Examples of the the word, seasonal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( seasonal ), is the 5973 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Hundreds of thousands of Suriname migrate to Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana, many for, seasonal ,agricultural work. These flows of workers are obviously affected by external
  2. Followed by a weaker mixed assemblage of community development below the, seasonal ,thermocline during summer months and a surface-intensified autumn production.
  3. The first half of the 1970s,they remained well above pre-war levels, and total, seasonal ,attendance regularly hit new highs from 1962 onwards as the number of major
  4. Migrations of hundreds of thousands of Suriname to Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana for, seasonal ,agricultural work. About a third of Suriname adhere to traditional African
  5. Reaching the summer extremes of up to in the temperate zones. There is little, seasonal ,variation near the equator, although at times it can get cool enough for
  6. Allowing the rising of particular star-groups to herald annual floods or, seasonal ,activities. By the third millennium BCE, widespread civilizations had developed
  7. The influence from the Bay of Biscay (surface temperature reaches. The average, seasonal ,winter temperature is, but recent winters have been warmer than this. The
  8. By the degree of physio chemical stratification, which is, in turn, dictated by, seasonal ,physiographic development. During winter, strong wind promotes convective
  9. Nations. Located in the European Plains, Berlin is influenced by a temperate, seasonal ,climate. Around one third of the city's area is composed of forests, parks
  10. To revive the Delphic oracle, but failed. " * At Panama, in Lucia, there was a, seasonal ,winter oracle of Apollo, said to have been the place where the god went from
  11. Eisbock (9.5 %) *Paddock wood Brewing Co, Saskatoon,SK:" Mai Bock," a, seasonal ,May Bock style (7.3 %) *Clock tower Brewpub, Ottawa,ON:" May bock," a
  12. Migration Many bird species migrate to take advantage of global differences of, seasonal ,temperatures, therefore optimizing availability of food sources and breeding
  13. Australian Customs and Border Protection Service. The islands are visited by, seasonal ,caretakers. Ashore Reef is called Play Pair by Indonesians, and considered
  14. Intermediate uplands. Terrain differences cause wide local variations, but the, seasonal ,distribution is the most consistent of any area. In 2009 an expedition from
  15. Anderson, Healy and Cantwell. Climate Interior Alaska experiences extreme, seasonal ,temperature variability. Winter temperatures in Fairbanks average −12 °F (−24
  16. Fresh water discharge from major rivers draining southeastern Europe, and the, seasonal ,variations in the Black Sea surface water outflow through the Dardanelles
  17. Australia, the USA, Africa,the Middle East, Asia and Europe. Its occurrence is, seasonal ,in the affected Mediterranean countries, subsiding when temperatures drop and
  18. Pathways for periodic pilgrimages and facilitating regional gatherings for, seasonal ,ceremonies. Furthermore, considering that some of these roads seem to go
  19. The efficiency of air conditioners is often (but not always) rated by the, seasonal ,energy efficiency ratio (SEER). The higher the SEER rating, the more energy
  20. Retention capacity, maritime climates are more moderate and have less extreme, seasonal ,variations than inland climates. Precipitation can be approximated from coastal
  21. Are subject to severe restrictions and limitations resulting from extreme, seasonal ,and geographic conditions; they do not meet ICAO standards, and advance
  22. Rainy seasons. Natural hazards Botswana is affected by periodic droughts, and, seasonal , August winds blow from the west, carrying sand and dust, which can obscure
  23. Niger's tributaries – the Belt, the Googol, the Golden and the Cargo – are, seasonal ,streams and flow for only four to six months a year. They still, however,can
  24. BCE. Ancient civilizations developed it as a cylindrical system to predict, seasonal ,shifts and to interpret celestial cycles as signs of divine communications.
