Examples of the the word, liaison , in a Sentence Context

The word ( liaison ), is the 5970 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Were second cousins, in 1110,but he ignored the papal nuncio and clung to his, liaison ,with Errata until 1114. During his marriage, he had called himself" King and
  2. It appears in the insignia of Regular Army officers assigned to National Guard, liaison ,and in the insignia and unit symbols of National Guard units themselves. For
  3. From the Latin" crimes larvae mainstays ": the crime of injured majesty);, liaison ,: a close relationship or connection; an affair. The French meaning is broader;
  4. During the phone call, but Frank Borman, who was at the White House as a NASA, liaison ,during Apollo 11,convinced Nixon to keep his words brief, out of respect of
  5. Stratford, who became known as" The Unhappy Countess" due to the tempestuous, liaison , The revised version, which is the novel that the world generally knows as
  6. Through: embassy – Greek embassy in another country general consulate –, liaison ,office – no representation – Greece Macedonia Greece continues to reject the
  7. 1950 to 1953,he was attached to the U. S. Embassy in London as a scientific, liaison ,officer with the Office of Naval Research, where he studied research programs
  8. For all the Great Powers. The league was loose at best, though a secret, liaison ,officer was exchanged between the Greek and the Serbian army after the war
  9. I and his murdered mistress Ines de Castro and with it the story of the tragic, liaison ,between Pedro and his ever-lasting love for Ines. Forced at an early age by
  10. And an advert for" Miss Parkers School ". The work probably resulted from his, liaison ,with Mary Parker. The school advertised on the last page is the one he set up
  11. Also called Lady with Lapdog),which depicts what at first seems a casual, liaison ,between a married man and a married woman in Yalta. Neither expects anything
  12. Longest-lasting love was with a flower girl named Sophie Hess from Vienna. This, liaison ,lasted for 18 years and in many of the exchanged letters, Nobel addressed his
  13. Great love, Rosamund Clifford, in 1176. He had met her in 1166 and began the, liaison ,in 1173,supposedly contemplating divorce from Eleanor. This notorious affair
  14. Davis in Detroit for some mescaline. In early 1916,Crowley had an illicit, liaison ,with Alice Richardson, the wife of Amanda Coomaraswamy, one of the greatest art
  15. In fact the illegitimate daughter of Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria from his, liaison ,with Anna Wachowski); despite the outward hostility of her family, the two were
  16. It is noted, however,that he" once permitted himself to be seduced" in the, liaison ,which produced his secret daughter. Plot lines Dune As Dune begins, a
  17. Organisations such as the BNP is incompatible with Christianity. The Council's, liaison ,officer denies it is a BNP front. * Opponents of the BNP claim that the English
  18. Ph.D. in physics from Princeton University in 1948 and working as a scientific, liaison ,officer in the U. S. Embassy in London. He became a leading figure in early
  19. A close relationship or connection; an affair. The French meaning is broader; ", liaison ," also means bond such as in" one liaison critique" ( a chemical bond);
  20. Solaire). In 1947–48 he founded the Revolutionary Union Movement (Groups de, liaison ,Internationale – GI) The driver of the FACEL Vega car, Michel Hallmark, his
  21. During Operation Mulligatawny. There, he supported the resistance as a, liaison ,officer. Frank Thompson was captured and on 10 June 1944 he was executed. His
  22. As observers to the executive committee, and the FCC chairman participates as a, liaison , US DOD is required by law to" maintain a Standard Positioning Service (as
  23. Music. In Hollywood a Music Supervisor's primary responsibility is to act as, liaison ,between the film production and the recording industry, negotiating the use
  24. Also makes appearances, where he is mentioned to have had a brief romantic, liaison ,with future teammate Fanny Hill Cultural legacy A" Days of Syn" festival is
  25. A vowel, however,a silent consonant may once again be pronounced, to provide a, liaison ,or" link" between the two words. Some liaison s are mandatory, for example the
  26. Car: at one end" Light Reconnaissance" or" Scout" cars used for scouting and, liaison ,work between units and generally lightly armed such as the Daimler Dingo to, at
  27. Support' also means that the artillery unit provides artillery observation and, liaison ,teams to the supported units. Sometimes direct support units are placed under
  28. Many sponsoring agencies employ a full-time community-service person as, liaison ,to the CERT members. In some communities, the liaison is a volunteer and CERT
  29. Level was achieved by a similar, cross-partisan action with Fromm as, liaison ,officer working to integrate International Electromechanical Commission,TC83
  30. The British embassy in the Chinese capital. The Hong Kong Government has also a, liaison ,office in Beijing, and an KETO at Guangzhou, Guangdong. A few more Cheetos will
  31. Handles business and legal issues. * Line Producer: The Line Producer is the, liaison ,between the Studio or Producer and the Production Manager. * Production Manager
  32. Of Party Rallies and Demonstrations ". Speer's next major assignment was as, liaison ,to the Berlin building trades for Paul Troost's renovation of the Chancellery.
