Examples of the the word, spider , in a Sentence Context

The word ( spider ), is the 5969 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. By transfer of body fluids from soft parts before the new skin hardens. A, spider ,with a small abdomen may be undernourished but more probably has recently
  2. And eaten as a snack referred to as" canals ". The predominantly herbivorous, spider ,Buffer Kipling, which is found in Central America and Mexico, feeds on nubs
  3. 1 %) or higher for several hours will eliminate pests such as white flies and, spider ,mites in a greenhouse. Carbon dioxide is used in greenhouses as the main carbon
  4. Prose and Verse (1882) Arachnophobia or arachnophobia (from the, aráchnē,", spider ," and, phóbos," fear" ) is a specific phobia, the fear of spider s and other
  5. The students why spider s celebrate" National Stupid Day," implying that the, spider ,was squished. Davis quickly apologized for the poorly timed comic strip
  6. With thousands of spider eggs in order to spread the virus that gives people, spider ,powers. He is stopped and captured by the new heroic version of Venom, but he
  7. Be touched by or touch an object and be afraid because it could feel like a, spider , Arachnophobia may feel humiliated if such episodes occur in a social setting.
  8. Evil thought” precedes a series of three shots of the protagonist looking at a, spider , and ants eating an insect, though at a later point in the film when he
  9. Of a small piece of hardwood at the vertex of the cone (Nationals),or a ", spider ," bridge, made of metal and mounted around the rim of the (inverted) cone (
  10. Labeling a spider 's anatomy to an elementary student drawing a picture of a, spider ,on its web). As it is generally the case that in a given" homeschool" very
  11. Medical College of Georgia has found that venom from the Brazilian wandering, spider ,contains a toxin, called Tx2-6,that causes erections. Scientists believe that
  12. Anthraconectes, Megarachne (originally misinterpreted as a giant, spider ,) and the specialized very large Hibbertopterus. Many of these were amphibious.
  13. Failure of ~100 J·g−1 (comparable to one of the toughest natural materials –, spider ,silk),and strength as high as ~1.4 GPA. Effort is ongoing to produce CNT
  14. Harvested by miners as glitterati spice, an illegal psychoactive narcotic. The, spider ,used the webs to catch bogeys, tiny energy creatures that it consumed for
  15. Veterans Day that appeared in newspapers on November 11, 2010. In the strip,a, spider ,who is about to be squashed by Garfield boasts that if he is squished, he will
  16. That has visible signs of their presence, such as webs. If arachnophobia see a, spider , they may not enter the general vicinity until they have overcome the panic
  17. Prior knowledge of what it might find, is the Web crawler or search-engine, spider , These software agents are dependent on the semantic clarity of web pages they
  18. Shuttle. Athena then struck Arachne with her staff, which changed her into a, spider , In some versions, the destruction of her loom leads Arachne to hang herself in
  19. Biologists Romans and Bestsellers discovered in the early 1980s a Cameroons, spider , which they in 1994 named Pachygnatha Zappa because" the ventral side of the
  20. Dried exoskeleton typically remains hanging where it was abandoned once the, spider ,has left. To open the old exoskeleton, the spider generally contracts its
  21. Computation that inputs the perceptional data,e.g. a visual image of a, spider ,and outputs the appropriate reaction,e.g. fear of possibly dangerous animals.
  22. To hang herself in despair; Athena takes pity on her, and transforms her into a, spider , The fable suggests that the origin of weaving lay in imitation of spider s and
  23. Details of the" ants" seem somewhat similar to the description of the camel, spider ,(Solitude),which are said to chase camels, have lots of hair bristles, and
  24. Q wave wound flat coil often used for crystal sets, that somewhat resembles a, spider ,'s web. * A telephone cord is usually manufactured in a coiled fashion, as to
  25. Can easily be adjusted (i.e. from an 8th grader detailing and labeling a, spider ,'s anatomy to an elementary student drawing a picture of a spider on its web).
  26. Captain America is captured by the Jackal and forcibly mutated into a giant, spider ,mutant, whom the Jackal calls" Spider-King. " As Spider-King, Steve Rogers is
  27. Which in turn hang from the original silk attachment. At this point the, spider ,is a callow; it is general and vulnerable. As it dangles, its exoskeleton
  28. S powers were magic-based, rather than as the result of a radioactive, spider ,'s bite. Additionally, Straczynski resurrected the plot point of Aunt May
  29. Their phobia. In some extreme cases, even a picture or a realistic drawing of a, spider ,can also trigger fear. Arachnophobia may also be touched by or touch an object
  30. Park—the name Tortuguero can be translated as" Full of Turtles"—is home to, spider , howler and white-throated Capuchin monkeys; the three-toed sloth and two-toed
  31. It was abandoned once the spider has left. To open the old exoskeleton,the, spider ,generally contracts its abdomen (opisthosoma) to supply enough fluid to pump
  32. Artist Elizabeth Thompson created a giant 200 kilogram sculpture of a, spider ,using Blu-Tack over a wire frame. It took 4000 packs and was exhibited at
  33. Inadvertently awakens Among (Spica in the English-dubbed version),a giant, spider ,that was sleeping in a valley. Among attacks the caves where the scientists
  34. Used in the Pacific. Napalm proved useful, burning away the vegetation hiding, spider ,holes and usually killing their occupants. The Point The fortress atop The
  35. Seduces Ninkurra, and from the union Ninkurra gave birth to TTU (weaver or, spider , the weaver of the web of life). A third time ENI succumbs to temptation, and
  36. Was born on 17 February 1894. As a child, Tolkien was bitten by a large baboon, spider ,in the garden, an event which some think would have later echoes in his stories
  37. In the myth repertoire of the Attic vase-painters. Arachne's name simply means, spider ,(αράχνη). Arachne was the daughter of a famous dyer in Tyrian purple in
  38. Case the beverage is known as tarred. Patagonia Marine species such as salmons, spider ,crabs, squids and other shellfish and mollusks may be fished in this region's
  39. Collar over turned-up jacket lapels, cardboard insignia, an armband, and a, spider ,pencilled large in black on his forehead, thus turning him into an officer of
  40. And genders, but generally will be between five times and nine times before the, spider ,reaches maturity. Not surprisingly, males generally being smaller than females
  41. They work together to defeat Among by using their atomic rays on the giant, spider , The scientists finally use their perfected weather altering device on the
  42. Called modules on the island),oysters, lobster and crabs – especially, spider ,crabs – orders, and conger. Jersey milk being very rich, cream and butter have
  43. Flatulence. Appearing only in the Star Wars Expanded Universe is the spice, spider ,of Vessel, a creature made of glitterati spice and silicon that spun
  44. Spider-King. " As Spider-King, Steve Rogers is impregnated with thousands of, spider ,eggs in order to spread the virus that gives people spider powers. He is
  45. As its surrounding skin ruptures, but it remains attached at the back. Now the, spider ,works its limbs free and typically winds up dangling by a new thread of silk
  46. And Dragons, where they may be constructed of nearly any material from wood to, spider ,silk. The large influence of Dungeons and Dragons on video games and other
  47. Relationship between the sand bee (Andrea nigroaenea) and the early, spider ,orchid (Offs spheres); the latter is dependent for pollination on the
  48. Giving birth. The role of midwife is usually played by a female deity, like the, spider ,woman of Native American mythology. Male characters rarely figure into these
  49. And indexing spider s are Perl, PHP and C. Most search engines have their own, spider ,that is a single application responsible for crawling IRC and indexing data
  50. Evil thought” precedes a series of three shots of the protagonist looking at a, spider , and ants eating an insect, though at a later point in the film, when he

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