Examples of the the word, infantry , in a Sentence Context

The word ( infantry ), is the 5971 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Looser tolerances do not allow for precision and consistency. Reflecting Soviet, infantry ,doctrine of its time, the rifle is meant to be part of massed infantry fire
  2. Direct-fire support during an assault. Many also have firing ports allowing the, infantry ,to fire personal weapons while mounted and improved armor. They are typically
  3. With the Serbia River between them, and placed a strong force of cavalry and, infantry ,in concealment, near the battle zone. He had noticed, says Polybius, a “ place
  4. Signed which would lead to Azerbaijan producing armored personnel carriers, infantry ,fighting vehicles, and small caliber artillery pieces. Another 2008 report
  5. The war, the Germans began to create makeshift assault guns by mounting their, infantry ,support weapons on the bed of a truck or on obsolete tanks with the turret
  6. Role of troops in combat. After the evolution of armored warfare, mechanised, infantry ,were mounted in armored fighting vehicles and replaced light infantry in many
  7. The Marne in 1914 during World War I, while serving as a member of the Mojave, infantry ,regiment. Camus and his mother lived in poor conditions during his childhood in
  8. An estimated 73+ 'brigades ', each with a mean strength of 1,000 and comprising, infantry , tanks, APC,artillery, and AA units as required (KISS Military Balance 1990
  9. Calling on the state to furnish one regiment of cavalry and one battalion of, infantry ,to join the United States Army. Ten companies of men assembled here, where they
  10. Soviet infantry doctrine of its time, the rifle is meant to be part of massed, infantry ,fire, not long range engagements. The average service life of an AK-47 is 20 to
  11. War with Armenia over Karabakh resumes. Turkey has provided Azerbaijan with, infantry ,weapons, tactical vehicles (jeeps, trucks,etc.) professional training
  12. Of four major units: *1st Battalion, Antigua and Barbuda Regiment - this is the, infantry ,unit and fighting arm of the defense force. *Service and Support Unit -
  13. And here he proposed to lay a stratagem to surprise the enemy ”. When the Roman, infantry ,became entangled in combat with his army, the hidden ambush force attacked the
  14. Decreased throughout the war, most battalions were split up and assigned to, infantry ,units as supporting arms, fighting as assault guns or being used essentially as
  15. Infantry were mounted in armored fighting vehicles and replaced light, infantry ,in many situations. In modern armored warfare, armoured units equipped with
  16. Of the nation. Again, under the cover of intense aerial bombardment, U. S., infantry ,and local Afghan forces attacked, shattering the al-Qaeda position and killing
  17. The new army was formed on the basis of the 18-110 military unit of mechanized, infantry ,of the Soviet Ground Forces (probably part of the 4th Army) located in
  18. Weaponry varies by a very wide degree between AFIS - lighter vehicles for, infantry ,carrying, reconnaissance or specialist roles may have only a machine gun for
  19. A weapon that could cross large distances at much higher speeds than supporting, infantry ,and artillery. The need to provide the units that would fight alongside the
  20. From the Central American Federation. *1863 – A 65-man French Foreign Legion, infantry ,patrol fought a force of nearly 2,000 Mexican soldiers to nearly the last man
  21. British Although initially flawed in its division of tanks into cruiser and, infantry ,support roles, repeated encounters with German armor led the British to
  22. During the Second World War. The APC allows the safe and rapid movement of, infantry ,in a combat zone, minimising casualties and maximizing mobility. APC's are
  23. From distant musket fire. The horse was afforded protection from lances and, infantry ,weapons by steel plate boarding. This gave the horse protection and enhanced the
  24. Wide range of AFIS that exist today, with most armies having vehicles to carry, infantry , artillery and anti-aircraft weaponry by the end of World War II. Most modern
  25. Been heavily armored vehicles, the former providing close fire-support for, infantry ,and the latter acting as specialized anti-tank vehicles. Modern self-propelled
  26. Due to increased lethality of the weapons available to the vehicle-mounted, infantry , The armored personnel carrier (APC) is a relatively recent development
  27. Culminating in the Soviet BTR-60 and US M113. Infantry fighting vehicle An, infantry ,fighting vehicle (IF) is an armored personnel carrier which can provide
  28. When three British Mark IVs met an advance of three German A7Vs,supported by, infantry , Tanks were knocked out on both sides, but the German attack failed and they
  29. Philippine–American War: Filipino guerrillas launch a surprise attack on U. S., infantry ,and begin a four-day siege of Causing, Philippines. *1912 – The British
  30. A number of American tank destroyer units were used in the assault gun role for, infantry ,support. The ARE version of the Churchill Tank was armed with a Spigot Mortar
  31. For use in the direct fire role in support of infantry when attacking other, infantry ,or fortified positions. Historically the custom-built fully armored assault
  32. 140 main battle tanks,600 reconnaissance vehicles, over 320 armored vehicles, infantry ,fighting vehicles,298 howitzers carriers. In 1990-91,the Army had ten
  33. Situations. In modern armored warfare, armoured units equipped with tanks and, infantry ,fighting vehicles serve the historic role of both the battle cavalry, light
  34. Turkey and Iran. In early 2005,the 102nd Military Base had 74 tanks,17 battle, infantry ,vehicles,148 armored personnel carriers,84 artillery pieces,18 MiG-29
  35. Noble to respond to the call to battle with his own equipment, archers,and, infantry , This decentralized system was necessary due to the social order of the time
  36. Armored personnel carrier Armored personnel carriers are intended to carry, infantry ,quickly and relatively safely to point where they are deployed. In 1918,the
  37. Or armored chassis, designed for use in the direct fire role in support of, infantry ,when attacking other infantry or fortified positions. Historically the
  38. Fitted with a low-velocity gun, and was assigned to the artillery arm for, infantry ,fire support. Later, after encountering Soviet tanks, it was refitted with a
  39. Vehicles. Many are equipped with machine guns for defense against enemy, infantry , The key advantage of self-propelled over towed artillery is that it can be
  40. Visitors. The museum serves as Russia's monument to this world-renowned, infantry ,weapon. Nadella Vechtomova, the museum director stated in an interview that
  41. Equipment - Army Light equipment Armour *BMD-1 airborne amphibious, infantry ,fighting vehicle - 10 Field Artillery *2B9 Vasily ok 82 mm mortar - 250 -
  42. Tactics from being executed. The order of priorities against an enemy, infantry ,unit is the enemy radio operator (in the past identified by the whip aerial of
  43. Fighting vehicle of Nazi Germany throughout the war, and was employed in, infantry ,support and offensive armored operations as well in the defensive anti-tank
  44. After hard lessons early in the war, machine guns were mounted for use against, infantry ,but the mounting was usually less effective than that which would be found on a
  45. Of their armor. In the early 15th century, advances in weaponry allowed, infantry ,to defeat armored knights on the battlefield. The quality of the metal used in
  46. Roles. For example, armoured personnel carriers were generally replaced by, infantry ,fighting vehicles in a very similar role, but the latter has some capabilities
  47. For the breakthrough role against fortified lines, particularly in support of, infantry ,formations). Other designations (such as Cavalry Tank, Cruiser Tank, and
  48. When it appeared in a military parade in 1967. Modern IFRS are well-armed, infantry ,carriers, differencing from earlier APC's by their heavier armament allowing
  49. And NCO's are dressed and armed in an identical manner to the rest of the, infantry ,squad),and the platoon or section machine-gunner. After the firefight has
  50. Divisions. Independent battalions were also deployed as 'stiffeners' for, infantry ,divisions, and the Tug III's anti-tank capabilities contributed greatly to

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