  33. Damaged the relation with Van Rysselberghe. This was possibly his only sexual, liaison ,with a woman, and it was brief in the extreme, but his daughter Catherine became
  34. Mission for Cambodia (UNAM IC) was deployed at the same time to maintain, liaison ,among the factions and begin defining operations to expedite the repatriation
  35. The attention of Adolf Hitler, who placed Rommel in charge of the War Ministry, liaison ,with the Hitler Youth's (Hitler Jug end),Headquarters of Military Sports
  36. The relationship between the author and the editor, often the author’s only, liaison ,to the publishing company, is often characterized as the site of tension. For
  37. General Assembly had appointed Alan Rothman as their official extraterrestrial, liaison ,by the UK paper The Sunday Times. This claim was later refuted. Theoretical
  38. Monthly magazines; Insight and the Gibraltar Magazine. Europeans Media, in, liaison , with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Gibraltar, also publishes a monthly magazine
  39. The French meaning is broader;" liaison " also means bond such as in" one, liaison ,critique" ( a chemical bond); Liberty, Égalité, Fraternité:" Liberty
  40. Were later followed by two Fouetté III SA.316 B helicopters, used mostly for, liaison ,purposes, one twin-engined Aero Commander 500 light utility aircraft, two
  41. Means that the directly supporting artillery unit provides observers and, liaison ,to the maneuver troops being supported, typically an artillery battalion or
  42. S mausoleum. Events of Heizei's life Before he ascended to the throne, his, liaison , with Fujiwara no Usual, the mother of his one consort, caused a scandal.
  43. Person as liaison to the CERT members. In some communities,the, liaison ,is a volunteer and CERT member. As people are trained and agree to join the
  44. Execute them and to exercise" supreme command of the Army and the Navy ". The, liaison ,conference created in 1893 also made the Emperor the leader of the Imperial
  45. Known most notably for his book Seven Pillars of Wisdom and his role as, liaison ,for the Arab revolt during World War I. Lawrence even used the name" Shaw" as
  46. Pore, Čáslav and a half-brother Radio (Gardenias) from his father's, liaison ,with another woman. Radio chose a clerical career as did Albert, and took the
  47. Consensus-driven working groups, global conferences and workshops, standards, liaison , and educational efforts to promote widespread acceptance of metadata standards
  48. S The Whispering Chorus, in which a supposedly dead husband is having a, liaison ,with a Chinese prostitute in an opium den, while simultaneously his unknowing
  49. The United States (and from 2001 to 2003 Head of Special Projects for CONCACAF,a, liaison ,to the e-FIFA project and a 2002 FIFA World Cup delegate),became the first
  50. With romanticism in music, literature,and the fine arts—many of them via his, liaison ,with George Sand. Chopin's music is, however,considered by many to epitomize

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