Examples of the the word, beast , in a Sentence Context

The word ( beast ), is the 5996 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In the television anime Bey blade, the character Enrique possesses the bit, beast ,Amphitryon, which is based off this creature in design. * The amphisbaena is
  2. A cruel, wrathful,warlike tyrant "," Satan "," the devil ", and " the first, beast ,of the book of Revelation ". Many of the authors criticize only Jehovah, the
  3. Sign of the Cross and the imprecation" You will go no further," at which the, beast ,fled terrified, to the amazement of the assembled Pict's who glorified Columbia
  4. By Prudence, with three human heads symbolizing age and the triple-headed, beast ,(dog, lion,wolf) standing for prudence. File: Jan Vermeer van Delft 011.
  5. Wrote that it remained a profound mystery how the huge gulf between man and, beast ,could be bridged, Darwin wrote" Oh! " In the margin of his copy.
  6. Who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the, beast ,and the false prophet are, and they will be tormented day and night forever and
  7. Durham, then Abu Bakr said to 'AAIB," Tell your son the Barry to deliver that, beast , " Then 'AAIB said," No, until you tell us about your journey with the
  8. Her neck. During Carmilla's stay, Laura has nightmares of a fiendish cat-like, beast ,entering her room at night and biting her on the chest. The beast then takes
  9. Other; yea, they have all one breath; so that a man hath no preeminence above a, beast ,: for all is vanity. All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to
  10. Was frightened and hid again in his jar and begged Heracles to get rid of the, beast ,; Heracles obliged. The fifth labor proposed by Eurystheus was to clear out the
  11. And bite her on the neck. He then leapt from his hiding place and attacked the, beast , which took the form of Millard. She fled through the locked door, unharmed.
  12. Is like sleeping with an elephant. No matter how friendly and even-tempered the, beast , if one can call it that, one is affected by every twitch and grunt. " * Prime
  13. Animals, birds and even rocks. The natural history and illustration of each, beast ,was usually accompanied by a moral lesson. This reflected the belief that the
  14. Belle et la Beta it is Diana's power which has transformed and imprisoned the, beast , Diana/Artemis appears at the end of the 'Pastoral Symphony' segment of
  15. To strategically outsmart Jethro whenever the latter attempted to make her a, beast ,of burden. A three-act stage play based on the pilot was written by David
  16. Aztecs thought of it as a creature in its own right, and not merely a mythical, beast ,representing the king. Map Tomb On 3 August 2007,Mexican archaeologists
  17. Blue laws, which Adventists identify as being an aspect of the" mark of the, beast ,", as they support the concept of Saturday rather than Sunday worship. In 1977
  18. The monstrous Minotaur's almost impenetrable labyrinth which made slaying the, beast ,an endeavor of legendary difficulty. Additionally, Daedalus ' legend evokes
  19. Have the testimony of Jesus Christ. (12:13-17) ###A seven-headed leopard-like, beast ,emerges from the sea, having one mortally wounded head that is then healed. By
  20. Faber. **'Treads warily, accurately and responsibly round the great sleeping, beast ,', The Daily Telegraph,3 July 2010. *Ruskin, Richard," Resisting the Ninth
  21. By Richard Stallman, is a joke. While it refers to vi as the" editor of the, beast ," (vi-vi-vi being 6-6-6 in Roman numerals),it does not oppose the use of vi;
  22. Their strength and speed are extraordinary; they spare neither man nor wild, beast ,which they have espied. These the Germans take with many pains in pits and kill
  23. Crowley was astounded for the exhibit's number was 666,the number of the, beast ,in Christian mythology. Crowley took this all to be a sign from a divine entity
  24. The Messiah will return to earth and defeat the Antichrist (the ", beast ,"),Satan the Devil, in the battle of Armageddon. Then Satan will be put into
  25. And so discovered. Upon this, the goddess was enraged and changed her into a, beast , Thus, she became a bear and gave birth to a son called Areas. Either Artemis "
  26. Who had died, and would eventually pass to the living. # That the" mark of the, beast ," (Rev. 13:16–18) will be a universal decree enforcing the commandments and
  27. As hallmarks of modern art. " Nothing, really,is more moving than the maddened, beast , dying from unfulfilled desire and asking in vain for grace to quell its
  28. Which shared components with the IS-2 heavy tank and was nicknamed Everybody (", beast ,killer" ) for its ability to destroy German Tigers, Panthers and Elephants. The
  29. To that of dolphins and primates. Aristotle once said the elephant was" the, beast ,which passed all others in wit and mind. " The word" elephant" has its
  30. Of modern cattle has provided many insights about the aurochs. Remains of the, beast , from specimens believed to have weighed more than a ton, have been found in
  31. Album entitled Mad Hatter In gaming * Chimera (Dungeons & Dragons),a magical, beast ,in the fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons * Chimera, a vehicle of the
  32. Are left as food for the birds. Satan, the spiritual driving force behind the, beast ,and his armies, is imprisoned:: :I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having
  33. The first time. Reports from Central Russia beginning in March 2005 tell of a, beast ,that kills animals and sucks out their blood. 32 turkeys were killed and
  34. As Rose Week and special activities such as bird watching evenings and great, beast ,hunts. In 2006,the City Council set aside UK£8 million to continue this work.
  35. Followed him on white horses. " Rev 19:14 Revelation continues:" I saw the, beast , the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war
  36. With Noah in which he said," The fear and the dread of you will be on every, beast ,of the earth, on every bird of the air, on all that moves on the earth, and on
  37. Great applause; he had the charge of exhibiting gladiatorial shows and wild, beast ,events in the province, and statues were erected in his honor by the senate of
  38. A lamb and speaking like a dragon. He directs people to make an image of the, beast , breathing life into it, and enforcing all people to bare" the mark of the
  39. Dog, Canis Major. Canis Minor is sometimes connected with the Tennessean Fox,a, beast ,turned into stone with its hunter, Laelaps, by Zeus, who placed them in heaven
  40. Its internment at Scala Flow," Don't forget that the enemy is a despicable, beast ," and arranged the surrender of the German Fleet as a grand spectacle of
  41. By the time of the Roman Empire, when they were widely popular as a battle, beast ,in Roman arenas, and excessive hunting began and continued until it was nearly
  42. As the world empire of false religion, and that it will be destroyed by the, beast ,just prior to the great tribulation. Witnesses believe that after all other
  43. On the preterit interpretation of chapter 17,where the seven heads of the ", beast ," are regarded as the succession of Roman emperors up to the time of the fall
  44. The ten labors set for him. Eurystheus' third task did not involve killing a, beast , but to capture the Hercynian Hind, a golden-horned stag sacred to Artemis.
  45. The marriage supper of the Lamb. (19:7-10) ##The Millennium ###The, beast ,and the false prophet are cast into the lake of fire. (19:11-21) ###Satan is
  46. Gentiles tread the holy city underfoot for 42 months, or 3½ years; 11:2 and the, beast ,is given authority to continue for 42 months, or 3½ years.13:5 Narrative
  47. His symbols included a goat and a fish, which later combined into a single, beast , the goat Capricorn, recognised as the Zodiacal constellation Capricorns. He
  48. Cat-like beast entering her room at night and biting her on the chest. The, beast ,then takes the form of a female figure and disappears through the door without
  49. Name, wages war against the Saints, and overcomes them. (13:6-10) ###Another, beast ,appears, but from the earth, having two horns like a lamb and speaking like a
  50. First Bowl: A" foul and loathsome sore" afflicts the followers of the, beast , (16:1-2) ####Second Bowl: The sea turns to blood and everything within it

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