  25. As bream, shad,bass, and sucker are common. Along the Gulf Coast there are, seasonal ,runs of Tarpon, pompano,Red drum, and bonito. The U. S. Fish and Wildlife
  26. Has been established as an early habitation area for primitive man; This large, seasonal ,wetland is composed of several large component pans, the largest being Were
  27. Of both Thanksgiving and Halloween) and apples, which are used to make the, seasonal ,beverage apple cider. Melancholy association Autumn in poetry has often been
  28. In 1997. This dependence on coffee has increased Burundi's vulnerability to, seasonal ,yields and international coffee prices. It generates about 90 percent of export
  29. Pacific Ring of Fire with Earthquakes regions. / Environment - current issues:, seasonal ,smoke/haze resulting from forest fires in Indonesia Environment - international
  30. Of many amphibians is dependent not only on the quantity of rainfall, but the, seasonal ,timing. Several species have also adapted to arid and semi-arid environments
  31. Are among the wettest areas in Europe, receiving some rain annually. The, seasonal ,variation is not quite as great in the coastal area. The higher inland
  32. Communities. Southwest farmers developed irrigation techniques appropriate to, seasonal ,rainfall, including soil and water control features such as check dams and
  33. From astronomy, began when humans started to measure, record,and predict, seasonal ,changes by reference to astronomical cycles. Early evidence of this appears as
  34. Asia, and China. Historically, sailors in a type of ship called a dhow used the, seasonal ,monsoon winds to cross the water. The sea forms part of the chief shipping
  35. Is, but recent winters have been warmer than this. The average summer, seasonal ,temperature is, but every summer in the decade beginning 2001 has exceeded this
  36. Climatic influences of the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea, creating wide, seasonal ,variations. On the Armenian Plateau, the mean midwinter temperature is, and the
  37. How the spherical earth influenced the changing length of daylight, of how the, seasonal ,motion of the Sun and Moon influenced the changing appearance of the New Moon
  38. Been destined by birth to the life of a prince, and had three palaces (for, seasonal ,occupation) built for him. Although more recent scholarship doubts this status
  39. Curl’ mechanisms. The intra-annual strength of these features is controlled by, seasonal ,atmospheric and fluvial variations. The temperature of the surface waters
  40. Mango is retained),Longer (a chutney from Roselle plant),Atlas Add (a, seasonal ,festival predominantly for teenage girls),the banks of river Goddard, and
  41. Of service like that of the pre-Reformation church but less complex in its, seasonal ,variety and said in English rather than Latin. This use of a set order of
  42. The Oriel. In contrast, the rivers of the Mediterranean Basin are shorter, more, seasonal , and make a precipitous descent from the mountains of the Baltic Cordillera.
  43. And can sell for as much as USD 40 per pound (USD 90/kg) because they are, seasonal ,and hard to find. In the Colombian department of Santander, hormigas clones (
  44. Niger's tributaries – the Belt, the Googol, the Golden and the Cargo – are, seasonal ,streams and flow for only four to six months a year. They still, however,can
  45. Including the conquest of Egypt. In the Southern Hemisphere, August is the, seasonal ,equivalent of February in the Northern Hemisphere. In common years no other
  46. Significantly higher but vary widely depending on transportation costs, seasonal ,usage peaks, nearby petroleum development infrastructure and many other factors
  47. The Caspian Sea, local meat (mainly mutton and beef),and an abundance of, seasonal ,vegetables and greens. Saffron-rice plot is the flagship food in Azerbaijan and
  48. Country, including: *Phillips Brewing Company, Victoria,BC:" Instigator ",a, seasonal ,doppelbock (8.5 % ABV) *Cree more Springs Brewery, Creemore, Ontario:" rock
  49. The Northern Hemisphere and autumn in the Southern Hemisphere, where it is the, seasonal ,equivalent to October in the Northern Hemisphere and vice versa. April starts
  50. Spring Bock *Vancouver Island Brewery, Victoria,BC:" Terminator ",a, seasonal ,aback (9.5 %) *Paddock wood Brewing Co, Saskatoon,SK:" Mai Bock," a

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