross ownership of shares is criticized for: * Wasting
  40. Law - have been killed in order to free humanity and allow it to shape its own, destiny , Forum: The Prince with the Silver Hand Set eighty years after the defeat of
  41. Our nature allows. In the exercise of our powers, we may become aware of the, destiny ,we are intended to fulfill. We are like travelers at an inn, or guests at a
  42. In Greek mythology, the mother of the Moira and Drastic, Goddess of, destiny , necessity, and fate The Apache HTTP Server, commonly referred to as Apache ()
  43. Shows him all the future heroes of Rome who will live if Aeneas fulfills his, destiny ,in founding the city. Norse religion The Poetic and Prose Edda's, the oldest
  44. The Actors who now felt the pressure of being on top of the division. But his, destiny ,was with the Reds. Now back in Houston, his two MVP awards and two (1975 &
  45. Depicting the hero's struggle against social pressures and the force of, destiny , German music, sponsored by the upper classes, came of age under composers
  46. His power called the world into being; His wisdom and goodness guide its, destiny , Of all the living creatures we know, humanity alone, created in His image and
  47. Into Media, and then Parthia. The Persian king was no longer in control of his, destiny , having been taken prisoner by Bess us, his Bactrian satrap and kinsman. As
  48. End of the world. Broadly speaking, Christian eschatology is the study of the, destiny ,of man as it is revealed in the Bible, which is the primary source for all
  49. Characteristics, and family. Karma binds together the notions of free will and, destiny , This cycle of action, reaction,birth, death and rebirth is a continuum called
  50. Goes on. The characters talk about him not as an enemy but as a force of, destiny , a" god ". The inescapable subtext is that Japan, in some bizarre way

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